200 kits in stock, With shipping to CALI, and new features!!

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Oh well, I don't violate any rules with my
posts, so I'll just continue to do as I please.

Actually you have. You may not like the criticism, may not agree with what folks have said & indeed, they could have said it more constructively - but the fact remains that you have resorted to degrading comments and personal insult again when confronted with member feedback...

...and this site is for our members, not just as an advertising platform for your "potential customers".

I am disappointed that folks didn't try harder to keep this discussion professional, but the fact remains you've been warned a number of times before about direct personal insults nidyanazo. As a result I'm closing this thread and temp banning you again to give you time to reevaluate your advertising technique.

As for everyone else, please consider the feedback and how you've offered it - was it really that constructive? Were there points that could have been made without such irrelevancies as age discrimination?

Rude and intolerant behavior is a rule violation regardless of where, who or why. http://motorbicycling.com/f21/please-read-these-simple-rules-2.html
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