40mph speed secrets revealed

I don't mean this to be offensive in any way... but from everything I've seen and experienced, from both other people's accomplishments as well as my own, 52mph flat-ground speed out of one of the 66cc two stroke in-frame Chinese engine kits is, best case scenario - an error in the method used to establish the speed.

Real world speeds range from the high 20s to high 30s & the high 30s are some seriously modded motors.

There have been many claims, each just a little more than the last, each becoming even harder to believe by anyone that truly knows these particular little engines - the fact remains the only, only person that's provided the slightest bit of actual substantiation is foureasy, with dyno test results, vids of the runs & of a chase car (they're in this thread) & he reached what? low 40s?

Given he's also taken modding these engines far further than anyone else, without exception, yet never reached the fabled 50mph mark - I've simply no choice but to conclude the obvious.

If I'm wrong, do please correct me - but unless there's something more to be offered than hearsay, storytelling, estimates and wallmart bicycle speedometers, don't bother as I, as well as so many others do after all have the exact same engines, aren't strangers to performance modifications and have actually noticed a trend...

...and that is, the higher the speed claim - the less likely there's any proof at all, no matter how much it's asked for or by whom.

He only has a 41t sprocket and got it up to 49 MPH smaller gear will help expeshaly with all the extra power he now makes with that motor

And it is possible to hit over 40 with a stock motor just not with stock gearing or exost I did it but it is not easy