Anyone Buy a Kit From rose326a?

Yeah, I saw those posts about Pirate Cycle vs. Manic Mechanic that have mysteriously disappeared, so DMB, you are not alone.

As for buying from Pirate, see last post in this thread, I wanted to buy 10 half-links from them, and shipping was $30, no thanks, and later for that:

So, you see, I was ready to order a whole bunch of stuff from these guys in addition to a measly 10 half-links ( I just checked it again, still the same $30 shipping for 10 half-links), and wanted to get an idea of the S&H, but that type of rape, I am not down with, so later for them as a vendor.

By the way,
Anyone buy a kit from zminglu1968?
Just curious if anyone here has bought a kit from zminglu1968, Any good, any problems, etc. Their price is better than BGF, I may have to switch vendors:
80CC Engine Moto Kit for Motorized Bicycle Bike | eBay
I have nothing to add really except that one kit was enough for me. I sold the bike to someone else after a few months. I got the fever for motor bikes, just not for kits. Although I almost went back to a friction kit, until I saw the price tag on them.
I know what you mean about the friction drive prices. I was motorizing a bunch of bikes for the neighborhood kids around here, and I was using the DAX friction drive when it was 89 dollars and free shipping, Now that kit is $149.99 + $15 S&H, an increase of about 54%.

Unfortunately, the kids who were promised motorized bikes are the ones suffering now due to vendors' greed.
rohmell, not vendor greed but the government requiring that you have motors brought into the country certified that they meet the clean air act.
The tab for that is about $30,000. The customer pays that in the end. You know all to well which end your paying with.

rohmell, not vendor greed but the government requiring that you have motors brought into the country certified that they meet the clean air act.
The tab for that is about $30,000. The customer pays that in the end. You know all to well which end your paying with.


Fasteddy, We're talking about the friction drive kit,a bent piece of sheetmetal and some misc. hardware, it does not include any engine.
I am building with the drive wheel bolted to the flywheel. The engine is a weedeater type 30 or more cc and the clutch is a few pieces of fence stretcher bars. Shifter cable for throttle attched to the hand trigger cable with a brass cable stop. A spring for tension and your naborhood kids are riding again. See diy weed whacker revisited.

Kids and old guys like me is who I designed this for years ago. I moved on now I have moved back with a few new tricks.
Ah ha, the skys opened and the sun shone and I could for miles. Sorry rohmell.

Then on the brighter side. I just bought an electric hub motor kit for my bike and it was only $869. No battery

A $165 seems cheap after that.

Deacon, very interesting information in your thread. I'm gonna try a Ryobi with a centrifugal clutch.
the clutch wouldnt work for me but good luck. If you have to ditch the clutch save the nut and use it to cap the end of a pipe nipple for a spindle. make sure the spindle is against the fly wheel since you want as little wobble as possible to keep the bearing from going out. If the spindle sticks out at the end of the flywheel on that three inch spacer, it would probably need a bearing on the outside end as well. Good luck/
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yes i almost bought a kit from him/her last year for a rear friction drive. or maybe it was pit bike motor.
I have bought several kits from rose326a. Now for starters......the sellers don't always have control of the quality of the kit, where it's assembled they have control over. Now....I've bought about 4 kits and one individual motor from her....all of the motors I've gotten ARE GREAT and very reliable, not ONE problem....except when you get it have to pull the clutch cover off, remove wing nut and free the "3 pins" not too hard......after that reassemble and they usually fire right up and have quite a a bit of power even before break in, never had issues with leaking, missing parts, improper fits or etc. I'm building another motorized bicycle and I have a rose326a kit coming in the mail! I ONLY buy from her when I buy on ebay...otherwise the guys at bike berry are great too! I bought one kit from luckyearlybird, and it was OK.....the muffler was cheap and fell apart....but it did run good, but still not as good of a kit as the ones that come from rose, wherever she/he gets them...they're pretty good. One time I had a petcock leak and I wasnt under warranty(I forgot my time was up by 2 days) I sent a message explaining the issue calmly, saying I was still under warranty(which i wasnt :p) and said "could I please get a replacement" I get a reply saying, "I'm sorry for the troubles, sure! Send me the address and will ship tomorrow. I sent my address...came in the mail 2 days later. Never had problems with kits or customer service, I also have ordered tensioners, carburetors, fuel filters and other misc parts from her as well as motor99motor(another GREAT seller) Just my 2 cents.... , with the "forum2012" coupon, a new 66cc motor kit can be had for $152 CAD after shipping (however it may be different if shipping to the states). It's a type D motor from what I've seen, hardware looks like 12.9 alloy. My roommate runs it, came in only 3 days on basic shipping and it's pretty torquey, it's gotten to the point where he's going to weld the mount onto his bike (motor keeps yanking itself off-center)

EDIT: just checked how much to ship to the US... it's an incredible $135.63 USD AFTER shipping with the forum2012 code!

EDIT2: False alarm, that blows hard, found this on the motor kit page "Due to EPA regulations kits with motors are unavailable to USA."
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Rose is one of my go-to vendors. Mingsinternational is also the same people.I've bought several dozen kits from them without a problem except for one bad coil which was replaced free and fast.
I do pull the jugs on all new engines and rinse out all the debris before starting.
Hello this is a super old thread but I bought the last motor kit from this seller any thoughts on his kits thanks alot