7400 ft elevation in Arizona


New Member
Hello My name is Dano. I am from El Paso Texas. I lived in
Tucson for 10 years, and Prescott Valley for 6 years and now
Flagstaff Arizona for 5 years. I am forty one. I love building bikes and have since I was 16. I purchased my first 2 stroke engine and put it on my pieced together adult tricycle. It was a challenge! It is running great and I have a lot of eyes on me when I am riding it. More about me I am a sheet metal worker with the local 359 for 10 years. I am an auto tech and I have my welding certification in Texas and now trying to get my cert in Arizona. I am a student and will graduate in July as a Hvac Journeyman. I am a husband and a father of two wild boys, 13 and 8. I plan to build more bikes and some with motors. I have the feva ( fever ). I Love the website and reading all the posts and seeing all the pictures. Thank you!
A man decided that he was going to ride a motorized bike from Tucson to Flagstaff. He got as far as Black Canyon City before the mountains and ran out of fuel. He stuck his thumb out, but after three hours hadn't gotten a single person to stop. Finally, a guy in a corvette pulled over and offered him a ride. Of course, the bike wouldn't fit in the car. The owner of the corvette found a piece of rope lying by the highway and tied it to his bumper.

He tied the other end to the bike and told the man that if he was going too fast, to honk the horn on his bike and that he would slow down. Everything went fine for the first 30 miles.

Suddenly, another vette blew past them. Not to be outdone, the vette pulling the bike took off after the other. A short distance down the road, the vette's both going well over 120mph, blew through a speed trap. The police officer noted the speed from his radar gun and radioed to the other officer that two vettes headed his way at 120mph.

He then relayed,...."and you're not going to believe this, there is a guy on a motorized bike honking his horn trying to pass...."

A friend just told me that joke, thought you might like it.

Welcome to the forum my fellow Arizonan. :ride2:
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welcome to the forum dano! your trike sounds awesome and imagine with your welding skills you can do alot. congrats on hvac! motorized bicycles are alot of fun and shareing and learning from each other is all part of the fun. glad to have you with us
Dano, welcome to the forum. You'll like it here. Lots of motorized bicycle enthusiasts here. I'm from the Texas panhandle and welded up here in the oilfield for years. I grew working for my Dad in HVAC. I learned at an early aged I didn't want to do that for a living.:D I've got a brother that isn't as smart as me. He's still in HVAC........................:D
OH GEEEZZZ, I forgot about that! Drinking and posting are not a good combination for me, sorry about that. rotfl