
  1. B

    [IDEA] Stock Exhaust Modification

    My uncle works for a car exhaust business in my area, and i asked him about making my stock exhaust quieter. He looked at my exhaust and had a curious idea that, on paper, seems worth a try. Currently, the holes in the exhaust are flat at 90 degree angles. He suggested that if i get a drill and...
  2. scud

    PICS and VID of my CRUISER after rebuild and mods

    Hey guys, So I changed the bike up a lot, as you will see from the before and after pics. I busted the chain on a ride, so while I was waiting for a new master link, I decided to do a complete tear-down and rebuild. Check out the pics and the video! BEFORE build[/IMG] AFTER build[/IMG]...
  3. IreBo

    Handle Bar Exhaust?? YEP!!

    So i just wanted to share a trick I found . I ordered one of those little Banana expansion chambers for my Schwinn Clairmont and the thing was not going to fit. The angel was all wrong. So I cut each end off of the Banana. It is symmetrical so it does not matter what end is what. I cut my stock...
  4. W

    **Pocket Bike Exhaust and Gas Tank**

    Ive seen a lot of people put pocket bike exhausts on their bikes and I wanted to know which one to get, preferably one that goes under. I also wanted to put that white half gallon pocket bike gas tank on a motor bike so I can see the mixture and to not have a bulky metal gas tank on my bike...
  5. DuctTapedGoat

    Porting - are you actually taking advantage of it?

    I hear people talking about porting all the time. I see pictures of ported motors - and they're using stock exhaust and stock intakes. If you're going to port, wouldn't you need to use a modified exhaust and intake that actually matched the head porting? I plan to first modify my exhaust...
  6. B

    would this exhaust fit on my motorbicycle?

    pocket bike exhaust pipe muffler | eBay and would i get improvements in performance? would it be quieter than the stock exhaust? a while ago, i was riding along and all of a sudden the exhaust sound increased ten fold, turns out the end of it (cap) vibrated off so now it's just the baffle and...
  7. R

    Exhaust Fabrication: Expansion Chamber

    Obviously I posted in the wrong section. Could a moderator move this to the appropriate section or remove it. Dont want to be any trouble. Greetings, Long time reader here, long time tinkerer shady tree mechanic.and with this being my 2 post on the site I hope this is the appropriate section...