New Member
Who did you order the new engine from? I have not run the cylinders from the two Dax engines yet I only have the one I previously ported and it was of another make. I love the way this engine runs so far I only wish it was with the barrel it came with. I don't like the idea I have to machine the top to get it rite. I guess it would work, the main thing is that the rest of the buying public that get this engine would not have the means to do the work it needs to be correct. I know the cost of the engine is kept down by making as many steps easy as they can. The head gasket was pure Aluminum, I used it again with the new barrel but the head studs were too long and the nuts bottomed out and it blew the gasket out immediate. If I had run the engine straight out of the box I can only wonder if it would have worked, the barrel I took off could be taller. I never run the engines out of the box, there are too many things wrong with the engine that just need to be done, it would run but Why. Have fun, Dave
dude my engine had the same looking jug. i removed the base gasket to bring it level... i cant wait for my new engine to come in