Are Motorized Bicycles the Beverly Hillbillies of bicycledom?


Gutter Rider
May 26, 2011
Left coast
Re: Are MBs the Beverly Hillbillies of bicycledom?

I don't know that I've had any probs with the spandex crowd.
We've got an awful lot of them here because there's lots of good riding terrain, and they come here from elsewhere for events. Big ones!
I really am impressed with those 'melted looking' carbon fiber frames...
They are amazingly liteweight!
All those folks bicycle riding are in far better cardio-vascular shape than I, so good for them! I kinda need a motor assist.

Yah, I think motorized bicycles might be the hillbillies of 2 wheels.



Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
Re: Are MBs the Beverly Hillbillies of bicycledom?

Saturday I rode the Champion bicycle trail in Irving Texas. I motored it to the end, and peddeled back. I think about 6 miles one way. The looks on some peoples face was priceless.

Ewwwwuuu, OMG who let that hillbillie on the trail. Except this was an upscale yuppie part of town, and they weren't exactly thinking hillbillie. More like a word that starts with an n, and ends with row, lol.

Talk about a bunch of snoots.


New Member
Oct 29, 2011
Columbia Tennessee
Re: Are MBs the Beverly Hillbillies of bicycledom?

When i get rude comments on one of my mabs or the 150cc scooter i just laugh all the way to the bank. Let them think what they want but as long as I enjoy what I happen to be riding that is all that matters to me.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
Re: Are MBs the Beverly Hillbillies of bicycledom?

Lately on my trail experience, I've noticed that the guys that spent 5 grand or more on their bicycles are friendly, and seem happy, but the guys on 2000$$ bikes are the grumpy ones.

What this tells me is, it's more fun to be rich.


New Member
Nov 26, 2009
Rockwall TX
Re: Are MBs the Beverly Hillbillies of bicycledom?

If you want carbon fiber without the hype and the spaghetti looking fork, get a Kestrel.

I don't know that I've had any probs with the spandex crowd.
We've got an awful lot of them here because there's lots of good riding terrain, and they come here from elsewhere for events. Big ones!
I really am impressed with those 'melted looking' carbon fiber frames...
They are amazingly liteweight!
All those folks bicycle riding are in far better cardio-vascular shape than I, so good for them! I kinda need a motor assist.

Yah, I think motorized bicycle might be the hillbillies of 2 wheels.

MTB Moto

New Member
Dec 4, 2009
Re: Are MBs the Beverly Hillbillies of bicycledom?

I think...'s half the reason I do the motorized bicycle thing, to be different, the fun of a project, and sharing new ideas! I have plenty of fast stuff in the shop, and it's really fun when someone who knows me sees me on the motorized bicycle, they just give me a thumbs up while others around look and stare!

Reminds me of showing up at a local MX race on a "way" vintage moto, knowing I have no chance at winning, but that's not why I'm there, to win. I'm there cause I "can" be and that's all! Most guys are standoffish at first but when they realize they are "all" riding a cookie cutter motos and most of the cheers are for me even in last place they warm up real quick and wanna be see with the popular guy! I love it when they say: "Aren't you sick of getting beat by new modern 4 strokes?" I just say: "If you didn't get first today, you got beat by new modern 4 strokes, and your riding one so what's your excuse?"... LOL

The other half is I never cared what outsiders think, cause "this site" is where my real fun sharing friends are!



New Member
Nov 26, 2009
Rockwall TX
Re: Are MBs the Beverly Hillbillies of bicycledom?

Yesterday, some kids in a passing car yelled "F! Yeah!" and made the goat/devil horns "metal" hand sign. Some gangster rappers in their pimp mobile made a face at me and yelled "P!!!Y!" but they didn't say anything again when I flew by them later. hahaha I guess they decided it was cool.


Gutter Rider
May 26, 2011
Left coast
Re: Are MBs the Beverly Hillbillies of bicycledom?

Wow, Happy, that IS a nice bike.
with my copd and other probs, I still probably couldn't get real far without a motor. wonder how difficult it would be to put a chinagirl kit on that bike?
or a FD trimmer?
Maybe run just a little bit bigger back tire???
Tnx for posting!


New Member
Nov 26, 2009
Rockwall TX
Re: Are MBs the Beverly Hillbillies of bicycledom?

The fattest tire you will be able to squeeze onto that multi-thousand dollar Kestrel would be a 700x25. You could mount a friction drive to it, if you made your own mounts for the QR straps, but it would be like putting a kite and ROTAX on a fine stallion.


Mar 9, 2011
Los Angeles
Re: Are MBs the Beverly Hillbillies of bicycledom?

I am not sure what to think when I pass some guy on the sidewalk looking at me and then he scratches his head and just stares. I want to think he is just jealous but then maybe he is thinking if took out his hunting rifle would he still have a shot or would I be far enough down the road. What does "Banned" mean under someone's name when they post?


New Member
Oct 29, 2011
Columbia Tennessee
Re: Are MBs the Beverly Hillbillies of bicycledom?

I am not sure what to think when I pass some guy on the sidewalk looking at me and then he scratches his head and just stares. I want to think he is just jealous but then maybe he is thinking if took out his hunting rifle would he still have a shot or would I be far enough down the road. What does "Banned" mean under someone's name when they post?
ban 1 (bn)
tr.v. banned, ban·ning, bans
1. To prohibit, especially by official decree: The city council banned billboards on most streets. See Synonyms at forbid.
2. South African Under the former system of apartheid, to deprive (a person suspected of illegal activity) of the right of free movement and association with others.
3. Archaic To curse.


Mar 9, 2011
Los Angeles
Re: Are MBs the Beverly Hillbillies of bicycledom?

So if I see "banned" under the name it means their not allowed to ride in South Africa, at least pre Apartheid.


New Member
Nov 26, 2009
Rockwall TX
Re: Are MBs the Beverly Hillbillies of bicycledom?

Banned means the person can't post anymore, but you can still read their posts.

A hunting rifle? Maybe you should report that to police.

Were you riding on the sidewalk or just passing by?

Many Americans are ignorant of motorized bicycles and bicycles and motorcycles. That is why we call them cagers. It seems a lot of people for some reason think it is or should be illegal to ride a 50lb bike that gets 100mpg, while they are driving around 4000 lb machines that get 16-20mpg as if they were bumper karts.


New Member
Nov 26, 2009
Rockwall TX
Re: Are MBs the Beverly Hillbillies of bicycledom?

I have embraced my motor bicycle hillbilly lol. I ride in coveralls. It's comfortable and people quit making spandex comments lol.


Active Member
Jan 21, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Having ridden a motorized bicycle on eureka canyon road (a really big bike road in the santa cruz area) I have had my share of run ins with "spandex road bike snobs" and I can confirm that it is great fun to leave them in the dust after they flip you off, then fall back and pass them again and yell "You're doing it wrong!" as you pass the second time. You gotta make sure they are one of the snobs first though, I don't do it to everyone in spandex, just the ones that yell and give me the finger. And if anyone riding a normal bike who's not a jackass looks like they're having a hard time on a hill, I always slow down and ask if they want a boost. I have found that snapping the end of an industrial strength bungee cord onto an exhausted commuter's handlebars and dragging them up a mile long hill at 25mph is a great way to make new friends lol.

Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
There are only hillbillies where I live(d), and none of them rode a bike.
I only see spandexers on the Green way trail, and motorized bikes aren't allowed.

They still give me the hairy eyeball, because I am not anorexic, and I ride in a t shirt, jeans, and 'regular' shoes. Oh, probably the 1976 Panasonic ten speed doesn't help. :)