Age poll - how old are we?

How old are you?

  • Under 20

    Votes: 29 13.4%
  • Under 40

    Votes: 65 30.0%
  • Under 60

    Votes: 87 40.1%
  • Over 60

    Votes: 36 16.6%

  • Total voters
Man, what luck. Here I go building a motorbike because I was told my Goldwing was an old man's bike. I suspect some of us in our latter years may have gotten a motorbike because we were denied a Whizzer when young. When I was delivering newspapers 55 years ago my heart's desire was a Whizzer. Pedaling in the heat of the Mojave desert at Edwards AFB with a big bag of papers on the handlebars wasn't all that much fun. I was right, about thinking a motorbike would be fun. I love my Goldwing but the old Schwinn with a two stroke attached is a kick to ride.
...I suspect some of us in our latter years may have gotten a motorbike because we were denied a Whizzer when young...

I've been wondering about that, too... Was it the Whizzer? How many of us had not one card but several cards in our spokes? How many of us in our youth saw the harley riders and were not repelled by the "image" but enthralled by the machine?

How many had a "Cruiser" in our youth and couldn't wait to trade it in for that sexy Huffy Rail Slingshot 5 with the tall "sissy bar", bobbed rear fender and fat rear tire?

I'm sure there were others who saw pictures of old 1905 motorbikes and thought; "Hey! I could do that!", only to be stopped by Dad... (who was wise to do so at the time... at 10 I'd have killed myself with a motorized bike... I damn near did on a bike without a motor!)

I believe that my desire to own a motorized bicycle is it's pure simplicity. Something that has absolutely no need of digital electronics, computers, high-tech diagnostic equipment, a machine shop full of equipment for repairs... just a simple machine.

But that's just my opinion.
Im 57 to fat to petal but maybe this will help ya right!!! my son s a diesel mc. so were diveing in built our first hes rebuilding his [JUNK] moter already i,m on to a farmall bike tractor theme made from a 68 schween racer dug it out from under the bushes so much fun {hes 22] lets see what tomorrow brings
Hey! Joe, The GOOD LORD gave us the brains to make a MB, why not use it!!! and it would help that heart cond....
he he he he he he

I am 48 and I suddenly developed some heart thing...not liking it. Rode my (regular) bicycle 2 miles yesterday, and it was too much. I can usually go 40-60 no problem.
George, My Aunt Johnnie is 85, She doesn't post here, but is only seen, and talked about.


after reading these threads it looks like i might be the oldest guy on the block.i just turned 73 two weeks ago.anybody else out there older than me?
HI the old buzzard here. they were building pyramids when I was born! bygeorge, you're not the oldest one on this site. I'll turn 73 2nd of May.
I feel better now than I did when I was 40! Commute to work on my friction drive everyday. Work 12 hours shift 4 days a week, Can't afford to retire!
I have a Gruby and Newsboy bikes in the shop and 2 HF motors on the bench.
I hope I live long enough to get one of the firebellie transmissions to fit them.

"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass... it's about learning how to dance in the rain."
At 40 I was all stressed out job related, a newlywed, moved out of state, took on a new family and just pooped out.
I retired in '04, played around with bikes for a few years, went on a few cross country rides. Got bored and broke and found a job that I love! No stress, but long hours. I feel that being more relaxed and less worried has a lot to do with ones health. You've got to eat right, lots of fresh air and sunshine. Don't sweat the small stuff.
Enjoy life day by day to the fullest.
Riding certainly relieves a lot of stress. Go out and enjoy the ride.

"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...It's about learning how to dance in the rain."
Well, I think I am the youngest to post on this thread. :D I'm 14 and act WAY older than I am. LOL I love the hobby and I am glad I started early so I can enjoy it for a long time.
Good on ya Vista, I started tinkering on a worn out Cushman scooter when I was 14. That was 53 years ago and since then I've tinkered with sailboats, airplanes, motorcycles, cameras, guns, fishing and just about anything else that looked like fun. I took to heart Ernest Gann's (author of the high and mighty and several other great novels) advice that a man should be able to hand, reef and steer, fly an airplane, properly handle a firearm and provide for a family. I hope that's what you will be able to accomplish too.usflg