2 stroke

  1. A

    DAX or SD Stinger?

    I am looking to buy a 2 stroke engine kit online. I have narrowed my selection down to either the thatsdax kit or the SD Stinger kit. The DAX kit costs $25 more than the SD Stinger kit. Is it worth the extra $25? Thanks
  2. Julio2420

    I can't get my bike to Accelerate, Please Help.

    I just purchesed this bike on craigslist two weeks ago for just $50 bucks. It was a mountain bike w/ a 2 stroke engine kit that was working fine. I used it about three times and now it starts up but it wont accelerate and after about 15-20 sec it turns off on me. Can anybody help please, I...
  3. MoRo1212

    WTB:MBE MS 2 stroke efi kit,comp/parts

    Hello forum members, I am currently searching for a good used condition MBE MS efi kit for a 2 stroke that i have in an upcoming project;I prefer complete kit,or will consider buying just the ECU,24mm throttle body,12 volt Fuel Pump,and fuel-injector for a 125 cc engine!!! TIA for a reply...
  4. B

    Loss of power after I gain speed

    I've had a 66cc skyhawk for a couple days and have been tweaking different things so it would actually run. Each time i have taken it out it starts and accelerates fine but once I get up to speed it starts to slow down, regardless of throttle use. The only way to keep it going is to back off the...