New Member

Hi crassius, thanks for replying . I installed a new clutch cable a few weeks ago. I've also removed the flower nut and clutch plate to check the pads and the spring. I've also check the bucking bar to see if it was worn.if your clutch is slipping, it may get very hot and the pads will expand enough to drag
Yes, I always pedal to start. I need to pedal and throttle to pick up speed. It's just easier when the motor is cool than when it is warmed up.Do you always pedal the bike from a stop to help the engine get going??? (because that's very important with these bikes)!
View attachment 98608 Hi everyone, I have a 66cc motor with a NT carb and expansion chamber exhaust. When I start the bike, when the engine is cold, it starts up right away. Good throttle response and accelleration. As it warms up, it becomes harder to accelerate, idle, and get moving from a stop. At the end of the ride, it feels as if the clutch is not disengaging because moving the bike becomes difficult. It all returns to normal when the motor cools down after a couple of hours and I start it up again. I'd appreciate any kind of help with this guys, Thank you.
the work you describe on the clutch does not ensure it isn't slipping - it needs to be adjusted properly to grab enough and it needs to be free of fuel and grease (a small carb leak can seep into that cover)
Thank you for the rather insulting reply but I already know how to properly adjust the clutch. And if I didn't, I know that these forums contain all the info for maintaining it. But whats with the hostile reply? My OP asks a question that has not been posted here before. If so, please point the way to me. Can you tell me why my clutch works perfectly fine one minute, then needs adjustment a few minutes later, then goes back to normal on it's own as the motor cools down? I would humbly accept your condensending remarks in exchange for a reasonable explanation or solution. I will, in the meantime, review your posts on clutch adjustment and apply it to my situation.watching the plate go in-&-out, in-&-out, in-&-out, may be entertaining if someone is into machine pR0n, but has nothing to do with cable/clutch adjustment
I've probably posted 100 times the full procedure and others might raise that number of posts to 1000 or so - doing it right should help.