Very cool gonna be a great bike! I remember Kansas as being miles and miles of flat land?
Yeah I am guessing your prolly close to sea level anyway...... plus the oil ratio you are implying you are running 30 to one. Just put your mix in and run it. Then go to a good ''Synthetic''. Go from there. I will personally never run any of my Morini's at 100 to one..That's just me tho. Folks swear by Opti with there lower revving China's call me scared what ever. I am defiantly too scardy cat to do it.
Besides my Ju Ju is working perfect for me. I have had great luck with Amsoil Dominator @ 42 to 50 to one with no smoke signals save a very brief amount at warm up from cold after the choke was on. After that I got notta. .
Lately in the dead of winter here I have been running @ 50 to one in 8 degree weather. In summer 42. With a bigger 21mm PHBG carby Its just my personal JuJu. I run 91 octane as well..
Specs from M. USA..
Morini Franco USA
Morini Franco USA
All commercial motorcycles in general come tuned from the factory for sea level as carbs go so I have been consistently told.
Running at the likes of 100 to one makes for a thinner viscosity at the jetting for fuel to go through. Making a rich fuel air condition. Running the opposite like 20 to one will make the carb fuel air ratio leaner. Too lean in my opinion. There would be less fuel getting through the carb as it is thicker in its viscosity to go through the same jet... Unless of course jetting was changed to reflect such.
I am not so sure I would go and wish on ''any'' newbe to get into jetting on one of these PHBG carbs. lol.
Reading Manufacturer specs this motor is said/recommended to be run at 50 to one. Folks in the motocross world have run around prolly as low as 35 to one or so on these Morini's ? Just my round about fair educated guess.
Oil has come a long ways through the years.
Do a plug chop after a while to be on a clear piece of mind. Don't over think it keep it simple! The KISS principle!
Have fun and ride that bad Motor Shooter!!