Hello From N. Michigan


Just registered and wanted to say hello, names Joshua and i live in the middle of the woods in Michigan, Interested in building a couple of motorized bicycles and all my searches seem to lead me here..... So getting an account was the next step lol..... Anyways, hello and I appreciate being able to find all the info this forum has to offer :)
By Charlevoix lake it looks like. You are about as North as we get. Your profile says self employed.
What's your day job Joshua? You TIG and have a lathe, you might like a visit to one of my threads.
Bike builders that have machine tools/shops | Motorized Bicycle Engine Kit Forum (motorbicycling.com)

Yeah my isp pings off of different areas depending on the time of day, Cheboygan, Charlevoix etc.... I'm tip of the mitt tho, Charlevoix is almost 30 miles south of me, Canada is less than 45miles away in a straight line... I own my own small business in the construction industry, It pays the bills.... usually lol.

I can operate my lathe but by no means an expert, Its a cheap small (7'x14") chinese lathe I bought a few years back when I needed a part made and some asshat was gonna charge me 400 bucks to make it, I figured I'd just add a few hundred more to it and get the lathe and some bits and make it myself. It's come in handy quite a bit actually, especially when I break a part on a vintage snowmobile or break something and dont wanna wait for days for it to come in the mail.... This old tony on youtube was a god send for setup and general usage.... I'll check out the builders thread :)

Heck you got me beat there I live in between all these tech companies and even I only have a few megabits maybe a quarter gigabit down. You could do great things with just a tig and a lathe. I’d have a lathe if I had space to put it.
Yeah I have the same issue, I have a two car garage and a little shop in the back but between the exercise, wood working, amateur mycology, reloading and various other equipment.... space is at a premium, were in the market for buying a home but there's no way i'm paying 400k+ on a home thats only worth 150 right now :(
Yeh I had to make a part once on one of those as a paid employee. Sorry to hear you have one lmao. It’s been six or seven years since that mini horror. I’ll be that old Tony in a couple dozen years.
LOL It's not that bad, I may have gotten a better than average one but once you set it up properly and make sure its grounded it works for everything I need it to do.... plus it's not like i'm building aerospace parts lol. In the two years I've had it , it's paid for itself 10 times over just in the polaris snowmobile parts I've made for people doing restorations on 50+ yr old machines that nos parts are impossible to find..... Pistons are fun to make actually

Once I have a home of my own where i can set one up and keep it there permanently I'll look into a better quality unit :)
I watched, Cars and Cameras a few days ago and they put a 98cc 4 stroke from Go Power Spots on a Phatmoto bike that had a 79cc on it before. Then in true Cars and Cameras fashion they added a huge electric motor on the front wheel. They were really impressed with the 98cc 4 stroke and Go Power sports had the engines on sale for less than $100.

I'm in Canada so all I see is the Canadian price and it certainly isn't under a hundred dollars due to the dollar exchange rate. It might be what your looking for.

Bare motor without kit.
I watched, Cars and Cameras a few days ago and they put a 98cc 4 stroke from Go Power Spots on a Phatmoto bike that had a 79cc on it before. Then in true Cars and Cameras fashion they added a huge electric motor on the front wheel. They were really impressed with the 98cc 4 stroke and Go Power sports had the engines on sale for less than $100.

I'm in Canada so all I see is the Canadian price and it certainly isn't under a hundred dollars due to the dollar exchange rate. It might be what your looking for.

I watched the issac vid, I cant watch john anymore... I wish issac and charles would start their own channel.... I know it sounds mean but john changed as soon as they got out from johns parents house.... the black widow 670 vid was epic...
I thought the whole program changed when they moved out of Johns parents house. It changed even when the neighbours got tired of John and Issac tearing up and down the street and though the woods. The Phatmoto bike that they had the the 98cc on was putting up rooster tails of dirt when they opened up the throttle then they added the huge electric motor and when they opened up both throttles there were two rooster tails of dirt but with the front wheel under power they learned about the gyroscope effect of the front wheel being powered and the bike was uncontrollable if they tried to turn it.

The builds are incredible and I wonder how they pull them off. The show will definitely be different with Charles gone but it was the right move for he and his wife. The baby needed to be closer to his grand parents and it's always nice to go back home if you can.
