turtle tedd
Yes Sir....Bush and Miller real beers for real beer drinkers...not to heavy, not to much alcohol, smooth but not watered down like the "light" beers..
When I moved out to CA from MI back in '79, Bud and Coors were having the "beer wars" every other week one or the other was $1.59 a six pack. You couldn't even buy Coke for that price.
So whatever was on sale I bought a case of and put in the fridge. Sometimes there was no food in the fridge, but there was always beer. Damn, those were the days.
The beer I am hoping that will do the Westward Expansion is Piels. Seem you can only get it on the in the Eastern Seaboard states. It was bought by Pabst (Pabst Blue Ribbon) a while back. Since a while back even Pabst was not made by the owners, only contracted to a brewery in Milwaukee WI. The Pabst owners had the business as a Charitable Foundation and had IRS extend for additional 5 years had to end. Now it just was sold to another owner that is moving Pabst from WI Milwaukee to Los Angeles in Southern CA. I can’t see if they are going to brew Piels, if it stays part of Pabst, and then still only selling 3 thousand miles away on the East Coast US only.
The Pilsner Beer Piels is not in the same little stubby brown bottles I remember when I lived back east, but I hope it still is highly fizzed and the hop flavor is the same!
Just came across a motor cycle that had a side car, and posted on the back it said 2 wheel drive. Yep, no chain from the horizontal opposed engine to the rear wheel. Then from the motorcycle rear hub a shaft drive at 90 degrees providing side car 2nd wheel drive!