If it's got a chain drive, Isn't it a motorcycle?


New Member
Motorcycles use chain drive and a clutch. Isn't a bicycle with a chain driven engine just a cheap motorcycle? No offence intended, I'm new here, but I avoided using a chain drive on mine and stuck with the rubber wheel on the tire. There's all types and kinds of motorized bicycles, I know, I'm not against how you make the pto work. To me the only requirement is that it will get you up a steep incline (hill) without pedaling. In my area if you have a chain drive you're going to get stopped for driving a motorcycle without the proper paperwork. They leave you alone if it's rubber to rubber pto.
Most places, in The States anyway, if it is under 50cc, is a bike that can be pedaled and does not require shifting gears it is considered a motor assist bicycle and is not considered any different than a regular bicycle. I have heard they are a little more strict in Canada but a friend of mine from Vancouver BC doesn't seem to have any problems with the RCMP. Just ask around about your local regs. There is also a "laws" section on this site that may help.
With all do seriousness most cops have better things to do than stop a motorized bicycle. I'v only got waved over once and he just said a needed a helmet and look into a license, i got a helmet, saved the 15 bucks and didn't get a license and haven't got stopped yet. As for what the booklet says. Under 50cc isn't a motorcycle. To get a "Motorized Bicycle License" their are many requirements. Headlights, Taillights, Turn signals, as well as reflectors, has to have pedles, and a DOT approved helmet.
Motorcycles do use chains, belts and drive shafts. Bicycles use drive shafts and chains.
I don't think the means of transmitting the power to the wheel defines any class of vehicles.

Under 50 cc and max of 20 MPH plus capable of being peddled is required by the Feds. Locals can be more restrictive, but not less.

Welcome to a really fun hobby. My bike is strung up on the bike lift in the the carport for my latest mods. New computer, Honda tank under the seat on the rear rack and finally get rid of the teardrop tank on the upper crossbar. That is almost as much fun as catching bugs in your teeth. )

HEY JIMRAYSR- If that is a HT tank do you wanna sell it? I have a cutesy little 20" Schwinn with a Briggs model N that would be neat with the tank. It would scale out about like a Wheezer tank on a full-sized bike. I have taken a renewed interest in it since I found a forgotten new set of Wald chrome fenders for it. It also has an old BMX seat that is brick-shaped like a Bates comp. saddle that fits my butt well.
The big thing, I worked on, was a good muffler system. The quieter they are the less attention you attract. The less smoke you put out the less attention you attract. That's why I use a four stroke engine on mine and designed a very quiet muffler to go over the spark arrestor. People are funny, if it's a Harley rattling your windows, they put up with it. But if sounds like a leaf blower and it keeps passing by, your most likely to get stopped.
You have got me on the term "HT", but I expect to use it in an other build I am planning. Thanks.


HEY JIMRAYSR- If that is a HT tank do you wanna sell it? I have a cutesy little 20" Schwinn with a Briggs model N that would be neat with the tank. It would scale out about like a Wheezer tank on a full-sized bike. I have taken a renewed interest in it since I found a forgotten new set of Wald chrome fenders for it. It also has an old BMX seat that is brick-shaped like a Bates comp. saddle that fits my butt well.
I have a cutoff on my bike after expansion chamber and before homeade muffler for going thru city areas because i feel it is safer actually people wont pull out or try and pass if they can hear you--and is loud -in rural areas i cut it right down so i can enjoy the countryside


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