azbill's EZM stretch project

I'll say it again Bill, Very nice. I love the pictures in front of the fountain. I know exactly where those were taken as I have been down there several times. We love to spend time in that area when we are in FH. My grand son loves to ride his bike around it. Can't wait to get there in a few weeks.
See you then.

nice NICE!!! i dunno what else to say, except it appears as though it came together exactly as you may have pictured it, i assume?
thats the thing....even though most of us arent master fabricators working with muti-thousand dollar motorcycles, we still are able to pull it off , when we set our minds to it.
i'm rambling (ADHD)
looks great! enjoy, brutha!
Nice stretch! I remember you mentioning why your running such a big rear sprocket, stump pulling was it? Cool ride, man!
That's a beautiful matching of function and looks. With that four stroke and the auto transmission it must be a dream to ride. Well done, sir!
a few people have asked for pics of my not-finished-yet stretch
the bike is a Micargi Mustang GTS (x-mas present)
I am still mid build and am waiting for an in-frame tank---azvinnie (my son-in-law) is making it (his first time making one) the tape is to protect paint during tank fitting :)
I have a budget of 0$, so am making it with what I have available
(I sold a back wheel and other parts to finance the sprocket/adapter I got from Jim -- thanks Elmo;))
I am doing a lot of measuring to get everything ready for the drive train swap from my Jaguar
(I need a bike Mon-Fri to take oldest grandkid to school, so I need to be up n running quickly)

1st pic is full side view showing whole bike
2nd pic showing Jim's sprocket (72T) and hd coaster wheel (12ga spokes)
3rd + 4th pic are MC mirrors I got on the bay and the seat post clamps I used to mount the mirrors
5th pic shows motor mount and pedal chain routing
I changed pedal sprocket to a 36T to make it easy to pedal with the girls/trailer, and routed chain under engine to lower the center of gravity (ie...better handling)
the motor mount is clamped to bottom tube with tensioner brackets and exhaust clamp saddles
the bracket on the seat post is to stabilize the engine/trans from side-to-side twist (bracket comes from an old seat post mounted rack)
I hope I have the patience to wait for Vinnie to do the tank ;), I am dieing to ride this bike :)

Howdy Wild Bill,

That 72t is massive; i was wonderin if you had any problems pushing Jim's adapter through all those spokes and, if so, what you did. I love the stretches! i must have one!
not at all...
Jim's adapter uses 3 points to pass thru the spokes
I am not using the stock wheels (68spoke), I am using 36 spoke wheels
Jim does make an adapter for the 68 spoke tho,,,
I believe that Justin at Pirate Cycles is his retail outlet for them :)
not at all...
Jim's adapter uses 3 points to pass thru the spokes
I am not using the stock wheels (68spoke), I am using 36 spoke wheels
Jim does make an adapter for the 68 spoke tho,,,
I believe that Justin at Pirate Cycles is his retail outlet for them :)

Yes; i bought one of jims 56t sprockets from justin and have it on a schwinn cruiser. i'm hoping if i get a stretch that i can swap out wheels or use the 26" ones from a mtn bike i have. i assume id need to fabricate the frame to accept hand brakes or find a stretch with better brakes. what i'll prob end up doing is just be satisfied with my schwinn for now and i am well satisfied with the ez and honda; it flies!

be seeing you
I have to say that is a beautiful ride. And with that gearing i bet it would even haul my round butt up a hill. Is the new seat more comfy?