Bikeguy Joe
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  • hi joe, I'm from Madison Ohio too...wondering if you're near dock?

    I see someone riding all the time. I'm by e.shores.
    I got a "warning/infraction" for "spamming"!!! It was a link to my music someone asked for. That jerk was just looking to hassle me whenever, where ever because I wouldn't play by "his rules". And to think I recommended him for moderator...oh well.
    Hey Ron! Just stopped in to see what's new...not much. Yes I remember the days of 100 or less members, things were a lot simpler.
    I got too many hassles from barely aware, and a couple of others, and decided to remove myself from the site and all the B.S. and stress. Still building and riding 'em though. Hope all is well with you and yours,

    Hello, see you last posted in July '14. We joined in 2008. Think about 100 members then!!

    Getting cool up there now, will be low 70s here soon in NW Fl. Am from N Wisconsin, brother says 30 Sat am next. What have you been doing, did not read thread you posted in?

    Hi Joe,
    Message from a poor lomesome Frenchy. I find this very interesting forum on engine bike. Waht is the subject of a lot of personnal research (First prototpyes in 1997) I have not a lot of time to communicate on my work and my English is...
    But may be you could be interested by what I have done.
    And a big part of the site is translated (not by me)
    It's not advertizing we infortunatly have nothing to sell.
    If you have any questions I can answer to you.
    Of course, no problem if you want to talk about that on the forum, but it's difficult to do that myself.

    "Merci beaucoup"

    Hey, sorry it took so long for me to get back to you...
    I opened up the exhaust, "de-restricted" the variator, and tuned the carb a bit richer across the board. I also am running a slightly larger rear tire...a 3.50 I believe.

    Hello BikeGuy Joe, I too have a Yamaha Vino 49cc 2001 and I saw where you say you can go 45 all day. What mods have you done to do this?
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