Babes, Bikes, and Booze.

Yes Sir....Bush and Miller real beers for real beer drinkers...not to heavy, not to much alcohol, smooth but not watered down like the "light" beers..
When I moved out to CA from MI back in '79, Bud and Coors were having the "beer wars" every other week one or the other was $1.59 a six pack. You couldn't even buy Coke for that price.

So whatever was on sale I bought a case of and put in the fridge. Sometimes there was no food in the fridge, but there was always beer. Damn, those were the days.
When I moved out to CA from MI back in '79, Bud and Coors were having the "beer wars" every other week one or the other was $1.59 a six pack. You couldn't even buy Coke for that price.

So whatever was on sale I bought a case of and put in the fridge. Sometimes there was no food in the fridge, but there was always beer. Damn, those were the days.

The beer I am hoping that will do the Westward Expansion is Piels. Seem you can only get it on the in the Eastern Seaboard states. It was bought by Pabst (Pabst Blue Ribbon) a while back. Since a while back even Pabst was not made by the owners, only contracted to a brewery in Milwaukee WI. The Pabst owners had the business as a Charitable Foundation and had IRS extend for additional 5 years had to end. Now it just was sold to another owner that is moving Pabst from WI Milwaukee to Los Angeles in Southern CA. I can’t see if they are going to brew Piels, if it stays part of Pabst, and then still only selling 3 thousand miles away on the East Coast US only.

The Pilsner Beer Piels is not in the same little stubby brown bottles I remember when I lived back east, but I hope it still is highly fizzed and the hop flavor is the same!

Just came across a motor cycle that had a side car, and posted on the back it said 2 wheel drive. Yep, no chain from the horizontal opposed engine to the rear wheel. Then from the motorcycle rear hub a shaft drive at 90 degrees providing side car 2nd wheel drive!


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A Ural motorcycle, a Russian made "go anywhere" bike that is basically a military vehicle that has been released to the general public. Not very powerful, and about as reliable as an HT bicycle engine. If you do the vigorously frequent maintenance, they will last for a long time.
There used to be a Ural dealership in the next town over. When they closed their doors forever alot of folks would come to the Harley shop I worked at hoping we had parts that would work on their Urals. No such luck.....
Here's their web site:
Ural | Russian Sidecar Motorcycles
Here's the wiki:
IMZ-Ural - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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One of my favorite beer stories was told to me by a friend of a guy I worked for.

They were in New Hampshire and were all partying in an old barn on a property that one of them had rented and it was a 24 hour, 7 day a week deal.
The guy I worked for said he was going for more beer and out the door he went. This is Sunday afternoon.
Monday and Tuesday go by, no Tom. Now the theory is that the cops have got him. Sun is setting on Wednesday and car lights come bouncing into the yard.

Tom gets out and says to the happy crowd, "I thought you might want Coors". Coors in those days couldn't be sold very far from Colorado since it wasn't pasturized and the governments were afraid of food poisoning.
He had driven to Colorado and filled the entire car with all the beer he could get in it except to drive and drove home, non stop both ways except for quick naps. He just threw blankets over the beer so that no one could see what he had. A few cops pulled up beside him and gave him the hard eye but didn't pull him over.

The car was scapped since the suspension didn't do to well. He threw the bottom of the back seat out when he got there to make more room.

Tom,his buddy and I went back for a last look at the barn since it was being torn down with the house for a housing development and there was a Coors can sitting on a beam. That's how I got to hear the story about how far a fella will go for a good beer.

The beer I am hoping that will do the Westward Expansion is Piels. Seem you can only get it on the in the Eastern Seaboard states. It was bought by Pabst (Pabst Blue Ribbon) a while back. Since a while back even Pabst was not made by the owners, only contracted to a brewery in Milwaukee WI. The Pabst owners had the business as a Charitable Foundation and had IRS extend for additional 5 years had to end. Now it just was sold to another owner that is moving Pabst from WI Milwaukee to Los Angeles in Southern CA. I can’t see if they are going to brew Piels, if it stays part of Pabst, and then still only selling 3 thousand miles away on the East Coast US only.

The Pilsner Beer Piels is not in the same little stubby brown bottles I remember when I lived back east, but I hope it still is highly fizzed and the hop flavor is the same!

Just came across a motor cycle that had a side car, and posted on the back it said 2 wheel drive. Yep, no chain from the horizontal opposed engine to the rear wheel. Then from the motorcycle rear hub a shaft drive at 90 degrees providing side car 2nd wheel drive!

I figure since I started this thread I'll allow the subject change (although you guys gotta keep the brew talk going cause im getting some good new ones to try) but yeah Urals are fun
Used to work at a motorcycle shop (Logan's) in Arizona and they worked on Urals. The main mechanic, an older asian man was a genius when it came to them and he not only worked on em but drove em like a pro too. he took me for a ride, me in the sidecart of course, and right when we turned the corner at the end of the block he threw it up on the two bike wheels and rode that fu*ker with me in the sidecart up in the air for about 100 feet! I was grippin that little metal box so tight they had to pry me off! fun times though.
I deny FastEddy's story. I was never in Canada, never smuggled beer across the border and to be honest, Coors gives me a headache if I drink it.
I do seem to remember something about taking the back seat out of a car once but it wasn't to transport beer and I lived in south Florida at the time.
There is no beer that gives me a headache! Ilike Summit Pale Ale, Leinenkugel's, Red Dog, Walleye Chop( hoppy lager), LeineRed the list goe's on. Too numerous to list , just afew of my favorite's.