hand rash


LORD VADER Moderator
I have a rash on my hands that I've had now for 1 year and 4 months and I can't get it to heal up. I've been to 4 doctors and skin specialists and still no cure. If anyone has had any kind of rash from working one one of these engines I would like to know. My doctors all think it is related to what I'm doing at work and not on these engines at home so if you've had or are getting a rash let me know.
The rash starts out as small hard spots on the palms and fingers then the skin falls off leaving the underlying meat exposed and hurts so bad your toes will curl up when you put on a lotion trying to sooth the soreness. Any perfume in the lotion will make you kie-yie like a dog that has been beat with a big stick.
I have not touched my bikes for over 2 weeks to see if my hands will heal up and so far they haven't. I'm also wearing rubber gloves whenever I touch a thing and wearing cotton gloves all the time even under the rubber ones.I'm embarassed as I look like Michael Jackson but with both gloves on all the time, even in the summer, I try to stay out of sight or not show my hands as people freak out when they see how nasty they look.
I have a cabinet full of hand creams that will not work and burn the jell out of me if I use them, as the alcohols and perfumes really burn my hands I've had all kinds of steroid creams and shots as well, that sort of help.
I'm not making headlights either and looking to sell the molds as I will not be doing this anymore and will sell off all my bikes unless I can get my hands to heal up. Make me an offer if you want to, but do let me know if you have had the leprosy I've been experiencing.
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I doubt if I have anything like you are talking about, but I do have Dermatitis which is caused from exposure to solvents. Any solvent that desolves the oils produced in your hands can cause it. After prolonged exposure the oils in your hands quit being produced, the upper layers of shin dry out and blister. Mine is chronic from to many times getting paint and solvents on my hands. A box of latex gloves is cheap, Nitrate are better(Some people are alergic to latex). But thats me and a bunch of automotive painters out there. I hope the docs figure it out.
I work for this company and I've heard some miracle stories about this product. One from my own mother-in-law. Not sure where its available near you but you might want to try this stuff. If you have trouble finding it PM me and I'll see that you get some. Click this link to read the info.
Neoteric Diabetic - Neoteric Cosmetics, Inc.
Yeh we sure don't want you to quit the MB too good a resourse. See my selfish reasons but really, we hope you find the cause and cure very quickly. Be praying for you
Norm, I had something on my feet that sounds like what you're describing. It wasn't so severe and didn't last as long, but it sounds similar.

I'm sure you've already had this suggestion from all the doctors, but jock itch cream and neosporin. I would generally alternate them daily.

I don't know of much from these motors that could cause this type of issue unless you're allergic to something. Solvents will do it, so if you're not careful with the gas and carb cleaner and brake cleaner maybe. Working with fiberglass can put you at risk for skin issues too. resins, acetone, even the fiberglass itself.

What kinds of things do you come into contact with at work?

Have they removed a sample for analysis yet? Seems like that might help them figure out what it is....
Thanks man. I'm using that lotion and have been for over 2 weeks found it at Walmart by working my way through the lotions. But this one is in the Diabetic area and not with the other lotions the Pharmacy lady told me about it and gave me a sample I liked it so I'm now using it along with the prescription steroid liquid.
My hands still feel dry and the sores are all but healed up and I go back to work and on call tomorrow for a 10 day stretch.
I get to work Christmas Oh boy I'm so excited and lucky, me and one other guy get to take care of the field for 4 days with out help and get to work for 24hrs or more at a time with out time off to eat sleep etc. but who needs that. Why I like to be hungry and sleep deprived makes me feel safe driving the work truck that is why there is a cruise control, it will take you where ever you want to go all you have to do is steer it and the truck does the rest. Why I saw Santa one night just before sun up after going to work at 8:00pm the night before, and working all night he wasn't in a good mood though, I kept having to dodge the fence posts that someone had put in the road, I think that is why Santa was so pissed.
Only 3 more years and I'll get out of jail if I'm lucky.
Take care of the field? As in some type of crop?

Many insecticides can have adverse effects on your skin. The sealer you use to keep termites out of your deck...yeah bumps cover my hands after using that stuff. Like really big braille.
I was wondering if the aluminum is radio active or part of the steel might be on these china engines.I can't check it cause the safety people want all NORM meters returned to the main ofice Natural occuring radio reactive material testers we get radio reactive materical in the oil,gas and water produced in the oilfield and have to test the junk and operating equipment for excessive radation. Most of the old guys that I worked with have died from leukemia or cancer go figure.
I work in crude gasoline and condensate and oil. For the last 15 years it has been gas or gas products and refined oil form working on compressor and engines some chemicals from the gas drying system. I have not touched glycol in 2 years but have breathed the fumes. Our glycol system has been shut down for about a year.(gas drying system)
I do use carb cleaner and brake clean along with solvents and I do use rubber gloves bunna and nitrile no laytex. I've been extra careful not to get any chemical on me. I'm still getting the reaction on my hands. My doctor said I should be placed where I will not be in contact with any of the vapors or liquids that to me spells termination I don't want that.
All work at home on the toys have stopped along with even touching them.
I'm taking allergy pills prescription allegra.
I've tried the jock itch cream and neospoin doesn't help.
I tried corona a animal healing cream over 50% lanolin I'm allergic to lanolin and anything to do with sheep or mutton/wool so no jokes please.I've heard them all being from Wyoming.
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Aluminum is reactive so if your skin chemistry is just right it might do something, but I doubt that severe. My skin is somewhat acidic so when I go on a long drive in the car, especially when it's warm, my aluminum shift knob turns my palm black.

Almost sounds to me like it's a build-up from exposure, unfortunately. That could mean that even if you were to quit your job and quit the mb's and everything mechanical and take up knitting or something, it would likely persist for some time :(

Now might be a good time to at least give some homeopathic remedies a shot. See if you can find a _good_ naturopath in your area (not some whack-job).

You can try a paste made from fresh garlic..it has antiseptic qualities.
I was wondering if the aluminum is radio active or part of the steel might be on these china engines.Norman

Norman, sorry to hear of your problem. I have wondered if these China engines may have some radioactive material in them also.. I haven't had any symptoms though... I know that there is an ointment available that is used in burn therapy~~ it contains a silver colloid additive... very effective for preventing infection and for healing, not sure if it will help you but it's worth trying. You can google silver colloid and you'll get lots of info.. I make a liqiud solution using 3 9V batteries in series connected to 2 .999 fine silver rods immersed in distilled water 8oz for 45 minutes........ the electrolytic action makes a silver colloid solution.. The health food stores sell this stuff but it's kinda pricy..... check in a local pharmacy for ointment with sliver colloid. Best wishes.... keep us posted...
Norm. I developed a severe sensitivity to the POWDER in latex and nitrile gloves from wearing them so much at work, first as an art teacher in a Day Facility for adults with developmental delays then from working as a florist. TO the point where 3 years later I no longer wear gloves at all I still have skin issues on some of my fingers. What I get is a hard rough surface that cracks bleeds and is raw. Hurts like he!! too. I wear thin leather gardening gloves with UNPOWDERED Latex free gloves over the top of them. I also slather on lotion before putting on those gloves.

What I've got is a chronic condition that will never go away and a mild allergy to the powdered gloves, which I've been told is a precursor to a latex allergy.

I hope that you find something that addresses your problem or atleast makes it feel better.
Norm - maybe I missed it, but I thought your heart doctor or neurosurgeon or some unrelated doctor had the cure??

I can tell you this, when I was younger none of the solvents bugged me, but now they do. Big time. Brake cleaner just drives me nutso now.
Norm - maybe I missed it, but I thought your heart doctor or neurosurgeon or some unrelated doctor had the cure??

I can tell you this, when I was younger none of the solvents bugged me, but now they do. Big time. Brake cleaner just drives me nutso now.

the best brake cleaner there is is non chlorinated wearever from advance

I think it is an alcohaul based solvent
it is the mellowest Ive ever used
I cant tolerate anything else
26 years in automotive repair ......
take care

I had something simular years ago. I worked on cars a lot, and especially during the winter, my hands would dry out and crack really bad.

It was the constant cycle of washing parts with gasoline and using Dawn to wash-up afterwards. My knuckles would get so cracked they would bleed.

I tried everything just as you have and nothing did a damn thing but make my hands burn even worse...until Wondra...this stuff was great! It would truly rejuvenate your skin short order. As far as I know it's no longer available? If anyone knows where to get it please speak up it really works!

I think it was made by Procter & Gamble...maybe the Docs can do a little homework and find out what was in it.

I had a similar skin condition many years ago.
My son drove his 4x4 truck through an open cesspool.
Thinking it was a pond of water.
The shock must have been teeeeemendous!
When he tells of the screaming passengers in the bed of the truck.
He had the stereo and the ac on high when he hit the puddle of liquid.
He thought they were having fun and screaming for more.
He went through the puddle many times.
They were screaming all right "It's not mud It's not mud".

He even washed it with clorox and a pressure washer.

Several weeks later I worked on the truck I got the rash you describe on my hands.
It lasted a long time over four months ,until I realized I needed an antibiotic.

We finally got rid of the truck.

I would not discount the radioactive Chinese aluminum.
Ir has happened before with radioactive Mexican rebar.
my son had a rash of this sort on his hnds for about 2 years. they finally got it figured out. ill give him a call and ask what it was and how to get rid of it.