Another FD, Never Thought Id Stoop this low(CCs)


Well-Known Member
I kinda got caught between Deacons insistance on how great the "Wasp" bike is and Mapbikes 25cc build. Found myself with enough parts to build a really nice single speed bike, and a 32cc Poulan Pro weedeater power head. The two actually married pretty easily. In the rough stages now. Plan to run a 1" oak or rubber roller. I guess I will use the lift clutch, but might look into a lift handle set up also. The engines shrouding has been kept intact so it is still fan cooled, I am amazed the whole drive unit is only 5.5lbs.


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Thanks for the compliments! Have forced myself not to overbuild. Am using materials that should be strong enough, but are still minimal and simple. If I can work out a locking lift handle, then the rather complicated clutch linkage can be eliminated. The only handle bar control would then be the throttle. Think I am enjoying the other side of the street so to speak.
Oh, wanted to ask if its absolutely necessary to have a clutch or a lift with say a bigger hp motor?

cheers thx
Great looking bike cannonball2

I'm back to the drawing board on mine in a way, my mounting system is pretty bullet proof but I went for a short ride 2 days ago and just pulled away from the house and the engine broke off.....ouch! the flange on the engine that was mounted very securely wasnt strong enough and the entire bottom section of the engine broke off, I figured the WEED EATER castings were a bit thin to start with and had planned on adding some bracing to help with that once I saw if it was all going to work ok.......well never had a chance and should have added the bracing from the begginning on this one, I know I can build another brace that will attach to the top portion of the engine casing and still use this engine but as under powered as this 25cc is, I will just build up a 31cc I have and revamp the mount if needed so I will have a bit more power and I will make for darn sure that the bracing is rock solid so this doesn't happen again.

Cant wait to see yours when it's done..... and I'll post some pics of the carnage when I get a chance...

Peace, map

I kinda got caught between Deacons insistance on how great the "Wasp" bike is and Mapbikes 25cc build. Found myself with enough parts to build a really nice single speed bike, and a 32cc Poulan Pro weedeater power head. The two actually married pretty easily. In the rough stages now. Plan to run a 1" oak or rubber roller. I guess I will use the lift clutch, but might look into a lift handle set up also. The engines shrouding has been kept intact so it is still fan cooled, I am amazed the whole drive unit is only 5.5lbs.
I have had so much trouble with those original mounts that I just begin by redoing them. Lately I have been redrilling and tapping them to 1/4" then run an angle iron along the top two holes. the bottom two I angle a brace up to that Angle iron to support them, Vibration is your enemy so check them for tight often,.

There are very few secrets to this king of build except to reinforce anything that appears to be weak because it is,
Thanks Yall!

Redeyerat: Its personal preference I guess on the clutch. There is need to disengage the engine for free pedaling, so I just incorporate in in the clutch. I like to be able to come to a stop with the engine running, with a high HP engine it is possible to choke it down to stop, but its hard on the brakes and the engine mount, also my larger engines dont roll start well. This one will have to as it has no recoil.

Mapbike: I am facing the same problem with my engine. There are only two 3/16" bolts mounting the engine. They are however into a farily thick part of the engine case, only time will tell. Thers not a lot to mount to on the little critters.
Oh, wanted to ask if its absolutely necessary to have a clutch or a lift with say a bigger hp motor?

cheers thx

Without a clutch or lift what happens when you have to stop at a stop sign?. Is the motor going to continue to run and grind your tires or is it going to stop and die, If it dies are you going to drag start it again or get off the bike and crank it.

Actually I have done that and it wasn't much fun. It is my opinion that you do need a clutch especially on a larger hp motor. not to mention how fast a two stroke motor will seize if the is rotated when not running. Your only lubricant is in the gasoline. I know state the obvious but I actually did sieze on rigged without a clutch or lift.
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Got the handle style lift fabbed, works very well with little effort. The handle is spring loaded to allow some side ways movement to engage or disengage the hook latch. Had to change the original ribbed throttle grip I tried as it looked way too much like a product from an adult novelty store, this one is slightly better! Installed a 1.1" rubber roller, and added a spring for down force. Pedaled and dropped the engine, it turned over nicely. Have the throttle cable, fuel lines, and a carb rebuild then it is ready for a try. BTW the rubber roller requires the use of the sleeve that came on the engine between the clutch and flywheel. It has to be shortened a given amount to allow the roller to compress, it then hits the outer washer tightening the flywheel solidly, other wise the flywheel will loosen and strip the key. Probably not necessary with an oak roller which I may go to.


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yours maybe a better mount than all mine were since I usually use the ryobi but the bottom to mount holes stiffen the engine mount if you run an angled bar from that hole up to the top bar. Not sure you need to but always do.
Well what can I say? The best way to describe this thing is fun/funny. I spent the better part of the afternoon thrashing it up and down the road. Alternately having a blast, then laughing at the fact a 20+ year weedeater motor is providing the motovation. Took a while to sort/adjust the carb, but its running great now. The oak roller doesnt have enough bite so went back to the rubber one. It tops just under 27mph gps with a 1.25 roller, thats about 8000 rpm which seems about right. I am amazed at the power, climbs hills much better than I thought it would. I was very pleased to find that it is just about zip on vibes. Its got a lot of rough edges to work out as I just threw it together really not believing it would work as well as it did. Live and learn!

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This is what I have to do to keep it from breaking the case you might have a better case..

Glad you got a chance to see how these little things go.
Thats a good idea, I will probably drop 2 vertical pieces of flat metal to the lower bolts. There is a big mounting flange around the perimeter of the flywheel on this one. You were mounting to the Ryobis fan housing?
There was a base plate behind the flywheel and that had the bolts holes. The best I have done so far is to retap the holes and put in bigger bolts with washers, lock washeers and flat bars,

but those little bikes are great fun. I would just hate to take one on a ten mile trip. But you know if you think about it they are ideal for guys my age.. if you mount them on a small wheel they are east to mount and dismount and they have just enough power to help you up most any hill and still give you a little outdoor time and some exercise.
This one is just plain fun. I have big bore bikes for traveling/chores. When I set out with one of those its for a long haul. I wouldnt want to travel a long way with this bike, but I bet it would go some distance if made to. I find it more entertainment at the momenent, but wouldnt discount its longevity if taken care of.
yep lots of fun for anyone... its that whole open road man and his horse thing I expect..... Actually you could go to the flea market buy a new motor for 25bucks switch it out using the parts on the bike and parts taken from the motor and be running again in a couple of hours.
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Naturally I based a build around an obsolete weedeater. Guess I will scrounge the lawnmower shops for a few extra. The Pro model like this one has a 2 ring piston with a chrome bore, will pretty much run forever with a little care. I have really never seen a worn out weedeater, they either get run with out oil, or neglect makes the repair too expensive. Most you find the engine is still good. Im sure it will soon break off, the way it is set up I really dont have to may options for a second set of mounts, too close to the tire. Will have to study on it. Plan to go to a 1.3 roller, I believe it will pull it fine.