New Member
Hello motorized bike community! I am new to this hobby and I am fairly mechanically inclined but when it comes to the details of engine/electrical workings I have a grasp of the basics...but I am really struggling with this one and hoping someone can assist. O.K. so i built my first bike and loved it so much I built another for my wife. These are new Raw motors 80cc engines with kill (my fun)switches. I have ridden them a few times to dial them in and worked out most of the kinks so yesterday my buddy and I took them on a real test drive to make sure they are capable and reliable before I ask my wife to ride one. Last weekend we rode them both for about 5 miles and they were great. Yesterday we took them farther...almost 20 miles or so round trip. They where running great and we were clocked by a roadside mph indicator going 39mph, could have gone faster if we new the indicator was coming up so we could "clock" our best time. Anyways they ran great until on the way back my buddy Trevor said his bike was losing power slowly, but I thought not to much of it as he was still hard for me to keep up with. We pulled into a predetermined gas station after a good 5 minute straightaway to check bolts and possibly add some more fuel, etc. Upon leaving the gas station his bike would not start. Just a faint change in tone as throttle was applied, but no power...then stall. He proceeded to walk/pedal bis bike for the next 2 mile stretch while I motored ahead, then waited for him. I thought I was real funny teasing him for having to pedal(only because his bike was faster all day...he also weighs probably 40 pounds less than me)only to have my bike do the same as his upon attempting to restart. No power to throttle, just runs during the wind down of pedaling to start, then coasting to a stop. Odd that they would both do the same thing within 2 miles of each other. Had to be install error, or bad parts on each bike(cdi/magneto?) or our fuel mix. So after a tough pedal back home I proceeded to drain tank and remix fuel and attempt to start...nothing. Then on a fluke I discovered something... First off I always wondered if I got the wiring right because I was told it was tricky and I never made sure it was "right": because the bikes worked so well it had to be right...right? I discovered that if I pushed IN the kill switch (as if to kill the motor) the bike would run again! Wish I discovered that while hoofin it home 5 miles! I looked through this site last nite and found a wiring diagram. I found that there are a couple ways to do it so I tried them both and still no worky unless kill switch is pushed! Not what I am looking for in a kill switch! Why is this doing this.. is it because I burned something out and only if I push the switch will it bypass the burnt out part and start working? My wiring is as follows: Black to Black/ Blue to Blue/ Green kill wire is grounded to frame (i tried to black wire help) and yellow kill wire is to white (also tried to help)wtf? Any help would be greatly helpful as I would like to pinpoint this before dropping hard earned cash on guesses...thanks so much!
ps- I haven't tried messing with the second bike yet but I assume it is the same issue as
problems where identical and proximity of timing was uncanny!

ps- I haven't tried messing with the second bike yet but I assume it is the same issue as
problems where identical and proximity of timing was uncanny!