Just four more members at this writing!
i want to personally thank all of you for making this site something to enjoy and be proud of
I think the strength of this site is focusing on what we enjoy. The motorized bikes. And that we don't get caught up in whats legal, or who's legal etc etc.... EPA this or EPA that or ratting out venders. I really look forward to logging on here every morning to see what is new or whatever.
That is why I'm here
Who do you love! The mods by force!!
Really this site is cool - just look at the low "mod interference rate". I will say this, by pure example or whatever, the mods have loosened upa bit over there.
I think the strength of this site is focusing on what we enjoy. The motorized bikes. And that we don't get caught up in whats legal, or who's legal etc etc.... EPA this or EPA that or ratting out venders. I really look forward to logging on here every morning to see what is new or whatever.
That is why I'm here