When I started this post of the Dark Horse a 1911 Indian Board Track Racer Tribute it was never Mine or Dan's intention of posting this build for a promotional or potential sale either on this forum or by any means through this forum, Taylar Motor Bikes has never listed a build for sale on or through this forum (Take No Offense to That statement as Nothing! is being negatively implied against or about this forum) and neither does Taylar Motor Bikes list through any other forum or motorized bicycle site, Taylar Motor Bikes has it's own web site and business is generated through that site and or through referrals from Dan's other customers .
I simply asked for some advice from other members as to where to list this build other than EBay or Craigslist, we didn't want a lingering and or lengthy listing along side one of those stock, dolled up, fauxed up patina bikes that we've all been seeing, Taylar Motor Bikes are Custom built by particular requests and requirements, this bike was not pre ordered and therefore doesn't have a pre-destined home it was just a build Dan I had a lot of parts for and wanted to do now that is done the question was asked "Where to List for best results ?" not stated "For Sale through this forum"
This bike was built by Dan and Myself at two different locations and as everyone who is a member of this forum does, we posted and shared the adventure of this build with everyone who shares an interest in this kind of Vintage Styled Tribute build and or even the Fabrication of a Quality M/B under it's proper build category.
It is my opinion that weather a bike is or is not for sale during the BUILD is unimportant, it is the BUILD that is being posted as well as shared with others and the issue of sale should not determine where the BUILD is posted as long as it is in the category under the style of that particular build and IF ? the builder decides to sell it either on or through this forum when the build is finished then the bike should be moved to another section such as Swap and Shop but others do not share that thought or opinion as is obviously evident by the move of this thread.
The Dark Horse ended up here on the Swap and Shop section because another forum member accused me of breaking the rules set forth by this forum as well as suggesting that I was also cleverly and underhandedly trying to advertise a product for sale on a no sales build category, not the case if you read post # 33
I do not dispute the move of this build thread to the Swap and Shop category but rather the motives behind another member to persuade moderators to move it.
When I became a member of this forum I did not sign up to engage in petty arguments, disputes, create or cause dissention amongst others or with others or vent on anyone for what ever reason (even if what that person did say something really stupid), So to all readers... PLEASE! KEEP TRUCKD OUT OF THE BS! I'll say it again so nothing is misinterpreted added into or deleted from my request
PLEASE! KEEP TRUCKD OUT OF THE BS!! If I am wrong about something KINDLY! correct me, then properly provide the information in a dignified manner don't freaking blast me with stupid attitudes and degrading language or belittling comments either openly on this forum or through private messages, if you don't like what I build or who I hang with keep it to yourself this forum is not the place the spread stupidity and grief this forum is where someone goes to collect intelligence and share they're interest's and just a little advice to who ever you might be? Don't be that one A**hole in the crowd who just Has to Bash.
That's all I gotta say bout dat
Oh! But Now that we are here, if anyone is interested in a Taylar Indian or other brand vintage tribute bike here is Dan's Ph# and e-mail add: below
(661) 341-0192
[email protected]