, The Game


I am making, now having made, an app for my courier gig. In looking around and researching it, I came across these free app/game makers.
(my thing is too complex and needs a pro. if ya do that for a living, lemme know if ya want to bid on the project)

Got to thinking about finally making that MBC, motorbike game for cell phones and tablets. I know nothing about coding and any of the tech stuff needed. But according to some of the apps, ya can be a complete novice and make one. We also have some big talent tech folks here. But was thinking we get a few or as many as would want to, and build a game app. Think some are communal and we can do it via the app or over the internet. Again, complete novice here. (our host is an internet guy, hmm. and got/did the upgrade 90% in a day and less than 3 later, has it almost 100%.....)

But anyone into it? I really don't wanna attempt it on my own. Have 3 jobs and that doesn't include the volunteer stuff. I start good but things get back burnered and forgotten too easy.
(Never know which 2 to use, 'cause there are two of them...)

Here is one article; (appy pie comes up a lot) AND

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Dan misspelling on the forum is not looked down on, we are just a bunch of people sharing our thoughts and experience on bike things, what really bugs me is when I pick up the news paper(yea I still get the paper) and these "professionals" don't know how to spell or structure a sentence so everyone can understand it.
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Har, LoL, thanks, Buddy.

I got no clue either. But in reading about it, says it can be done by non tech folks. Har, remember back when the china girl kits all had the Changlish add with "Assembled in 2 4 hours easy" or some thing like that. My first build from Dax, I tried to do it. Didn't end well. Made it from the right side of the house, to the left before putting the chain tensioner into the spokes. But did get it done in the 4 hrs. Well, almost.

But the app thing, be cool if we could actually do this. I made a few web pages way back. It's really cool to see something like that come to life. Sorta like a MB. A MB is a lot easier (for me any way) 'cause ya can see what your doing. Not writing/typing some thing and it does stuff magically in the intertube that makes things happen on the screen later.
Dan misspelling on the forum is not looked down on, we are just a bunch of people sharing our thoughts and experience on bike things, what really bugs me is when I pick up the news paper(yea I still get the paper) and these "professionals" don't know how to spell or structure a sentence so everyone can understand it.
Big time! We get the paper. (still, too) That is upsetting. I really am horrible at spelling and grammar. (hehe, misspelled "spelling") But these folks went to school for it. If the likes of me can catch it, wow.
Those app makers you listed are more for activity apps like to do list or menu's or keeping track of appointments. Doing a game would be different maybe a different app maker that focuses on games. First you need to decide what type of game you want to make yes its a MB game but consider the following:

-Is it a 3D or 2D game (I believe a 2D will be easier to make and still be fun to play, especially on a phone)
-How do you want the game to be viewed: POV, top down, side ways.
-What style of games is it? Im assuming racing but also would it be an RPG where you can collect coins or cash and upgrade your bike. Or would it just something like pick a bike and no upgrades are involved. Or is it a multiplayer game where you can play with other people.
-What system do you want to do it for I suggest picking one (android or iPhone) and then develop from there.

When you have the answer to these questions then you can start choosing what "app maker" to use even the game engine that you plan to use. Lets say you want to do a 2D game then this means its pointless to choose an app maker or game engine that works better for 3D. The hardest part of programming is planning everything out before hand. Even when it comes to actually writing code there needs to be a plan on what type of "tools/data structures/programming language" you plan to use. Sounds like fun though I wouldn't mind learning some new stuff.

I've only ever taken one Android/iPhone programming class at school. It was the second semester the professor had thought it so it was pretty new and she didn't know much and I ended up having to help/teach some students how to do some stuff for some projects as there was so many bugs on the IDE. Professor gave a pass to I believe the whole class since there was so many problems with the IDE haha needless to say I would rather have learned on my own and wouldn't mind doing it. Would look good on my portfolio too contributing/creating something outside of school. I am not a professional either so I can't see me bidding on this project but just helping out.
So cool, Bluck. I gotta finish some forum stuff but found (Thanks to your direction!) the, what I think we need.

So cool of ya to help out! I am really excited. This is gonna be cool.
Gonna go a thing at a time, Bluck.

  • Awesome, thank you. Just that was big as I had no clue.
  • 2 D. Easier, simpler is better me thinks. Can do another later if wanted and I can figure it out. :confused:
  • Up to every one. I am thinking "POV" point of view (from the perspective of player, so we could have roadside repairs or the like. Some thing simple like a time penalty for hitting some thing. Thinking a race with zombies. LOL, zombies are kind of a thing with MBers. (OK me but is a worry)
  • Stick to simple? I would like collecting parts and weapons. But even with first attempt, would like to do it as cool and fun as possible.
  • RPG / Role player Game. Do you think that best?
  • Think sticking to Android best for now. It's 78% of the market?Gonna read this;
Am I on the right track?

This is awesome! Not real good at any of the I.T. stuff but enjoy learning. Thanks again, Bluck!
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That's a good start, going to study up on the links you've provided myself I'm hoping to learn a lot. Love the zombie idea didn't even cross my mind. Could start out with a choice between picking 2 stroke or 4 stroke. If you pick 2 stroke you get more speed but less life or 4 stroke less speed but less break down-more life. Idk how the mechanics would be yet but thought that'll be cool.
Love that! 2 smoke, faster take off. 4 higher to end.

But awesome variable! Think the outa no where, occasional zombie attack could be funny. (and know it's a real life worry for many of us. Wut?)

So cool. One thing though. As a part of things like this. I tend to way over complicate things. So you as Lead director of IT and development, (need better title for portfolio) feel free to say "nope"

Seriously. I can bough down projects like this like bad.

But cool on direction and first steps!
Hey guys I'll be the one that hangs around all the time asking questions, y'all know the type of person that hangs out at the local mechanics shop. I'll do what my Dad told me " its better to be quite and let people wonder if you know anything about a subject than to open your mouth and remove all doubt".
Naw Greg. Offer thoughts and such. It's not like a serious thing but creative stuff always comes out better with more ideas and opinions.

And the zombie town thing. Dunno but let fly.

Plus, not knowing what we don't know, we can just go ahead and not know it, all together.
Lol, that sorta made sense in my head.
Greg!!! You're now the executive director of field testing and final releases! Meaning when it's done, you say "OK, good to go" and we publish it on Google play for download. A tuff job but some one's gotta do it. This makes you the DFFR. I'll have business cards printed....

Bluck, (an' DFFR) I realized this morning the only PC I had that could work with Android is an old 2GB Acer notebook. Major bummer as I updated to windows 10 (har, could see your eye's roll from here Bluck. I didn't know! lol)

But remembered I have a Nvidia, Shield tablet! So am downloading Android studio. Every article I have read, at least mentions it. Most suggest it. Has lots of help sites and articles. So gonna start there unless you have another suggestion. (?)

This is so dang cool! I know. Small minds and all that but...
OK, I got nutton but do I knock your hobbies?
After hrs of working on this, Can't get studio to run on Android tablet or chrome book.

Bluck, I'll down load it on very, painfully slow windows 10 machine. But have this on tablet.

Will we be able to collaborate with this? Or do we need Android studio? I guess it depends on what your going to use to work on this with. Just lemme know. Will download studio on win 10 machine just in case.

What I need to do is get a surface pro. But way out of the question at 6/$700 for a new laptop. The cost of the other, business app is tieing me up tight.
I was planning to use Android Studio as that is what I used at school. It is a very power hungry IDE, you don't need a surface pro I use it mostly for the pen futures as I write all my notes on my laptop by hand. Its hard to type up math notes so I like to use the surface pro to save my notes digitally. I'm not a fan of having a lot of papers in my backpack or lots of notebooks.

I will suggest a laptop (a thinkpad with about 4-8gb ram, a SSD will help a lot and they're cheaper now) or if you are able to a desktop where you can sit at home they are cheaper and you will be able to use bigger monitors. Or use your current acer notebook and install an SSD and some more ram it should feel like a new machine. Its very easy to install too all you need is a very small screwdriver and that's it (a guy with your motorbike abilities it should be easy). Just make sure if your notebook has a way to open it. If you need help let me know if you send me pictures of the bottom I can let you know if it possible to upgrade.
Awesome stuff and thank you big time!

Am on the road but gonna go threw your post, suggestions carefully tonight.

Really bad buy, my chrome book. A chrome product that teases me that it will be upgraded this yr to be able to use Google play and Microsoft products. (Lenovo ThinkPad, oddly enough) Every year!

But again, thanks! Man, I am getting lost at all the acronyms alone. I would have given up on this save your help and advice. Was up till 3am just trying to download studio on win 10 machine. Lol. Not sure which of the 2 of us is slower. Gonna flight test it!

This is the prototype design I drew from another existing TUI project.

I would suggest to find an already released video game and modify it to get the functions and proof of concept working so you have some blueprints and programmatic concepts and content to bring in to a new development.
I always liked text only so thats what I worked with..

How my angle has been is to create 7 facets of the bicycle, each of them could be installed a timebomb and other variables to cause a repair to need to happen. I'm focused on getting mine to show the keyboard for mobile is the next planned update.
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