all fuled up but no start!!!

the metal tip that goes into the cap wiggles if you shake the plug it rattles sound like its broken inside. i am in the live chat window

As far as I know the stock plug wire will not go over the must remove it and then install the plug wire...look at pic (Thanks ThatsDax)

Are you sure you are turning the motor over? It is possible that you may need to adjust your clutch. If your clutch is slipping you will not turn the motor over enough to get spark.

I would get an extra plug anyway...its always a good ideal to have a spare.


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Just got back from the parts store had to get an autolite spark plug. i checked the gap and installed the plug i checked the CDI plug cable everything was snug and tried to start it still no help.
aaaaggggghhhh! I did buy a 7mm coil wire while at the store so i am going to make a new wire and install it and try again. i did check for spark with the new plug out of the bike and there was still no spark to it. the new plug smelled of fuel so i know that is working.
i made the new plug wire screwed it in tight to the coil the plug cap on the new wire is bigger than the one in the kit so i put the crown cap back on and it was all tight but still no spark so to recap

no spark with plug out
got new spark plug no help
made new plug wire no help still no spark
no kill switch in place
blue to blue
black to black stripped and twisted and sealed
If you have an ohmeter you can check the values against the following values that I found in another thread. Did you gap the plug? Are you sure there is no spark it might be hard to see? When you open up the mag cover loo to see that the wires blue, black, white are all soldered onto the mag.......

CDI pack
Black to Blue 1150kΩ 7.6 meg Ω
Black to Plug 2.6kΩ 2.17K Ω
Blue to Plug 1150kΩ OPEN

Blue to White 327Ω 349Ω
Black to Blue 327Ω 347Ω
Black to White 2.1Ω 2.1Ω
Black to Gnd 0Ω 0.3Ω
Blue to Gnd 327Ω 347Ω
White to Gnd 2.1Ω 2.3Ω
If the spark is hard to see, just grab the darn thing while turning over the'll figure out real quick if it's workin :)
10-4!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are getting evil like me.rotfl you ought to be ashamed your a naughty boy so I 'm going to have to take your light saber away.
dud its the magneto even on a new kit they can frie on the first start dont use the autolight go get a champion l78c and gap it to a 0.37 then the special carb i have one they dont seem to work right that might be the other problemnext if you can fix the plug get a flat head the inside cap screws off from the cap resize it now from there you will have to put the spring in place that is under the cap screw it back down and see from there

thats from what i know
here is how things stand.
After working with Norman last night in chat i removed the magneto coil to inspect the wires and check for metal debris and such and found all to be normal.
Reassembled the magneto and cover and still no start.
Thought is that the CDI box is bad.
So Wed i will be off to the Guy that sells the kits and bikes he said we would take a look at it for me and see whats up.

More update when i return tomorrow.
Easiest thing is to just buy a new CDI and magneto. Cost $20 and you'll most likely get your spark, and you'll probably have one or the other as a spare.
Well here is the new update.

Took the bike over to the sellers garage today.
Checked the motor side for spacing and debris again.
Checked the CDI hook up and all.
I ordered a new CDI and a New Mag parts should be here tomorrow or fri.
Will post news when it comes in.
We couldn't find a reason for no spark but it got dark and foggy quick.
it works it works
Just got back from the maiden ride.

Turns out it was the CDI box that was bad.
Everything read properly across an ohm meter on both Mag and CDI
but we replaced the CDI and put put weeeee