
  1. F

    Micargi Seattle Hybrid

    Finally got a new project in mind. I have this Micargi Seattle Single Speed frame hanging around and a 36V hub motor. I have a buddy building a decent capacity battery for me on its way so I'm just prepping it for the build. I have a Monarch style disc brake fork, and my own freehand bent...
  2. H

    Micargi Rover gt build and need some help

    Hello guys I have a micargi rover gt almost complete but I ran into a chain issuee The issue is with the chain tensioner I believe because the chain keeps popping off and I'm starting to think is because the frame is at a slight angle where the chain tensioner would be mounted but I'm 100% sure...
  3. H

    My Micargi Rover GT build

    Hey guys just wanted to show off my Micargi build which will be holding a 49cc 4 stroke with a 4G T belt. Right now its just for looks because I got to find a good way to grind down the front engine mount and go through and thread lock all the bolts and grease the bearings better add a gas tank...
  4. D

    Help Please, mounting 4 stroke to Micargi stretch

    Howdy folks, I'm a mechanically inclined noob and I'm afraid I'm gonna be full of questions over the next month or so. I'm an old time schooler that likes his ducks in a row before beginning a project. I wish to motorize my Micargi Puma and will do so using a 4 stroke kit. I read...
  5. M

    New but still experienced

    Hi I'm sal been into motorized bike for 8 years I've built many bikes. Currently am working on a micargi Rover gt I began by sanding and priming frame I chose an orange to be more visible. Built my rims from hubs and opted for disk brakes(dual brake lever with brake switch I made). I also...
  6. D

    Does anyone know where I can buy a Micargi Royal?

    Every site I've checked is out of stock... anyone know of a site that has these in stock? Thanks!
  7. Dogtown Burner

    Dogtown Mustang Project

    Thanks fellas for the pre-build feedback. Started the micargi mustang from Mannys yesterday. Gonna post some photos of the progress as I go. Stoked to be moving forward on it.
  8. Dogtown Burner

    ram 80cc engine mounts for mustang?

    just took the RAW 80cc out of the box. mounts fit 1-1/4" frame , but my micargi mustang has 1-1/2" frame tubes. has anyone got any ideas on mounting? the enigine stud holes are 1-5/8"apart on-center so there's not much room for grinding out and widening the frame saddle of the mounting block to...
  9. Ruby478

    Help!!! Building tips needed

    I'm using a Grubee ShyHawk Jet 66/80cc kit from gasbike.net im think about dropping it in a micargi touch or rover gt but ive never dealt with these bike and input would do me alot of good