HF 98cc Predator a nice alternative to the 99cc

Can't argue with that. If they have a little less power than my 99cc, you're still talkin about a lotta power and torque for a bicycle.
Well,,, @ $55.36 You can't go wrong,, besides do you have one you can say you bought new for $55 Anyone,,, would you agree with that! .trk

Nope, didnt have time to drive all over Cincinnati to see who had the lowest price on eggs (good on you though).

Not to mention you are waaaaayyyyy more intelligent than me because I just realized I could have purchased eleven of those for what I payed for my last Morini engine.

From what I can tell though, it all kinda works out in the end, you'll have to drop $200-$300 for some sort of gear reduction/ torque convertor setup.

So back to my original question, when these Greyhounds are all gone will there be a reason to seek out one of these over the Predators?
LOL, fer one, I personally will be looking for spare parts soon.

They are really great engines and going for cheap now. Forget coupons, ask HF folks, they are trying to get em out of the store!
Does anyone know, If I print out that page from their site showing the discount, will they honor it if I walk in my local store?

OK Wayne, to answer your question......yes they will. I printed an internet order for the 212cc, 7hp Predator for $103.99 and the manager said no prob. :)

Can't argue with that. If they have a little less power than my 99cc, you're still talkin about a lotta power and torque for a bicycle.

"That's what I'm talking about" Thanks Wayne,,, Anyhow my original quest was to purchase a predator motor, but with this close-out deal it lets me put more money on other things for this build. So Cory151,, by this time next year I probably will by a 3.5 Predator motor. Hopefully they might be cheaper by then,,I'm not building a racer or have the need for super fast speed,,, This will be my first 4-stroke build, & what a low cost deal i found for that price. Thanks to this web-site & everyones help& suggestions,, this will be a great Fall / winter project for me! Ride safe,,, DOC.trk
are there any markings (other than the pull start cover) that say 99cc ???
some of us have a 48cc limit to be able to use these engines
are there any markings (other than the pull start cover) that say 99cc ???
some of us have a 48cc limit to be able to use these engines

No other markings besides the pull start cover. I peeled mine off and stuck it on my truck window to keep up with it. Want to get one made that looks the same but sez 49cc. Anybody got any ideas about where to get one made? I'd pay good bux for the convenience of easily obtaining one.
That's good. Can you make us some? The original sticker is on a metal foil type substrate, and the background has a tiny diamond plate look.

I wouldn't be inclined to make any actual stickers. One of the sponsors on this forum makes custom decals. Perhaps they could be persuaded to do a production run.
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I wouldn't be inclined to make any actual stickers. One of the sponsors on this forum makes custom decals. Perhaps they could be persuaded to do a production run.

Yeah, I could use a sticker for this new motor, I think it's 49cc......I removed the governor and the sticker just fell right off ;) Maybe it's 99cc....I forgot?

Hey Scotto, my sticker fell off too LOL. I noticed some small differences in our engines.
The gas tank mount lugs are larger and different on yours than mine.
Your spark plug boot has the long handle.
Your carb has a plastic choke lever and a gas cut off valve.

I guess a little inconsistancy is normal for stuff from China
Yeah, I could use a sticker for this new motor, I think it's 49cc......I removed the governor and the sticker just fell right off ;) Maybe it's 99cc....I forgot?


Is the disabling of the governor the same as on the old 79cc? Scotto?
Is the disabling of the governor the same as on the old 79cc? Scotto?

I'm pretty sure it will be, but still haven't seen the inside of a 99cc yet. This Predator (in these pics) is the next size up from the 99 and it's the same.

Hey cori151, Are those pictures from the predator 99cc? I just picked one up from HF on Friday and pulled it apart. Mine has a metal timing gear and my valve cover looks a bit different too. I wonder if there are different revisions of this engine?

I also have the 79cc and that one does have the plastic timming gear like in your picture.

I'm glad to hear that the timing gear is metal. That was the only thing that I thout was inferior about these engines. I have about 400 hard miles on my 99cc so far. Plenty powerful , I am pleased with it. Running 8.75-1 ratio and I havr no truible with steep long hills
But plastic is quieter and lighter.....and this Preds 212cc and is running fine so far, all of 10 minutes and up to 5210rpm on first start-up.

I'm glad to hear that the timing gear is metal. That was the only thing that I thout was inferior about these engines. I have about 400 hard miles on my 99cc so far. Plenty powerful , I am pleased with it. Running 8.75-1 ratio and I havr no truible with steep long hills
Does anyone know the height of these 98cc's. I am putting a HS 49cc into a Sportsman Flyer frame at the moment, but would like to upgrade to the Lifan and I need to know how much room to put between the lowest bar/tank and the motor mount I am welding in. Thanks.
Hi Scott, I read your post on the forum June 2010 about the Predator engine. I am a new EZ Motorbike Dealer in WA. I have built one EZ Motorbike Cruiser and it gets used everyday. Recently I have bought (3) 99cc Predator Engines and I am hoping to get one mated to a Qmatic can you guide me on this?


Stephen Brazil