

What do you guys use for cooling? Its been getting over 80 here now and if I ride for more then 30 mins and give my bike WOT it starts to break up like its overheating. I have the high comp head but its still not keeping it cool enough. Maybe water injection? Computer fan? Running water tubing through the fins with a radiator?

I have no experience with cooling one of these motors.
Chopped the plug its fine nice choc milk color, I jetted it properly this spring and I'am using the B8HS. I think Ill just have to keep the riding limited to half throttle till it starts to cool down when I'm taking long rides. It does okay for now if I don't run it to long and hard when its hot. Really don't want to seize it up.
For what it's worth, it only takes a couple of minutes for these engines to get to working temperature. WOT in your case is probably just pushing the engine to its limit; you say you have a nice chocolatey-brown plug, that's're in the zone. These engines are relatively delicate and cheap, they need listening to, and you've heard yours telling you "LAY OFF THE THROTTLE!".
For what it's worth, it only takes a couple of minutes for these engines to get to working temperature. WOT in your case is probably just pushing the engine to its limit; you say you have a nice chocolatey-brown plug, that's're in the zone. These engines are relatively delicate and cheap, they need listening to, and you've heard yours telling you "LAY OFF THE THROTTLE!".

Too bad Dandy Brandi will never smarten up and use good given advice as above ay Cylon!:-||
Yeppers, I'm going to get some copper water tubing and run it through the fins of my motor then pick up a radiator made to cool CPU's. Should work fine.

Thanks for my fish as well cause I'm using one of their water pumps lol, I have a 20,000 mAh battery built into my bike for my headlight it should run the pump and the light for about 20 hours between charges.

I'm stealing this guys idea,
Except I dont think a dirt bike radiator is really needed a CPU radiator should do the work and its about half the size and price.
I really think you're overthinking this, and may actually end up creating a worse overheating condition.

That said, why not just construct a water-jacket around the jug, and fill it with water? You could actually use a carburetor-float assembly to feed water from a reservoir as the heated water evaporates. Much simpler, and it'd assure that your jug remains below 212-degrees F at sea-level.
It's an AIR COOLED engine. Continuous riding at WOT will heat up any engine, especially one that has no other means of cooling except moving air. Increasing compression only makes it worse.

You need to remember that it is a motorized bicycle, not a motorcycle. It is not intended to ride all day at top speed. It also sounds as if you're running a little lean. Richen up the mixture a little (bigger main jet) and then give your engine a break by backing off the throttle. You might be surprised how much better it will perform and how much longer it will last without abusing it.

I agree to Leen or maybe you should try ih quality lubricant hoptd up motor men's more frckchon I use Honda lubricant synthetic blend no problem runs like a stuk pig.xx.
It's an AIR COOLED engine. Continuous riding at WOT will heat up any engine, especially one that has no other means of cooling except moving air. Increasing compression only makes it worse.

You need to remember that it is a motorized bicycle, not a motorcycle. It is not intended to ride all day at top speed. It also sounds as if you're running a little lean. Richen up the mixture a little (bigger main jet) and then give your engine a break by backing off the throttle. You might be surprised how much better it will perform and how much longer it will last without abusing it.


Yeah, like Tom says: we have to remember what we're sitting on. WOT, 80 degrees or more, journey of several miles, altogether will be a workout for a little China Gurl. The only useful advice that comes to my mind is similar to what's above: leave for your destination a little earlier than usual, and slow her down by about five mph. With the engine humming in its comfort zone you'll have less cause to worry about seizing, warping, grenading, or whatnot. I've had my bike on extended trips and this little Dax two-smoker has lasted since 2010. I have no doubt there's several more years left in her.