
  1. el Diablo Guapo

    frame stretch ~my way insert slugs welded inside in

    this may not be the only way or the best way to stretch a frame, but i feel confident in the strength of the end result. Far more confident than simple butt splices i create insert slugs using tubing with a similar diameter to my work, these are a snug fit inside the work and protrude past...
  2. el Diablo Guapo

    West Coast Chopper - stretch job

    i admired these huffy/walmart/discovery channel bikes when they were new, but did not want to pay full price to cut one up i found this on craigslist for fifty bucks so it had a date with the saw...
  3. CTripps

    Bike Cargo Conversion Kit

    I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one here who would find it cool, so I figured I'd share this. On the way into the grocery store I saw this bike in the rack. At first glance I thought it was one of the 'Dutch' cargo bikes available in a place downtown here. On second look, I realised it...
  4. L

    26' Micargi Mustang GTS Question?

    Howdy folks! I'm kinda a big guy. 6ft 285. I was wondering if anyone would know if this type of bike, 26'' Micargi Mustang GTS Chopper Bike - Buy Chopper Bicycles Online - Micargi C would be too small for me? I ask because I once was going to buy one of those newer Stingrays from...
  5. Dogtown Burner

    Dogtown Mustang Project

    Thanks fellas for the pre-build feedback. Started the micargi mustang from Mannys yesterday. Gonna post some photos of the progress as I go. Stoked to be moving forward on it.
  6. J

    Hello everybody, I've allready got some questions!

    Hi, I'm new to this motorized bike community and I was wondering if there are any places on the internet other than the links attached around this website that sell some engine kits for less than $100. I'm sure the answer is going to be no but I'm trying to put together my first motorized bike...