

New Member
So i recently put a motor on my cruiser bike.. But i guess i didnt tighten the chain enough with the tensioner so the chain came off while i was riding and got all binded up in my coaster brake and bent the chain all to ****. Ive been looking everywhere in town to find some but no one carries it. I took the chain off my moped because it was also 415 or whatever it said on the box of the kit chain. But it is different, its wider the links arent as long and it just doesnt work. I can go all the way back to where i bought it but i dont have time today and theyre closed on the weekends. Is there any other name for this stuff? Is it an industrial chain or something? Where can i get this stuff
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find a #41 chain and you'll be set, you can usually find those at Harbor Freight or a store like it. they have 10foot lengths for 10-15$
the chain can jump if the rear sprocket has imperfections on the teeth. Lil nubs that can be filed off. Just a thought.
If you have one of the thinner engine sprockets a BMX 1/8 inch chain will work. You can get those at the bike shop. Will probably need 2 to make it long enough.
Thats my problem, my engine sprocket isnt one of the thin ones. I dont think anyways...
I have 415 chain that i bought from the bike store for my moped but it is a bit wider and what not and the links arent long enough so it binds up
Thats my problem, my engine sprocket isnt one of the thin ones. I dont think anyways...
I have 415 chain that i bought from the bike store for my moped but it is a bit wider and what not and the links arent long enough so it binds up

Then #41 is the ticket, it is the same pitch, just wider.......
Don't know if W.W. Grainger sells in Canada or not but they're another source for industrial #41 chain.
As for your chain jumping off, make sure your alignment is good. The tensioner, if you're using one, must be aligned with your engine sprocket and the one on your rear wheel. Misalignment and too much, or too little tension can cause your chain problem. Also check that there is no binding in any of the links that keep the chain from tracking over the sprockets smoothly. I've seen a couple of those Chinese 415 chains that had a twist in them and rollers that didn't roll. Industrial grade #41 chain is the best way to go. It runs true and it won't stretch as readily as the kit chain. Good luck.
I'll echo 2door. Your chain stays (frame from cranks to rear axle)come back unparallel to the chain so ya gotta tweak it (the tensioner bracket) a little!

Kit chain is made from caramel & chewing gum.

I'm a big proponent of being a kit chain opponent! I have a track (bicycle) chain on my 2 stroke and it hasn't noticably stretched in 100ish miles. I'll buy a few front sprockets and face them off for 1/8" chain.

Feel free to pm me if your interested.