A little no pedal project

There were frame builders like Antig, Ansel, Elstar. I even saw a 500 Triumph in one once, I can't remember if it was competitive at the event, probably not. The old factory motocrossers used to spin up rather than find traction compared to singles.

Do you do Facebook? Nice page for photos and detail shots:


Google page of vintage grass track:


Douglas DT5 (Dirt Track) racer. The knee hook was from the old leg trailing system, it stopped riders being dragged off the back when digging the left toe in to help the slide.


Alf Hagon was a speedway and grass racer, he mde and sold frames and parts. He also had a stab at drag racing. This was nominally a 1300 JAP, but was mostly Hagon.

The James & Crocker bikes though they be different beast, still beasts they be, mythical and truly wonderful to behold.

Rick C.
Nobody's going to build it, but whilst sifting through various sites, and idea came to me. You know how engines are sometimes connected to the frame by metal plates? Has anyone ever made a plate metal frame where the frame itself forms the left and right crankcase faces? It's wonderful what you can think of when making it is somebody else's problem.
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Nobody's going to build it, but whilst sifting through various sites, and idea came to me. You know how engines are sometimes connected to the frame by metal plates? Has anyone ever made a plate metal frame where the frame itself forms the left and right crankcase faces? It's wonderful what you can think of when making it is somebody else's problem.

Talk about a stress bearing member!

Rick C.
There's a small capacity grass track club in the English Midlands, Formula Grasstrack. This is a fairly typical bike, using a 125 Honda engine.

I have sometimes wondered if anyone has taken a European grass or long track frame with a big single in itround a flat track, I wonder what the times would be like compared to a normal flat track frame.
Bruce Cribb, New Zealander resident in Britain. He has taken an ice racer round many speedway tracks and smashed the conventional track records.


1967 Jawa


Modern Jawa

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