Wow! HELLO & here I am again. LOL


Well-Known Member
I still see some familiar "faces" on here and it does my heart good.

Been a long time my friends.

Wanting to get my bikes up and running again asap...
I miss this forum and this awesome hobby.

I do see that I have missed out on a lot of new upgrades for the little HT/China Girl Engines.

Im sure it will take me a long while to get caught up.

I need to learn how to navigate this forum again also, its different.
I still see some familiar "faces" on here and it does my heart good.

Been a long time my friends.

Wanting to get my bikes up and running again asap...
I miss this forum and this awesome hobby.

I do see that I have missed out on a lot of new upgrades for the little HT/China Girl Engines.

Im sure it will take me a long while to get caught up.

I need to learn how to navigate this forum again also, its different.

Well, look at this!! I haven't been on here in several years and who also just popped back up!

Gave my bike away several years ago to a local guy who's MB had been stolen (it was his only transportation). Last real run I had put on the bike was one of the Scarecrow Runs in Illinois about 3 or 4 years ago.

This site was a real help in transforming my bike from a plain Cranbrook with a kit motor (25mph) to a firebreathing hellion (50mph). I think the only parts original to the bike were the frame and pedal crank. Was very fun and probably the cheapest hobby I've ever had.

Keep on wheel'n!
Sounds like Ive missed a lot of changes, so Paul is out of the game and who runs the show now?

I want to get my bike stuff organized again and learn more about what is new.

I kinda got excited when I seen that we now have engines available with 8mm studs and some cylinder upgrades it looks like.

seems the name "Zeda" is attached to some of these "upgraded" engines

Id definitely love to have one of them with 8mm studs if the engines have the better balanced cranks like some of the ones I got way back crom thatsdax which seems to be out of the 2 smoker game now.

Glad you back. Things are different here. New owner and some server changes keeping it moving forward.

Well spund sto me like you need another

Im gonna delve into some of the newer stuff before long I hope, wanting to give one of these "zeda" type engines a try since they have the 8mm mounting studs and at least some ive seem pics of look tp have a nice new jug design...

Well, look at this!! I haven't been on here in several years and who also just popped back up!

Gave my bike away several years ago to a local guy who's MB had been stolen (it was his only transportation). Last real run I had put on the bike was one of the Scarecrow Runs in Illinois about 3 or 4 years ago.

This site was a real help in transforming my bike from a plain Cranbrook with a kit motor (25mph) to a firebreathing hellion (50mph). I think the only parts original to the bike were the frame and pedal crank. Was very fun and probably the cheapest hobby I've ever had.

Keep on wheel'n!
I think I have 3 of the "better balanced lowers" that I got from him, I only put one of them together with a Frankenstein piston I ramped and drilled a bunch of holes in, turned out to be the fastest top speed bike I've had, I did overheat it and damaged the piston so that enginrs needs a new too end, but I did get 52 mphoit of that engine on a bike with 24" wheels and a 32T on the rear.

I honestly dont care for 50+mph on a bicycle anymore unless I have a better bike to do it in than I have

Do you what the better overall engines are now?

Im gonna build my wife a bike and I would like to use one of the models that have the 8mm studs for a bit better mounting reliability if possible.

Great to hear from you.
Well ****, It's been a coons age for me too since I have been on here too! Haven't ridden in quite a while, but started back up about a month ago. Got about 200 additional miles on my reliable motor and ended up blowing out the needle bearings and ripping the crap out of the piston and jug. Just spent about 30 minutes trying to find thatsdax's website to see what top ends he USED to see (since last time I was on his site he got out of the 2 stroke business). So now I have to take a SWAG (scientific wild ass guess) as to what piston and jug I need to replace what failed.

BTW I just looked up my build thread on my bike HERE dated from Dec 2013. Wow, didn't think I had the old girl that long.

Anyway, anyone have any ideas on what piston and jug size I need from one of Dax's 80CC kits purchased in 2013? Any leads would be useful, thanks!

Oh and HI MAP! I remember you from when I used to be on here a lot too. You were very helpful and friendly, hope life is treating you well! Good to see you again! (^)

EDIT I used the internet wayback machine to look up his site from 2013, this is what I have.

So going to the parts page I find this:


I haven't shopped around for almost half a decade so I am not sure where would be the best place to find these. I still remember getting farked over by BikeBerry when I first started this hobby so please do NOT recommend them.

PS. Map, sorry I highjacked your thread. I will delete this post and start a new one if you wish. :(
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More than I care to remember. But being out of work gave me some time to finally get back on and explore some back roads and trails that I would have never dared without a motor. In the last 2 months I have tinkered with it almost as much as I did when I first built it.
Hello yourself... glad to see you back also.


You havent hi jacked nothing...

I ordered a Go top and from BGF off ebay and Im gonna see how it will work on one of my old Fax. A type piston lower.

These newer jugs with the wide open transfers have the best casting of any china girl cylinders I ever seen.... really nice looking ports also.

here is the link I ordered from and got within a week.

pics below show what it looks like, jug, piston and set of rings for $30

seemed like a good deal to me.

gonna remove that divide in exhaust port I think, never needed that in the other cylinders I've run.


Well ****, It's been a coons age for me too since I have been on here too! Haven't ridden in quite a while, but started back up about a month ago. Got about 200 additional miles on my reliable motor and ended up blowing out the needle bearings and ripping the crap out of the piston and jug. Just spent about 30 minutes trying to find thatsdax's website to see what top ends he USED to see (since last time I was on his site he got out of the 2 stroke business). So now I have to take a SWAG (scientific wild ass guess) as to what piston and jug I need to replace what failed.

BTW I just looked up my build thread on my bike HERE dated from Dec 2013. Wow, didn't think I had the old girl that long.

Anyway, anyone have any ideas on what piston and jug size I need from one of Dax's 80CC kits purchased in 2013? Any leads would be useful, thanks!

Oh and HI MAP! I remember you from when I used to be on here a lot too. You were very helpful and friendly, hope life is treating you well! Good to see you again! (^)

EDIT I used the internet wayback machine to look up his site from 2013, this is what I have.View attachment 108088

So going to the parts page I find this:

View attachment 108089

I haven't shopped around for almost half a decade so I am not sure where would be the best place to find these. I still remember getting farked over by BikeBerry when I first started this hobby so please do NOT recommend them.

PS. Map, sorry I highjacked your thread. I will delete this post and start a new one if you wish. :(