Well poo-poo, I forgot all about this old thread. Shame on me. Hey guys. Good to see there are a few of you who share the hobby with me. Ray, I knew you did but I didn't get a chance to see your stable of beautiful planes when I was at your place. Nice collection, sir.
Anyway, since last posting here I've ben deeply back into my R/C planes and enjoying the hobby.
Lots of things have changed over the years, some good, some, well,,,,not for me. I don't like Styrofoam, I don't like the sound of electric motors, especially ducted fans in foamie jets. They remine me of the dentist office. But I love the smell of glow/nitro fuel exhaust and a good running four stroke engine. The bigger, the better.
The smallest engine I have is a Saito 91 but I typically fly planes with a Saito 150 or a 180. Asked why I fly such big plans I tell the truth. "Cause I need 'em big so I can see 'em." The smallest planes are a couple of 60 size Super Sportsters. My Saito 91s are just right for them. The biggest is a nine foot span Cessna 140 I built from a Jack Stafford kit. It has a YS 140 in the nose. I'm cramped for shop space so the ARFs (almost ready to fly) planes are more attractive right now. I have several of them. My favorite is a Seagull Spacewalker but I also have a Ryan STA, a Phoenix Spitfire, a Pawnee,

and a big stick with a 95 inch wingspan.
I'm heading to the flying field tomorrow so I need to go pack up some stuff. Keep in touch.