5000+ mile trip!!

food for thought, (mainly for myself) when i ride my FD kit i ride in the middle of the lane. i do this because i dont like to
1: ride in the far right and riskk a flat.
2: be passed by cars going way faster than me just inches from my handle bars.

its #2 mainly. its a hazard to myself. if i ride in the middle of the lane i am sure to be seen and no one try's to get to close, they just go around me and that's that. as well, us motorized bicyclists (at least in my town) are considered "mopeds" and get all the rights as scooters, including being able to take the lane if needed. (i have spoken to a cop about my rights and he said so.)

i understand the light and narrow way of thinking, being able to cut wind better, lighter, ect. but personally i would rather be over estimated than underestimated. and i get underestimated enough as it is. i have had people pull out right in front of me before and i came just a fraction of an inch to hitting a red suv once because of it. it MIGHT be better to be bigger to be sure i am seen...

just battin things around in my head...
It changes up a bit in my neck of the woods. The country cruise speed for cars is 70+ road permitting. You dont want to be in the middle of the lane exercising your rights here. MBs, Mopeds, and bicycles are considered and impediment to rural drivers. The more into "their" lane you are the higher the aggitation factor is for them. Some of these people commute a hunderd miles a day and are **** bent on gettin home. I dont press it with them. 99.9% of the time I am passed with the car fully in the other lane, some times half the lane. Motorists are pre-occupied a lot, cell phones, kids etc., they are not aware of how fast they are closing on you sometimes. If they misjudge, swerving around a rider on the white line is doable versus a complete lane change with a closing speed of 50mph. These are just my observations about the conditions that generally prevail on country roads. Not trying to lecture, ride how you want. This is how I feel the most comfortable riding in my area. I never take one eye off the rear view.
i understand the light and narrow way of thinking, being able to cut wind better, lighter, ect. but personally i would rather be over estimated than underestimated. and i get underestimated enough as it is. i have had people pull out right in front of me before and i came just a fraction of an inch to hitting a red suv once because of it. it MIGHT be better to be bigger to be sure i am seen...
just battin things around in my head...

Heh, well Jon just keep batting things around then till it feels right. Ultimately you've got to keep your own counsel regardless of what anyone else says and go with that. Any real useful learning comes through actual experience.

Something to keep in mind though is what savvy motorcyclists know and that is to ride like you're invisible. Don't assume cagers see you because even if you're in the right you can still end up dead wrong. It can also be a bit more problematic for motorized bikes because even when people in cars do see you they think "bicycle = 10 mph" and misjudge your speed if you are traveling faster than that. I just always assume they never see me.

As to weight and profile....they're relative terms and somewhat subjective but one thing certain is small differences can add up to mean a lot. There are two components to the inertia/momentum equation, one is obvious in getting going and making way up grades and against headwinds but the other is braking down grades and stopping.

I place emphasis on weight because in my experiences trekking many miles with touring bicycles and later with MABs it's the first, most obvious and apparent thing you begin telling yourself a few hundred miles out as the grind sets in: I should be lighter. Less weight makes you (the rig) more nimble and agile also, better able to to be quick on your feet and reactive if you need to be. The second epiphany of the touring biker is wind and the seemingly uncanny way it's always against you. Hills and grades are one thing but you sometimes get to coast down the other side, wind is slow torture that saps you and can seem relentless.
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see, currently i have my friction on a 24 inch single speed. a sun revolutions in fact. nuthin wrong with the setup at all for just around town.

i am getting a new setup so i can be absolutely sure that i will be able to take whats dished to me, what with bridge rises and all.

the 2 strokes i was looking at were the industrial type. like the Tanaka Pure Fire PF-4000. in fact, Staton sells this engine with the kit. As well it has about .4 horses more than my GX-35.

its probably just a matter of convenience then if you think the GX-35 can handle it.

Just a little clarification on this. I have the GX-35 and the Tanaka 33 and 40cc all on bikes with the Gebe Setup. The Honda GX-35 is more powerful than either Tanaka hands down with a much fatter torque range. I know how this sounds but its true. I have even switched these motors on the bikes and traded riders.
As a huge 2 stroke fan that rides a Morini bike I was floored. Not that the Tanaka isn't a great motor because it is, but Honda has managed to obtain great efficiency from this tiny four stroke.


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it seems as though a lot of people are suggesting the GEBE kit. apparently quite a few other people have gone good distances on them. they are light, and simple. the GEBE, a light weight one wheel trailer, and a minimal amount of things to carry sounds ideal here. that said, the GEBE, while a great setup, is not for me.

this is why i say this.

i'm not looking to live as minimally as possible. as far as i am concerned i am already downsizing quite a bit here. i also would like to reach the keys in about a weeks time. which is possible if i ride at thirty miles per hour for seven hours a day. this liberal speed will allow me to still get there in good time even if i do get "distracted" along the way.

i have seen videos of the EZM kit going 40mph. i personally don't believe that, so i have arranged a meeting with Lee Guenther for tomorrow afternoon to really see what the kit is all about. if i can do 30 with that kit, i will go for it. sure its in frame, heavier, more complicated/more to go wrong, but i haven't heard too much wrong with the kit. if i see that it is of good quality and a solid kit i might try to buy one then and there to save on shipping. besides, the extra power might be worth it.

that said a one wheel trailer is actually sounding good since i have learned about the BOB COZ. although i believe they are discontinued i'm sure i can make something similar. i like the idea of having a box instead of bags for some reason. perhaps because i can slip things into small Cretaceous and be a little more liberal with what i can take and what i can pick up along the way. regardless, it will be no wider than the handlebars.

this is what i am thinking now. a more powerful setup going faster and carrying a little more.

after all, whats the worst that can happen?
acctually, i already knew about couch surfing, that never came to mind for this trip though, sounds like fun, learning about the places i go and everything.

yeah, my GX-35 surely gets me around, no doubt about it! in my opinion, FD is the way to go for the put-put around town kind of rider and even the more serious commuter considering that the DAX drive has a chain option too. i have been meaning to make it a chain drive for a while now but i just cant find the time. it really is annoying to have to pedal home after working 10 hours at midnight in the freezing rain! thank goodness the semester is almost over, then my mornings will be free to work on stuff!!

i'm feeling good about this setup, especially if the EZM is as good as i think it is.
i also would like to reach the keys in about a weeks time. which is possible if i ride at thirty miles per hour for seven hours a day.

Just a word about top speed vs average speed. My GEBE system with a Tanaka 32cc cruises nicely at 30-31 mph full throttle on the flat.

I just about always ride full throttle, but my average speed for a trip in the country is usually about 25 mph and in the city is 20-22 mph. Why is that?

The answer is that hills, curves, turns, traffic, stop signs, traffic lights, and bad roads slow you down. In short, your average speed will be less than your top speed. If you want to average 30 mph you will have to ride at 35-38 mph on unobstructed flats.
Yep, it all plays in. I cruise @ 25mph. The average speed on my trip computer was 18+mph. on the last trip. Bad hills in my area! I think a realistic goal is 150mi/day. If all you are riding is flats on the coastal plain then more perhaps. Maybe when you get further along you could post a map of your route. I am sure if you pass by any members you would have a place to stay. You are welcome at my place if you should pass this way.
Have suggested a go kart cvt in the beginning of his thread (by pm) now that he is thinking inframe primary belt system, would think the kart cvt are time tested and ideal for his plans. If he had a cvt with ccc`s sprocket move mod.

Any comments on this for jon??


You know how you and I are fond of center-framed shift kits, lol.

Now THAT would be the most troublefree. Most of the drive system uses OEM chainrings, chains, derailleur and cassette.

Did I mention how easy it is to R&R the rear wheel?
comments, hmmmm, lol...

as far as the top vs average speed is concerned i am aware. stop lights and complications and all slow you down. as far as not revving so high for hours and hours, i am under the impression that since i have seen videos of the EZM doing 40. and if i just stay in the 30 range i should be good.

not really looking to do anything outside of these kits so that if other people want to do something similar they know that they can just get the kit online. you see what i mean?
comments, hmmmm, lol...

not really looking to do anything outside of these kits so that if other people want to do something similar they know that they can just get the kit online. you see what i mean?

LOL, yeah.

I see what you mean, and good enough. You're on the right track anyway, just sort through the info from opinion and take what you can use. Experience is the best teacher and I hope it finds you chuckling all the way.
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Well John sounds like you could possibly run a little liter than what you are planing one i would get rid of the cot extra weight mine weighs about 25 lbs to and the ezm you are talking about never heard of it at all thats why you havnt heard any bad reviews and alot of states dont like motorized bicycles and florida is one of them. So watch your back as far as bike i would think a 18 to 24 speed mountain bike would be fine something with some body to it just dont go with a steel frame aluminum or carbon fiber would be the way to go. And i traveled hundreds of mile on pedal bikes and cagers dont like us at all.
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looks like a DAX kit, also looks like you had one of these HT kits at one point. iv been meaning to look for something to step the fuel line size down on my HT gas tank and run a line back to my FD setup so i can have a much greater range on a tank. doesn't look like you did that but i'm sure its possible.

regardless, i know i can go lighter, heh, you can never be too light i'm sure, but i am going for a more powerful build here and power requires weight. besides, if my cargo plus wind and such is a bit much i can always pedal a little harder. i would rather be over powered and able to shed weight than the reverse. but its like happyvalley says, i need me some experience to really understand what i need. but i like the idea of more power and torque.

i understand the whole everything light principal if i were going to just be pedaling, but i have a motor, and if i am going to have a motor i might as well make my setup a bit more luxurious. ya see what i am saying? if i can get going at a good speed without maxing out the motor then i will be set. the only thing that would need to be light then is the trailer, which would just be some angle aluminum, a 20 inch tire, and a rubbermaid. i think my idea is pretty slick sounding actually, i just need to see if the EZM kit is as powerful as i'm thinking it is.

what do you mean you haven't heard of it? look it up EZM q-matic...

sorry i'm preaching it and talking it up even though i haven't tried it out yet. its mostly wishful thinking. i will know tomorrow after meeting the man behind the kit so be looking out for a lengthy post tomorrow after it gets dark on the east coast.
Hey jon iwas trying to decide weather to run the hose back like i want or just use the ht tank as a storage tank for extra fuel. Like im considering i sent you a link but our friend the moerator would not let it stay said aginst forum rule .but there is another forum my friend Augi dog he travel across the country and took a ferry to alaska and back but as augi will tell you it is all good and he will tell you you will get tired of tent camping quick..cs.
i just ran out and bought a fuel line too! its a good idea and i'm going to run a line back. i will have such a greater range now!
alrighty everyone! i met Quinton today. he is a nice man, very knowledgeable about belts and good o'l american ingenuity. his collection of Whizzers and these bike kits is amazing! and here's the kicker..

i totally rode an EZMotorbike kit today. that thing can MOVE! i got goin about 45mph on the thing! no pedaling at take off either! its a solid kit! i would trust my life to this kit because essentially that is what i am doing out on the roads with traffic, trusting that nothing will go wrong that makes me fall.

it was so much fun! i had never gone over thirty on two wheels before and this was just so amazing!

and after i road it i got to looking at the motor and he said it wasn't a Honda, it was a HS motor! i was like Whaaaaat? it has been in operation for four years and he said that he hasn't had to service it other than changing oil and lubing the chain.

i was really impressed by the kit, it made me wonder why i even bothered with the friction drive and HT motor to begin with. don't get me wrong, they are fun and i had a blast, but this thing is powerful, and that is what i am looking for.

now this kit isn't light at all, its actually quite heavy, but i think that says something about the quality of parts, his plates and pulley housing is made of really thick aluminum. that stuff aint gunna break at all!

regardless, i bought one from him, and i am happy with my purchase. all i need now are some heavy duty worksman wheels, that hub sprocket thing from pirate cycles (never did like the "rag joint" sprocket setup) a center kickstand and a nice steel beach cruiser frame to put em on. plus ya know lights, and a speedo and all that jazz..

then the bike will be done.

.....perhaps some "saddle bags?"

i know a bunch of people want me to go with a GEBE setup, but i couldn't pass this up, plus i saved a bunch on shipping by being there. i understand making everything light to make things easier on the motor and myself, but i with this kit i feel that power isn't an issue for me much. the proof is there, i felt it myself.

regardless, this bike, this trip, its all going to be soooo much fun! .xx. xct2 usflg