very nice build. Simple and very realistic. The seat is a much better match than that India knock off. During the show you'll get many second looks from the general population that will be taken back to that era for just a moment and that's worth all the effort. I displayed my 1902 almost complete Indian replica at a big car show and got more second looks than the 30-40K HDs which really caused them to groan and scoff. I thought for a second one of them was going to kick it over. It could be that I took a $15 bike from Goodwill and turned it into something different, all explained on the display board. Then you'll get all the critics who will nit-pick why it isn't a real moto-bike and all the differences who will say it doesn't count; but let's get real; I wouldn't display a real Indian worth $75K+ like that anyway. Its odd that I don't hear hot rod lovers pick apart a replica T-bucket kit saying "aww, it doesn't count since its not original". Please save us from the purists since not everyone has deep pockets. If I wanted pure I would go to a museum.
Love it or hate it, you got their attention. Enjoy it for what it is and ride baby, ride.
I love it, Nice Work