Stupid clutch!!!!


New Member
Jun 24, 2009
ithaca ny
ok this is my first post and im gunna try my hardest toto explainmy problem he we go: I got the bike from a friens whos roomate left it there, she gave it to me i rode it a couple time put it up for the winter jus brought it out for the summer was on a ride to day when i was riding and i pulled in the clutch and it didnt disengageall the way i looked saw the cablw was slack and made a bline for home got half way there whe it totally gave out the lil clutch arm swung freely and the clutch is now perm. engaged it still runs jus cant idle i jus need a push. i red some posts on here and nothing has worked i know you guys probly need some more info so shoot the questions at me and ill answer as best i can.


New Member
Jan 11, 2009
try this remove the clutch arm cover, remove the clutch arm and see if the arm moves on the rod it is attached to. if it does try tightening up the nut on top of it. if that does not work you might have to get a new arm or you can get a small screw and screw it in between the two pieces or drill a small hole in between the two and do the same thing. if you do not have the resources Manic Mechanic from creative engineering has a web site and he sells custom clutch arm assembly's, if you do not want to try to fix the arm.


New Member
Jun 24, 2009
ithaca ny
did that already and all that was working fine...ummmm i tryed pushing in the pin that is in the center where the clucth arm pushes on and nothing disengaged


New Member
Jan 11, 2009
hmm loosen up the flower nut then try tightening up the inner clutch spring (so you can get more travel in the clutch) then try to disengage the clutch again.

question with the pin in (what the arm moves) how much of it sticking out 1/4'in ?


New Member
Jun 24, 2009
ithaca ny
tried t o ajust the inner spring no luck! but now that ive loosen the flower nut i can roll the bike with out the back tire draging...and to ansewr your question yes the arm did move with the pin still engaged freely if carb wasnt there could have done 360 but now when i put it back on its stuck in this pos as seen in the pic



New Member
Jan 11, 2009
i just reread and have a question the where the clutch pin in is take it out and turn your motor to see if their is a little bearing the same diameter of the pin you might need a magnet to get it out, if their is no bearing you will need to get one. If their is one put the bearing back in put a little grease in the hole first and the pin. proceed below

tried t o ajust the inner spring no luck! but now that ive loosen the flower nut i can roll the bike with out the back tire draging...and to ansewr your question yes the arm did move with the pin still engaged freely if carb wasnt there could have done 360 but now when i put it back on its stuck in this pos as seen in the pic

Ok take the clutch arm cover off again,

in that picture the position of the clutch arm. If the arm looks like that and your clutch is not disengaged you need to tighten up the inner spring some more try a full revolution, take the flower nut off this time so that you can get a good turn on it. if you cannot tighten it up anymore with the flower nut off skip this step.

leave the cover for the flower nut off for the time being.

when you put the clutch arm cover on line up the flat spot on the clutch arm so that it meets with the clutch pin.

now disengage the clutch and engauge the clutch a few times, while you are doing that look where the flower nut goes you should be seeing movement of the center rod where the flower nut goes.

while you have the flower nut off this would be a good time to clean the clutch pads, take off the clutch wheel the sliver one that is just a plate and look at the inside where the clutch pads meet the plate. is the plate shinny if so get a flat file and file it flat all around the surface to roughenit up, if you have some brake cleaner around spray some on the friction pads and let it dry.

if you can see a good amount of movement I'd say about 3/8 of an inch you can put the flower nut back on leave the little screw off that holds the position of the flower nut. do not wrench the flower nut on pull the clutch in and tighten it up a little,

try starting your bike now, if you cannot disengage the clutch tighten up the nut a little more and try again. after you find a point that the motor can start tighten the flower nut a 1/4 turn and reassemble.

good luck
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New Member
Jun 24, 2009
ithaca ny
yes metal ball is in there behind the pin took cover off and took off flowernut tried to tighten sprig again idk if im doing any thing becuase i cant get the clutch to do any thing its like its seized in the engaged postion there is no dis engaging it where the arm is in the pic it woul be engaged it i pushed it counter clock wise jus 1/2" it would disengage but does nothing doesnt move... im ready to throw it off a 9 story parking garage nut i dont want to sooo much fun


New Member
Jan 11, 2009
wait a minute your clutch arm? is the flat spot on the arm lined up with the pin flat?
if it is you will need to use a hammer or some tool to knock off the arm from the rod and reposition it so that it is running inline with the motor. pic below. I have mine off set a little bit.
if it is out of alignment reset it get a perm marker and mark a point on the clutch arm and the nut in a line so that you can see if you pull in the clutch and the arm is slipping on the rod and let me know.

question with the pin in (what the arm moves) how much of it sticking out 1/4'in ?

so their is no movement of the threaded stud that the flower nut is on when you pull the clutch handle in? when you pull the handle in the flower nut and clutch plate should move out.

can you take some pictures for me. the first one with the clutch arm cover off that shows me how much the clutch pin is sticking out (looking side ways the like trying to look down the chain), the second one of the clutch plate with the flower nut on normal clutch position and one when you pull the clutch in. (push the clutch arm with your hand all the way as far as it will let you)
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New Member
Jan 11, 2009
we will get to the solution of this problem dont stress out we need to go over stuff till we find it. i all ready have my next question if the pics cannot help out and if the clutch arm is in the wrong position.
if the arm is slipping you will need to do a little work to fix it dont worry it's an easy fix.
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New Member
Jun 24, 2009
ithaca ny
ok i have to get the pic in the morn but i can tell you that the clutch arm is mot sliping, pin sticks out 1/4" and when its all together when i pull it doesnt move like its siezed


New Member
Jan 11, 2009
thread post on the inside of the clutch -

thead post on how to remove the clutch -
just read the first page and remove the things to take the clutch out.

another post to read -

this will involve a little work, this is to determine if the inner rod in the clutch is seized up. you will need to find a way to remove the clutch spring holder to move the inner rod without force. it it does move freely the it can be fixed.
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LORD VADER Moderator
Jan 16, 2008
pampa texas
here is some pictures of what the clutch arm should look like when in gauged and not engaged. Looking at your pictures your clutch arm looks to be wrong. could be the flat end on the arm is in the wrong position.

clutch arm pulled in the flat will push the clutch shaft in to dis engage the clutch allowing the engine to run with no power to the rear wheel.

clutch arm parallel with the clutch housing in this position you will have power to the rear wheel


New Member
Jan 11, 2009
here are some pics
It looks like you inner clutch spring is as tight as it should be. Take a note on what Norman said i shot him an email to help out.

Now that I know your inner clutch spring is tight we can try this after you check what Norman said. Instead of tightening the inner clutch spring we will loosen it and make sure the clutch cover is off so you can see the flower nut, also make a note where your clutch pin is.

Loosen the inner clutch spring like 8 revolutions (instead of turning counter clockwise you turn clockwise to loosen it) then check the pin if it is farther in then your clutch is not seized up because that pin is what pushes the flower nut assembly out.

Even though I told you before to tighten it loosen it, your clutch looks really tight you want about a 1/4 inch sticking out, it could be the clutch is too tight and that you cannot tune the flower nut properly.

But do this only after checking wheat Norman said ok.

Like I said before we are going to fix this one way or another.

Goat Herder

Gutter Rider
Apr 28, 2008
That clutch arm is a bit of a bugger to get off! You can take the 10 mm nut off. Gently work it and pry it off. Then reattach it where it needs to be. It is splined onto the rod inside the clutch actuator cover. In other words what Norm just said.


New Member
Jun 24, 2009
ithaca ny
no clutch arm is right position tried loosen and tighten the inner spring and but just bent my allen key still dont think im doing it right but ive read the tear down post like 100 times
Sep 20, 2008
Clearwater, FL
This has been truly painful to read...


You are now going to have to fully understand "How" the clutch works in order to fix it. By now, I'm sure it's so out of whack that you are going to have to start over!

I'm sure Reg can help point you in the right direction. Reg...his clutch arm slipped on the splines which caused the initial problem.

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New Member
Jan 11, 2009
This has been truly painful to read...


You are now going to have to fully understand "How" the clutch works in order to fix it. By now, I'm sure it's so out of whack that you are going to have to start over!

I'm sure Reg can help point you in the right direction. Reg...his clutch arm slipped on the splines which caused the initial problem.


OK lets start over.

First - Using Manics pic's setup your clutch arm the way it is to be.

Second - Loosen your clutch up the way it was (if you remember how many turns it was if not give it 1 turn)

Third - Set every thing up so you can try and start it. Notice where the clutch arm is.

Forth - After you try and start it look at your clutch arm. Is it in the same position it was before?

Fifth - If it is and you are getting alot of drag try tightening the flower nut but if you have to tighten it more than 2 1/2 turns you will have to tighten your inner clutch spring 1/2 turn. (When you pull the clutch in within the first 1/2 of the pull the clutch should be disengaged)

Sixth - If it has moved that means the grooves in the arm has have sheared off and you will either have to get a new arm or you can drill a small hole where the arm connects and use a small screw to keep it place. (pull the arm off the rod, does it look smoth or are their grooves)

If you are handy at making stuff and you have a piece of 1/2" alum around like 4" x 3/4" , drill bits, and a tap set then you can make a new clutch arm I did a post where I made my own and that is the arm I use now. The reason I do not use mine is because I don't have a cable stop the one that was in the arm the threads sheared off and I could not keep the clutch tight.

Just keep calm we will get through this, Over the web It is different than in person. If I was their this problem would be over with by now and you would know how to fix it. We are here to help.

Hey do have the ability to make a video, If you do when you fix the arm position. record when you try and start it and then the position of the arm after words. Post it to youtube and give us the link sound would be good.