tire slime



Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2010
HD super thick tubes and liners work best, IMO slime is a useless band-aid after the fact the fails but makes a mess every time you air it.

Just say no to Slime.

Goat Herder

Gutter Rider
Apr 28, 2008
HD super thick tubes and liners work best, IMO slime is a useless band-aid after the fact the fails but makes a mess every time you air it.

Just say no to Slime.
That go cart I fixed has never made a mess. Nobody and I mean nobody has aired that tire up. Has well over a thousand miles on it now.... Where is this mess supposed to be because I do not see it..

It would be good IMHO if you really new what you where talking about.
Because 30 plus years and about 100 thousand miles on bicycles have not gave me any guff at all.

Goat Herder

Gutter Rider
Apr 28, 2008
If you use a paper thin tube or a preslimed tube. Your gonna get a flat.....

Many of the folks here have never used this stuff the way I suggest from my wounderfull experances. They make vague post about it and go to the next thread.

I got goat head stickers over here. Come over lets wrestle in them. Then you will know what I am talking about.

Get the thickest tube possible. Do not make the tube streatch to fit a larger tire than it was designed for. Here is the easy part put a bottle in there. Presimed tubes have less material than I butter toast with.

http://youtu.be/-8KXFW201nM nothing complicated about it. It is very simple. I will be more than happy to walk you through any complications. Why I have had perfect success with it. That said from a Christain prospective I owe it help a brother out. I like putting back into sociaty not taking from it..

PM me and I can let you know any thing you wanna know.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2010
If you use a paper thin tube or a preslimed tube. Your gonna get a flat.....

Many of the folks here have never used this stuff the way I suggest from my wounderfull experances. They make vague post about it and go to the next thread.
From my experience I still contend that slime is no substitute for thick tubes and a liner, and I could care less what little go kart tire does, it always irritates me when I go to air up some thin stock tube and the green craps shoots out all over.

Slime only kinda works AFTER the tube is punctured, the smart thing is prevent a puncture to begin with.

Goat Herder

Gutter Rider
Apr 28, 2008
From my experience I still contend that slime is no substitute for thick tubes and a liner, and I could care less what little go kart tire does, it always irritates me when I go to air up some thin stock tube and the green craps shoots out all over.

Slime only kinda works AFTER the tube is punctured, the smart thing is prevent a puncture to begin with.
I rest my case stop using paper thin tubes. It would serve you right to compare notes with somebody who has had success. IMHO

Have said it before there is nothing good to say about a paper thin tube...

As for some little go cart work on your tone of voice dude? Adding to confusion or telling the truth huh..It is a commercial golf cart at a commercial business. You knew that from my previous post...About a month ago. I can link that over for you. never mind gonna.. http://motorbicycling.com/showthread.php?p=573001

Umm nobody has had to do anything but drive. This will sound confusing. I will sound it out for you.. No mess mess and nobody has ever had to re air the tire again. This means I know what I am doing.

As for your heavy duty tube and liner combo. Hey they work great. I do agree this is the thing to do for any Newbee. Not my cup of tea..I don't get flats period.

I am sitting here at home with the flu and have dry heaved every twenty minutes since 5 am. I am getting my bearings straight now. So Sorry if I sound harsh? Got all day for you buddy wanna help.

I really do wanna help folks clarify for confused folks how to use the stuff. As for success? Have had nothing but success.

Briggs and Strait have a commercial grade sealer too..
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Active Member
Jul 31, 2008
el People's Republik de Kalifornistan
Just wondering if anyone uses it. Does it work? Does it increase tire wear and rolling resistance?
I've been using Slime for over 20 years. It's worked extremely well for me. It does increase tire wear because you can ride more (lol).
It does not measurably increase rolling resistance. It may even increase coasting distance slightly.

HD super thick tubes and liners work best, IMO slime is a useless band-aid after the fact the fails but makes a mess every time you air it.
Sounds like you're still doing it wrong.

Just say no to Slime.
Just say no to saying no. :D
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Sidewinder Jerry

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
Rockwood, TN
It does work to a point for small punctures. It will also leave a spot where it sealed the hole. Still I recommend patching the hole as soon as possible. I too use the extra thick tubes and heavy duty liners. I use slime as well. But like its a band aid get me home fix. My front wheel wouldn't be so bad as a road side repair but the rear wheel involves quite a bit of work and much easier to do at home. Sorry but I'm just not going to put my life on the line by riding regularly on a slime repair.
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Goat Herder

Gutter Rider
Apr 28, 2008
It does work to a point for small punctures. It will also leave a spot where it sealed the hole. Still I recommend patching the hole as soon as possible. I too use the extra thick tubes and heavy duty liners. I use slime as well. But like its a band aid get me home fix. My front wheel wouldn't be so bad as a road side repair but the rear wheel involves quite a bit of work and much easier to do at home. Sorry but I'm just not going to put my life on the line by riding regularly on a slime repair.
Way to many thorns nails etc in my travels to completely agree with this one. Lets get some clarity here.

Not enough material in the tube. Means it will not work. AKA the paper thin tube. Should have the bike made out of paper thin steel too. lol. As to me it makes about as much sense.

To make it clear with my experience and funny thing it never changes. Not in 30 years. I have have too many Goat Head thorns to even began to count. Yes all the way to the tube. Even through the side walls of my tires. This is of course why I use enough product to protect the whole tube. Yes like a entire bottle.

I have had much larger thorns all the way to the tube. Shards of steel wire, Thumb tacks,nails the list goes on.

Do you know what I do about it? Absolutely nothing. I simply ride the machine. I do pluck out the projectile. When the tire finishes going ''completly'' bald I replace it all. That really depends however. I do have tubes that have had over 11,000 miles on them. As God is my witness every one of those tubes had been impelled by something at any given time in those miles. I just put more product in them over time. That was all..

As for a patch kit. Well that is completely alien to me as well. I got no use for those. Really don't.

Can see why a fellow might want one. For emergency and all. I have always skated past all that gracefully.

A fellow here might post that he has to patch his tube? This is a moot point to me. Why ? Preslimed tube = not enough active product in all my experience. My favourite one of all a paper thin tube. This type of tube will weep until it goes dry enough to leak and or patch. As well as the preslimed tube. Last the only one that gets me. A nail shot to the rim means active product can not reach it to seal it. ''at the rim''

My get up does not leak at all what so ever..

Sure every tire needs topped off once and awhile. That is all I ever do and all I ever will do!!

Want to get even more bullet proof? Use a gutted old thick tube as a tire liner over a thick tube. I like to wipe all the talc powder out too between the tubes. This to me means that I nonchalantly have a full time tube patch as well. This alone is pretty good! I still use the green stuff. This was one of my best tricks out in the country side where entire fields,pastures were ruined with thorns.
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Goat Herder

Gutter Rider
Apr 28, 2008
Here you go. When you get up to 4mm wall thickness it is a good candidate! This is how I get my luck. With enough product in the tube for some side wall protection. Sombody else will have a tire liner for you? I don't use these enough to say I know anything about them.

Cannot say I have not used any 20'' combinations to lead you anywhere specific? I stay 24 inch or 26 inch. On my Large Marge rimes with 24 inch tires. I found a awsome motorcycle tube. Nice commercial grade. 4mm thick or better I remember right. That tube combo was perfect. The tube was the right size IME as it did not streach at all to meet the tire. ''Remaining in facto a thick tube''

Now a twenty inch tube in the right tire combo can use a commercial grade moped/motorcycle tube. If a fellow was to look around I know a flawless cobo exist out here!


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