SBP - Expansion Chamber Pipe


Master Bike Builder & Forum Sponsor
Without further delay, we finally have the pipe for sale. $64.95

Please have a look. Thanks. To ALL of you who asked for so many months, our humble apologies.

SBP Expansion Chamber Exhaust Pipe

So, I find this guy, this guy is like, stealing our exhaust was a monkey. This monkey he's stealing our exhaust gaskets.....and well before that well there was this hole our pipes fell in and boxes, I needed to buy boxes for them and those pipes had too large OD silencer and those have the wrong angles and those don't make as much's just a thing.
Any plans for a improvement of the poo-poo style pipe? Some of us want cool more than power. The expansion pipes just don't look good on beach cruisers.

Like the exhaust on the old Triumph 650's???
I mounted one up on a Point Beach and thought it looked pretty sweet, much better than the stock pipe. You could easily extend the pipe after the expansion chamber and place the muffler further back if that gets you the look you want.


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Guys just so everyone knows - we were shipping these like mad last week and are out of stock of these. We should be going again the middle of this week - Say Wed April 22, 2009 or so, we hope!
We are hoping early next week. We really apologize for this LONG delay! Good gawd we are tearing our hair out.
Yes you can order one, if we did not want this we would have just removed it from the site or tagged it so you couldn't order it but it would still show on our site. We didn't anticipate how long our suppliers turn around time has been.
Ya, I ordered one 2 weeks ago, and its still on back order. But I am very excited for it to come in! I have herd nothing but good reviews about it so Ill wait as long as it takes.
I know this situation sucks. We are sorry for this long delay. At this point we are trying everything we know to unclog the log jam.

Trust us:

A) we aren't going anywhere
B) we feel the torture of this delay every day, bigtime. It messes up our logistics, it increases costs, causes headaches and lack of sleep…..

We choose this supplier for technical ability, price, quality…..obviously we didn't anticipate the demand and order 500 to start, but even that would not have cleared out the bottlenecks. Our long term hope is to have constant stock of both the NEW black and NEW chrome pipes.