Another update on my Schwinn

Scary G

New Member
Well, you all know how it is. It don't matter how much work we

do on our projects, or how finished they may appear to everyone

else, theres always an idea that comes up that we just cant leave

alone. Ever since I first saw pics of the Schwinn Fat Boy the

wheels where turning. I started out modifying the original front

end but before I got too far on that I pulled this front end out

of my stash and thought "this will be much better." Its from a

Yamaha R6 that I turned into a go kart a few years ago. Once I

had the front wheel mounted, I was surprised to find how easy it

mounted to the frame. I had to fixture the inner race from the

bottom neck bearing from the Schwinn in the lathe and take a

couple thou off the inside. That was the extent of the modifying

to mount the front end to the frame.


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thats pretty amazing that those forks came off a yamaha R6 with minamal mods and fit your bike.... it looks great
Thanks guys. Yeah Glennbo, I was expecting to do alot of work to mount that up. I could hardly believe how easy it went.
Well we just cant leave things alone can we. I've started another project installing the driveline from a Yamaha scooter into another Schwinn frame that I'm customizing. I will then take the rest of the components from the current Schwinn and put them on the other frame. The scooter went 80 kmh
(50 mph) and I'm lightening it quite a bit so it could be interesting.


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Very interesting and innovative build. Thanks for sharing it with us.
I'm curious about the exhaust/muffler. It certainly looks good. What is it and how does it sound?

Well this is the first mock up of the frame. Not too happy with it as is. Partially because of the change in rake from the other frame I made a gross miscalculation on the stretch of the downtube. It needs a lot more stretch. So I guess I'm doin' some grinding tomorrow. Other than that, I'm pretty happy with how its all gonna work out. Thanks 2door, Its a Yamaha 50cc scooter. As far as how it sounds, its pretty quiet. That's one of the reasons I chose it for this build. The Chinese kit motors are not the quietest or the smoothest, but this thing is very quiet and very smooth and vibration free. That huge hideous looking thing to the right of the back tire is the reason for the lack of sound. The other reason I chose it was for the torque converter type driveline. That's the reason this little 50cc unit tops out at 80 kmh (50 mph). So add some stretch in the down tube and maybe a bit of rake in the neck and I think this is gonna work out alright.
There is one thing I haven't worked out yet. In order for it to qualify as a motorized bicycle here, it has to have working pedals, so I will have to route a chain under the engine somehow and attach a sprocket with freewheel to the rear wheel. Any suggestions?


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Ok a few mods to the frame and its looking better. I'm much happier with it now.


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extremely cool looking build! I really like how the scooter powerplant disappears into the overall lines...
Can't wait to see more!
Well the beast lives. This is the mockup pics so bear in mind a lot of what you see is temporary. The tank, oil tank, and a few other things will be changed. But the good news is it works and works well. I knocked a good 100 lbs off of it so it moves well. I was even doin' wheelies this morning. I don't know yet what the top speed will be but I know it accelerates a lot faster than the original scooter so I imagine it will outdo its 50 mph top speed.


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Its finally about done. Haven't got the permanent gas tank yet and not sure I will be keeping the current oil tank (fuel tank from a coleman stove, some of you may remember the first gas tank on my other Schwinn when I first built it with a pocket rocket engine) and still may mount signals on it yet but its pretty much done. I will post pics later when I get some time.
So this is where I'm at now. Things are comin along nicely. Still haven't got the permanent tank yet. But the pedals are operational. Built a jackshaft with a derailer to route the rear chain under the exhaust. Put a freewheel on a spacer at the back wheel to clear the fat rear tire. Still need to put a tensioner on the front chain and a halflink on the rear. Sorry about the blurry pics my flash wouldn't pop up for some reason so the shutter opened very slowly in the low light.


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Heres a couple new pics for ya all to check out. Almost hard to believe that a 48cc motor can have that kind of lower end torque and still do 55 mph.


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