A few tips on locking your bike.
When u go to a store, lock your bike to a non moving object like a lightpole, bike rack, bench, garbage can. Always use a good lock. When a thief sees your bike, the first thing hes gonna do is try to steal it. Lock it up in a well lit place. If there is nothing near the door of the store that your going into, lock your bike to a street sign in front of the store. Always make your chain have as little slack in it as possible. Wrap it around one of your downtubes on your bike. It'll take time for a thief to try to cut thru your chain if it has no slack. Be wary when u lock or unlock your bike. Some people are crazy enough to try to jump you and some succeed.
Lock it up and have a safe ride.
When u go to a store, lock your bike to a non moving object like a lightpole, bike rack, bench, garbage can. Always use a good lock. When a thief sees your bike, the first thing hes gonna do is try to steal it. Lock it up in a well lit place. If there is nothing near the door of the store that your going into, lock your bike to a street sign in front of the store. Always make your chain have as little slack in it as possible. Wrap it around one of your downtubes on your bike. It'll take time for a thief to try to cut thru your chain if it has no slack. Be wary when u lock or unlock your bike. Some people are crazy enough to try to jump you and some succeed.
Lock it up and have a safe ride.
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