200 kits in stock, With shipping to CALI, and new features!!

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My suggestion would be to stop using videos that automatically load up. Give me the option of deciding whether or not I want to see it.

Your site bogs my computer down so bad that I have to force quit just to get away from it.

I don't even know what all you have to offer because I can't get the page to load all the way!

hmmmm... I do all the videos, and website programming. Are you using an older computer? Slow internet connection?

What screen resolution is your monitor set to? I like to get feedback so I can improve the users website experience.
I watched the video, and I've read what you've posted.
Just offhand, I'd say you are pretty impressed with yourself.

Yes, I am with many aspects of my life- But with my website and motorized bicycle videos, we're just having fun. Nothing IMPRESSIVE about a couple guys grinning and going riding on motorbikes dude. Geez.
hahahah steve, you sure sound like a dunce. I sell about 150 engines per month.
Sometimes I sell so many so fast, I go out of stock.
Here's a couple weeks work, all profit baby.
What do I do for a living? - YouTube

I'm not impressed with my motorized bicycle riding; I'm best at superbike skills I've been perfecting for the last 10 years:

The mountain giberalter - YouTube
Flying up park ave, knee dragging Yamaha Yzf-R1 - YouTube
chesty testy R1 Final with music and coloring - YouTube

Or my skills as a visual effects compositor that made me all my money to get into importing goods:
The showreel of Digital artist Aydin Ozan - YouTube

It's nice you guys think I'm a kid, at least I age well. Truth be told I'm 27 in 2 weeks time.

When I first signed up here, I tried several times to get to be a paid site sponsor. No replies to my queries. Oh well, I don't violate any rules with my
posts, so I'll just continue to do as I please.

Bottom line is I help out every customer. I talk to newbies, and give advise, make good informational videos, and can always be reached day or night. I truly enjoy what service I'm providing, and it shows, as I'm always trying to get the best product to sell. You can see I've done my homework, as my stck motors are the fastest you can get. I've tried them all, and only sell the best.

Thanks for trying steve.

dude keep up the good work but take some constructive critisizm!i have no problem with you making some $ but PLEASE DONT RUIN IT FOR US ALL!
and 27 is a snot nosed kid to most of us! you could learn a thing or two if you close your mouth and open your ears.
hmmmm... I do all the videos, and website programming. Are you using an older computer? Slow internet connection?

What screen resolution is your monitor set to? I like to get feedback so I can improve the users website experience.

I'm running a MacBook Duo Core 2.2GH. Monitor resolution is 1280 x 800, and I'm on DSL.

I did download your videos, and watched them. I liked them, and thought they looked fun. Then again, you're talking to a guy that used to run a BSA bobber at over 145mph indicated with only a rear brake, so what do I know or care about safety!?!? LOL

Like I said, maybe you could set the videos up where your site visittors have a play button to click.
Just a suggestion.

Best wishes!
Well kid I've been watching you since you got here and I must say you have to be one of the poorest business men I ever met.
Yes I know, the buyers are lined up at the door a hour before you get there so they can get one before they sell out.

SAY WHAT???? WHY??? That's very simple. There are over 26,000 potential customers on this forum and Heaven only knows how many drift through just looking and it seems every time you post you insult every one of us.
You may be very surprised how little we care that you go fast on a motorcycle. We couldn't care less. Been there and done that 50 years ago. Got lots of scars doing it. Whooppee.

As the customers you could of had, we are not the least bit impressed.

And I'm sure you will have to answer this with a load of mouth because your self imposed image will tell you that you have to but at 68 I've heard and seen it all.

Impress us with quality service and a quality product, not how great you think you are. We will judge that for ourselves. OH darn, we did and you didn't look too good.


Sloweddie: You're not a potential customer. I know it and you know it. You're just a grumpy old man, intent on being rude because you don't like my youthful, fun riding video. Sorry, but I don't accept that. Mind your own business. I don't insult anybody who does not deserve to be called out on their crap. You sure sound like a pretentious know-it-all, unfortunately you are so off kilter it's pathetic and downright sad. God help me if I'm anything like you when I get to your age.

Darn kids!! arrrgg!!


PS my videos and products and satisfied customers DO SPEAK FOR THEM SELFS!
and 27 is a snot nosed kid to most of us! you could learn a thing or two if you close your mouth and open your ears.

Oh damn, them most of you are old decreped geezers?

99% of my customer base is under 30.

This has nothing to do with my thread. I wish you guys who are so old and wise and 'mature' would cut the crap, and STAY ON TOPIC.

I'm not closing my mouth, I've got things to say. Sorry you cant handle that. And I have ZERO intentions to listen to rude people. Bye.
I'm running a MacBook Duo Core 2.2GH. Monitor resolution is 1280 x 800, and I'm on DSL.

I did download your videos, and watched them. I liked them, and thought they looked fun. Then again, you're talking to a guy that used to run a BSA bobber at over 145mph indicated with only a rear brake, so what do I know or care about safety!?!? LOL

Like I said, maybe you could set the videos up where your site visittors have a play button to click.
Just a suggestion.

Best wishes!

Haha nice. Like brit bikes huh? Here's one of my Norton commando I build up into a cafe racer:

1972 Norton Commando: Start, rev, and WOT 1st-2nd - YouTube

Thats a nice computer.. I'm working on optimizing the site for fast loading, but out of the 40+ videos on the site, only the main page and the upgrades page have auto-plays.. So 2 videos total.

Thanks for the advise.
Well I sure pegged you right didn't I. Your twenty seven??? Act like it.
You sound like a 5 year old that was told no.

A 150 motors a week. Sure you do and when you wake up you must be upset the dream is over.

If my memory serves me correctly there was a customer of yours on here talking about your great customer skills and the wonderful back up that you didn't provided when he had a problem.
He seemed to be greatly under impressed with you and your back up. He was probably just a trouble maker wanting what you promised and wouldn't deliver.

Just have to hate customers like that.

Bottom line here is now 5 of us have to go out and buy bigger shovels to bury this steaming pile before the flies get to it.

OH, and you are very right, I'm not the sharpest cotton ball in the bag but I can see through this latest sh8t screen of yours with absolutely any trouble.

Sorry kid but it was constuctive criticism and 58 years of business knowledge even though I knew there was little chance of it getting through to you.

I have found out over the years that a weak man always covers his retreat with insults instead of logical arguments. Thank you for proving the theory so well once again.

i might have been a customer but your over priced crap i can do myself....porting and polishing...please..if anyone one here wants to know how to do it we will help its not that hard...his motor kits are not that great!you can get better service from other vendors on here.
hmmmm... I do all the videos, and website programming. Are you using an older computer? Slow internet connection?

What screen resolution is your monitor set to? I like to get feedback so I can improve the users website experience.

you dont take feedback....shaking head in disgust
Sorry kid but it was constuctive criticism and 58 years of business knowledge even though I knew there was little chance of it getting through to you.

I have found out over the years that a weak man always covers his retreat with insults instead of logical arguments. Thank you for proving the theory so well once again.


its not a theory any more is it steve??its a sad word we live in now :(no ethics...i'm not even sure this guy knows what that word means.
i love this forum...if it wasn't for the help i got here i might have given up on this.but i have learned alot from all of you and i thank you!the day i know everything is the day i die...i hope that day never comes..these kids these days are ruining it all at an incredible pace...we were not that smart when we were kids either but we had some respect and that makes a difference.

Dakota, I believe that he thinks ethics is a 4 letter word and it never passes his lips.

This is a truely fantastic site and I'm afraid that once again I may have caused our poor moderators to increase their intake of over 21 years of age beverages. I am sorry if this is the case.

Never was able to suffer fools easily. I've been thinking about his comment that I wasn't going to be a customer anyway so who cared what I thought.
How wrong he was.
Everyone is a customer. Even old guys like me. I'm sure he has impressed everyone here with his sales wisdom. Again.

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wow you guys are a bunch of pricks!
do any of you guys harass a car company for all of the car stunts they use in commercials?
it seems like he was telling you that he races a motorcycle to explain that he is capable of driving a bicycle.

you guys are doing some serous trolling of this guy.
i wouldn't be surprised if it includes some sock puppetry.
the poor guy has been raked over the coals before over some other bullsht reasons.
the slinking away is from the posters that make bull complaints.

i personally am probably not going to buy from them but not from any thing i have read on these forums. just preference.

it might even be the opposite. i may have to buy something from him to see how the whole experience goes.
for how much i need to spend, it would be a while though. ;-)
Go look at pirate cycles or sick bikes parts' website and compare. No one doubts your riding skills its others that you might sell to that we have to worry about. They think Hey the guy I bought this from can do so can I. BAM!!!! SMASH!!!! CRASH!!!! Lawsuit stricter laws passed and now there goes my bike. That's what happened in Canada.
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