Is it possibe to add a transmission with multiple gears too a 2 stroke bike?

Hi, just joined the forum, I have never seen a transmission, but I am new to this hobby. I did however find what is called a jack shaft kit... I found it on bike berry, it basically attached to the frame right below the motor, and brings the power to the bike chain side, then powers the main peddal sprocket so you can use your rear derailleur gears. The kit includes new peddal crank assembly that allows motor to spin the sprocket without turning the peddals. Haven't tried it yet but will eventually...
Hi, just joined the forum, I have never seen a transmission, but I am new to this hobby. I did however find what is called a jack shaft kit... I found it on bike berry, it basically attached to the frame right below the motor, and brings the power to the bike chain side, then powers the main peddal sprocket so you can use your rear derailleur gears. The kit includes new peddal crank assembly that allows motor to spin the sprocket without turning the peddals. Haven't tried it yet but will eventually...

For over a decade I rode a bike that shifted 7 gears automatically. I've retired that bike and am currently building a Schwinn Sidewinder featuring a triple chainring shift kit using a custom built 7 speed 34-13 freewheel. The chainrings are 28,36,44. The 3×7 drive system will be shifted like this lowest to highest gear ratio 1(1-3), 2(3-5), 3(5-7) for 9 non redundant gear ratios. It'll also eliminate cross chaining which occurs in single chainring shift kits.
Hi, just joined the forum, I have never seen a transmission, but I am new to this hobby. I did however find what is called a jack shaft kit... I found it on bike berry, it basically attached to the frame right below the motor, and brings the power to the bike chain side, then powers the main peddal sprocket so you can use your rear derailleur gears. The kit includes new peddal crank assembly that allows motor to spin the sprocket without turning the peddals. Haven't tried it yet but will eventually...
Yes You want the shift kit
You can also get a shift kit from Staton Inc. The SI shift kit you can put 3 chainrings on. Which gets shifted like this when using a 7 speed freewheel 1(1-3), 2(3-5), 3(5-7) for 9 non redundant gear ratios. The SBP shift kit only had one chainring meaning more lateral stress will be on the chain due to cross chaining. You can also have a much wider reduction ratio with the SI shift kit than the SBP shift kit.

You'll have to contact Staton Inc about building you a shift kit since they no longer advertise them. If you do decide to get one from them then insist on the bottom brackets being made out of steel instead of aluminum.

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Make sure you choose your gear ratios correctly.

If not, you might damage your clutch, or your high gears will be ineffective.