My bicycle engine troubles....response from seller..


Master Bike Builder & Forum Sponsor
Guys - I got a reasonable response from DeVrou:
Hi Paul,
I am sorry to hear that you are having problems with your kit. First, try the new carb and if you are still having problems, let us know as we will do our best to get the problem resolved. I personally don't think that it is the magneto because it is getting spark and running, just not right. It sounds like a fuel delivery problem to me and I hope that the carb will take care of it. Also try running with the fuel cap loose or off to make sure that you are not getting a vapor lock that prevents the fuel from flowing. Check the filter in the fuel petcock to see if it is jammed or dirty. If so remove it and buy a $2 inline fuel filter to put in the fuel line. Also, check your needle in the bottom of the carb cylinder to make sure that there is not dirt or debri in there that is keeping it from sliding up and down properly.
We'll do our best to make it right.
Have a Great Day,
Sean DeVrou
Re: My engine troubles....response from seller..

Sounds like a nice guy and trying to help. Actually some of the simple things sound like good advice. I expect you have already done most of them but the fuel cap is news to me. I will have to remember that for the summer rides as summer is most often when vapor locks occur I think.
Re: My engine troubles....response from seller..

That sounds like a favorable response, take his advice then take it from there.

I drilled both my caps on the top and underside since neither one vented very well.
Re: My engine troubles....response from seller..

I haven't had any problem with the venting of the motor bike gas tank but I will keep an eye out for it now.
Re: My engine troubles....response from seller..

is sean going to send you a new carburator. i replaced mine today. i do not have to choke to start and the choke kills the engine like it is supposed to. runs great and road most of the day in high 30's weather i was having so much fun. these bicycle motors are a wonderful thing(^)
Re: My engine troubles....response from seller..

is sean going to send you a new carburator. i replaced mine today. i do not have to choke to start and the choke kills the engine like it is supposed to. runs great and road most of the day in high 30's weather i was having so much fun. these bicycle motors are a wonderful thing(^)

No I'm getting the carb elsewhere....why did you replace your carb?

I haven't rode for weeks now. Kinda pissed.
Re: My engine troubles....response from seller..

i got a new throttle assembly from chris hill and he sent me a new carburator also. my old one leaked from day one and now its nice and dry under it. i also got a clutch handle from him that is awesome. good long throw like a brake handle and also a push button to lock it. i will post pictures with a camparison of the crummy clutch handle and the good one tomorow
Re: My engine troubles....response from seller..

i got a new throttle assembly from Chris hill and he sent me a new carburetor also. my old one leaked from day one and now its nice and dry under it. i also got a clutch handle from him that is awesome. good long throw like a brake handle and also a push button to lock it. i will post pictures with a comparison of the crummy clutch handle and the good one tomorrow

Mine leaks to.. It was cheapo kit from ebay. I'm going to get one of kits and swap it out with the one I have I think.
Re: My engine troubles....response from seller..

I must have gotten lucky everything on my kit except for the add on stuff was fine. The engine if I had assembled it right would have been perfect. It was just the other stuff that was crap.

Oh just for the heck of it, I stored my bike in the shed a couple of days. I had put on a new section of gas line that I bought. Also the clear plastic type. When I turned the gas on it leaked like water from a tap. It had stretched outside for some reason. It must have done it before my last ride because my clothes had smelled of gas. I suppose it was the gasoline spray blowing back. I picked up some black rubber gas line and forced it onto the carb and tank. It seems to have done the trick. If you buy new gas line don't waste your money on the fish tank kind.
Re: My engine troubles....response from seller..

Yes, use only fuel line for fuel line.

I use nice HD fuel line prior to the filter but post filter I'm using the supplied stuff - and it's starting to look iffy.....:eek::(
Re: My engine troubles....response from seller..

It took a small struggle but I got the heavy duty black to go around the carb intake finally.
Re: My engine troubles....response from seller..

I never had a problem with the stuff that comes with the kits. At least so far, so good.

If you want a colored or semi clear line, go to a local hobby shop (model airplanes) and ask for GAS line, not for GLOW fuel, but for GAS. They will have a selection of colors/sizes.

Or go with good ol' black.