Another Build from an abandon in the park bike

Who did you order the new engine from? I have not run the cylinders from the two Dax engines yet I only have the one I previously ported and it was of another make. I love the way this engine runs so far I only wish it was with the barrel it came with. I don't like the idea I have to machine the top to get it rite. I guess it would work, the main thing is that the rest of the buying public that get this engine would not have the means to do the work it needs to be correct. I know the cost of the engine is kept down by making as many steps easy as they can. The head gasket was pure Aluminum, I used it again with the new barrel but the head studs were too long and the nuts bottomed out and it blew the gasket out immediate. If I had run the engine straight out of the box I can only wonder if it would have worked, the barrel I took off could be taller. I never run the engines out of the box, there are too many things wrong with the engine that just need to be done, it would run but Why. Have fun, Dave
dude my engine had the same looking jug. i removed the base gasket to bring it level... i cant wait for my new engine to come in
got it from zero pulse on ebay, and im with you on not running them outta the box. the first one i got from him lost its guts a week or two in. he warrenty replaced that with a spick and span brand new engine that had no piston rings installed...... and im not ****ting you. i didnt even attempt to run it but im glad i was giving it a once over before or else i would have taken a good bit of life from it.
That is funny I think I saw the thread about that a while back. I tried to get an engine running a long time ago in the early 60's a Maytag washer motor with no rings, it was a cool twin cylinder model, but not a pop out of it. I never tried again, I don't think it can be done. Have Fun, Dave
I let one of the Lads at work ride the bike today, he has ridden every bike I have put together, said this one runs the best of them all. I think I agree, the green Hornet is still the fastest and I think the smoothest in vibration, but the bike does not sit as well as this one does. I need to take it apart and apply some paint, but I have an itch to build another. LOL. I think I need to get over it (NOT) the happy times just keep coming. Have fun, Dave
This last engine I got from Dax I am liking. I don't know if it will stay this way but this thing runs so nice is is a pleasure to ride. I wish I could figure out a way to post a Youtube vid. I tried but to no avail it just will not post. I would love for everyone to hear the way this thing runs, (as smooth as glass). I think I will try running the other one and not carve on the ports and see how that goes. I will add the extra washers under the head bolts before I try anything. I am looking for a section of 1" pipe to add to the frame I think it needs one just over the top of the engine. I want to add the truss bars to the front fork also I think it makes it look early. Have fun, Dave

egor...look at this early looking bike....the flying pigeon...Dennis


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Hi Dennis - That is a Dutch bike, I hear they are made very well. I see a women ride by my shop every day with one, It is a girls but accentually the same. That is the look I want for this bike. I would like to make a tank that fits between the bars. Have fun, Dave
Hi Dennis - That is a Dutch bike, I hear they are made very well. I see a women ride by my shop every day with one, It is a girls but accentually the same. That is the look I want for this bike. I would like to make a tank that fits between the bars. Have fun, Dave

old fashion brass or copper fire extinguiser...that would be classic...Dennis
I rode the bike today with the stock engine I don't like it at all. the carb will not lean out at all, I have the clip on the top notch and it still 4 strokes. I lowered the float and still the same. So I cut the slide and it is slightly better just off the idle but you still cant go near the wide open throttle, and I am at sea level. I have not idea what someone would do at an elevated city. I am doing this to see what the engines would be like if I could not do any engine work. In the past I have not run any of my engines stock I always take them apart and do the porting and check to see it the parts are in there proper places. One thing I noticed straight away is that the two kits have quite a few differences, and I ordered them together. On the one I was so glad to find the gears not screaming, then the next one is a real screamer, so out with that. I like the new clutch handle then the clips on the bottom to hold the plunger in place flew out clips gone!. I had to do a lot of carving the get the muffler to run past the pedals, I change the angle of the outlet port on the barrel. You know if they want to clone something to use on these engines they need to go get the old Tillitson carb, you could adjust everything from the outside, I think I only have one in my junk pile. LOL. These engines could be the best thing ever invented with just a few simple improvements. I wonder if the Russian version that was cloned to make the Happy engine kits were better though out? Well have fun, Dave
Well I am working on a genuine Honda. It is a PA50. So far I have only gotten it to run, the carb is fat and all it does is 4 stroke with no power. This thing has a lot of miles on it, it is interesting that after all these miles the engine has no rattle no piston slap or anything. It has a variator and the engine is part of the suspension, can't find out how to get the carb out yet, it is a reed valve engine and it is down in front of the rear wheel, (do I need to take the engine out?) Oh well I will figure it out. Have fun, Dave
Yea I had to take the engine out. But I got the carb cleaned and it is running great. I put the timing as far ahead as I could get it, and poked a hole in the muffler and took off the inlet to the air box, it was melted. I could not get the air box out to clean the filter so far so I pulled the element out through the top, now I need to figure out how to get it back in. I like this bike, it runs as smooth as glass. I would kinda like to have one to see how good I could make it go, but I need a new bike in the garage like a knot on my noggin. The speedo is not hooked up but I think I was hitting about 35 easy. I was porting on the last Happy engine today also, I think I can get it back together tomorrow. I am also going to install a new carb I have a pile of carbs off of Honda mowers, they look to be about 18mm. It will be a flange mount with a butterfly arm on top, so I will need to make up a new way to hook up the throttle cable. Have fun, Dave
Got the last engine ported and going again, the carb on this one is junk. I am going to have to put these two stroke bikes up for a while, they have worn me out. I should not work on any real machines, like a Honda PA50, LOL. It reminds me how smooth a two stroke can run. I took the Whizzer out today and went around the block a few times, I love the sound of that bike. I think I am going to save up and get an EZ Motorbike kit. I have never sold any of my bikes they become my friends, I guess that tell's how hard it is for me to get friends. Any way, I have been in a mood lately, not very tolerant! I am thinking of starting on one of my Honda 50's, they have been waiting for me for a while. Have fun, Dave

PS: Look at the carb on the Green Hornet thats what I call a carb.


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Wow, abandoned bikes, I didn't realize people just abandon thier bikes. I can see thoughing away a bike that is broken but I assume that since you find them in the park, that it was ridden there. I can't emagine someone riding a bike to the park, abandoning it there, and walking home. Well I'm not going to suggest the obvious, but I will suggest this. When people abandon a bike it is usually because it is stolen and they are done with it. Any abandoned bike should be checked out with your local police to see if it has been reported stolen. If it has then they can get it back to the rightful owner. If you haven't done this then you might as well have stollen it yourself.

Bike thieves are scum.
I also wonder how you get the bikes registered without a bill of sale. In my state of Colorado and I believe in most states you must have a bill of sale to register a bike or a motorized bike. The more I think about it the more it seems fishy to me that you keep comming up with "abandoned" bikes.
No they are actually all broken but not so bad that they can not be fixed, I have a pile of wheels and other parts. The blue one had bad wheels the spokes were all loose and pulled out. I have never seen a good bike left in the park, just junk. They used to make people register bikes in Cali. but I suspect it took too much time, my Whizzer is not registered ether. You can tell if a bike was ever registered it has the sticker on it, I have not seen a sticker in a long time. I got a sticker on my JC Higgins back in 57 but that was the last one I did. I bought two new Electra's and spent over 500 bucks and only got the receipt from the credit card, I wonder if you would need one to register a bike? Have fun, Dave
WWCherokee - given the bikes Egor's been workin' on I seriously doubt they've been stolen, not to mention what kind of a dumbass would post pics of bikes acquired through nefarious means on a public forum populated solely by bike lovers?

Besides, I count three in over the 8 months or so this threads been kickin' - a not unreasonable number of bikes to find junked and abandoned in a place like a bike park.

Chill with yer evil thoughts lol ;) Egor gets serious McGuyver points for this sorta scrounge skill
I also wonder how you get the bikes registered without a bill of sale. In my state of Colorado and I believe in most states you must have a bill of sale to register a bike or a motorized bike. The more I think about it the more it seems fishy to me that you keep comming up with "abandoned" bikes.

you actually bother to register them...i ve never been given any hassel about it....i think that if they did ill tell them that its a 48cc...what are they going to do measure the bore and know it really isn't enough money for the county to try and enforce... 5.25 is what it cost for the sticker here...not enough money to bother
Started making a manifold for a Honda butterfly carb today. I am going to cant it out the side, I think it will look cool and will make for easy Air Filter if I can find one that I like. This last cab is a real pill, I have added an O ring to stop the air leak and I still have one, I actually looked to see if that carb body had any holes in it, (none). This Honda carb is for a Mower and there is no provision for adjustment, (cal. carb laws) they do work well on the mower but it is a 4 stroke so we will see. I am thinking of buying another Schwinn, like my red one, and making up another painted up beauty, and see what I could get for it. I will add all the engine upgrades and the pipe. I have seen one at Wally World it is not as nice as my old one but would look good. I think all the park bikes have dried up, I think they are all in service, times are hard in LA, we are dealing with a lot of homeless. Well have fun, if you can. Dave
Well I worked on the carb again today and still could not get it to run proper. Then at the end of the day as I was getting frustrated with this thing, I noticed that as I was spraying starter fluid around the carb to find the leak (this was after making a new intake gasket, I was hearing a sound like air leaking) I noticed that the fluid was dripping on the engine block at the seam and disappearing very quick. I then tried to just spray on the block and there it was the leak. Bad crankcase gasket! Now I have to dissemble the whole engine to get it rite. You know I was thinking of getting a GruBee engine this time and decided to get these instead, I have the one on the Green Hornet that runs like the wind. Oh well I guess it is not too big a job. Have fun, Dave

PS: Still working on the Honda carb.
I still have not taken the engine apart. I started on a new project (pic Below) I like this bike I got it to make up a bike to sell. I have ridden the bike a little and it is the most comfortable thing, I would never have guessed. My friend was looking for a Chopper bike and I found this outfit, he went over to see them and called me to see if I would want one, I said OK and this is what he came back with, he got a lower one that looks cool but not easy to ride. So now I am looking to put the engine on but it is not going to be easy. I also need to make up a tank that will look good for the shape of the bike. Any way this one cost 160 + tax, I don't think I will ever find one in the park abandon, well at least not for a few years, when they get old. Well have fun, Dave


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