2 min. and 100 ft


New Member
i just put together my chinagirl and it fired right up:ride2:
however it only ran for about 2 minutes when it just stopped .
i was still doing figure 8s in the driveway..
i cannot get the thing to fire up again,
i think i lost 5 pounds peddling around ..

i has what appears to be a strong spark, nice and blue.
it is getting fuel, had the carb off to make sure no dirt was in the jet.
.. would it be possible it is out of time.there is or was no backfire to suggest shearing off a key.
im at a loss, it wont even attempt to fire.:(

any ideas?
If you have the wires bass akwards on the CDI that will put timing of the spark 180 degrees off. If you have a weak spark that you can see, it will no longer spark under compression. If you have a strong spark and still no joy, then it is a fuel issue. Disconnect your fuel line from the carb and drip some fuel directly into the cylinder by removing the spark plug. When you pull your plug might as well do a plug chop which means pull the plug and look at the tip. Is it wet? Dry? Black ? Brown? If it is dry, then drip some fuel into the cylinder, replace the plug and see if she fires and runs for a few seconds or at least pops. Let us know. Thanks..
the wires are plugged in to the corresponding colors.
(however i do not have the killswitch hooked up.so the white wire is temporarilly taped off.)
it seems to be strong blue spark. it seems to be getting fuel because after a while it started dripping out the muffler.
the plug is wet and unburnt.. i tried puting some fuel in the plug hole and still never got even one kick...

i peddled around with the fuel shut off ,thinking it may have flooded, still no put put..

i am always working on something that makes a carbon footprint,
but this one makes no scense, appears to have fire and fuel, seems to have compression, but it wont make an unassisted noise...

thanks for the reply.
thats amzing...ly srtange, i would take it to a hill and ride down trying to start it, thats all i can think of.
I would adjust the clutch, it sounds like the clutch is slipping under compression.

"i peddled around with the fuel shut off ,thinking it may have flooded, still no put put.."
thanks for the tip, but it is not slipping, it is definetly rolling over.

keepthe ideas coming guys (^)
the wires are plugged in to the corresponding colors.
(however i do not have the killswitch hooked up.so the white wire is temporarilly taped off.)
it seems to be strong blue spark. it seems to be getting fuel because after a while it started dripping out the muffler.
the plug is wet and unburnt.. i tried puting some fuel in the plug hole and still never got even one kick...

i peddled around with the fuel shut off ,thinking it may have flooded, still no put put..

i am always working on something that makes a carbon footprint,
but this one makes no scense, appears to have fire and fuel, seems to have compression, but it wont make an unassisted noise...

thanks for the reply.

I had the same exact problem with my motor when I was first breaking it in. I was so frustrated. I had spark, fuel but I would peddle for blocks untill I just could not peddle no more, tried every trick I knew including sarting fluid. Called the pople I bought the motor from, They said change the plug, I said it has spark because I pull it and seen blue spark, and I tryed new plugs but I got the one they recomeded NGK B6HS, and it finally started. Took it awhile to run good but it was a weak spark. I don't know if that is your problem but a plug is cheap. Good luck.
I had a clutch that slipped and would not start. Sounds like you may have a similar problem if gas and spark are getting to a sealed chamber with good gaskets. A lot of ifs there but try tightening the clutch with the star nut.
I had the same exact problem with my motor when I was first breaking it in. I was so frustrated. I had spark, fuel but I would peddle for blocks untill I just could not peddle no more, tried every trick I knew including sarting fluid. Called the pople I bought the motor from, They said change the plug, I said it has spark because I pull it and seen blue spark, and I tryed new plugs but I got the one they recomeded NGK B6HS, and it finally started. Took it awhile to run good but it was a weak spark. I don't know if that is your problem but a plug is cheap. Good luck.

i changed the plug to a NGK B7HS (it is all i could get) no difference:(
I had a clutch that slipped and would not start. Sounds like you may have a similar problem if gas and spark are getting to a sealed chamber with good gaskets. A lot of ifs there but try tightening the clutch with the star nut.

another member suggested this as well.
so i unhooked the cable altogether, still no putput:crash:
seal both sides of the intake gasket with hi-temp RTV. smear some around where the carb connects to the intake as well.
seal both sides of the intake gasket with hi-temp RTV. smear some around where the carb connects to the intake as well.

okey dokey will do.
... are the crank seals usually ok?
it didnt have a very long lifespan did it lol....
i have another one on its way :bike2:
hopefully this will perform better, orelse the wife is gonna have to peddle to keep up lol
Where the carb slips on the manifold, use some sealer or an o ring.
I had a plug give me fits like that when I first started it, darn near wore out my legs trying to start it for 2 days. It sparked a lot but wouldn't start. A new plug fixed mine though.
another member suggested this as well.
so i unhooked the cable altogether, still no putput:crash:

Pull the lever in and lock it. Pop off the clutch cover and remove the set screw. give the flower nut 1/2 or 1 turn clockwise with a pair of pliers, then put the set screw back in. Give that a shot.
I will suggest a couple of things...you never know.

Remove the plug and clear the engine by pedaling a short distance only.

Push the tickler down for 3 seconds, then using half choke, wide open throttle, give it a shot.
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Are you sure it's not just really rich? The last one I built was super rich and I had to set the clip at the top, open up the exhaust and air cover and it is still just a little fat.