The one thing I worried about when getting the "Shift Kit" was would I be able to start the engine. My unshifted engine requires a bit of pedalling to get get it going. Cold early mornings are a pain in the rear. Hearing that I would have to turn over the engine just pedalling made me very nervous.
So there I was with a brand new engine and the shift kit installed. I pedal the bike to get it rolling, stood up on the pedals while pedaling and let out the clutch. Pedaling just stopped, pulled in the clutch and pedalled some more. I stood again and rather than pedaling I put the pedal just past the top of arc. let out the clutch and slammed my awesome 120 lbs on the pedal. Heard the piston move in the cylinder. Reverse pedalled and did it again, Three time I did this and then engine fired up. It sputtered a bit as I gave it some more gas and stayed running.
After that first time I had a working method for starting the bike.
Things to note: 1) With the freewheel it starts in lower gears, in 5th or 6th I am fighting the engine and the wheel. 2) Rolling along lets you think about starting the bike not falling over off balance. 3) "Slamming" down is probably not the way to go if you are slamming 200lbs down on the pedal, just putting your weight on it probably works. 4) I get tired pulling the cord on my lawn mower, more than 4 times.