The problem in the states is not political. It is not that China has a better "System". The problem is (and I will say this in the nicest possible way), far too many Americans are stinkin selfish, fat, wasteful, arrogent, slobs. I am 100% American, so I can say that without malice. What I am talking about is this;
I drive 100 miles a day for work (I do appliance repair). So, over the past two decades I have noticed a large number of vehicles that fit this description-----
One obese person behind the wheel of the biggest freakin vehicle he could possibly afford (most likely leased or financed because he really could not afford it) sitting in the drive-through lane at McD's with a $5 cup of Starbucks in his hand and a cigarette in his mouth, as well as a stupid Blue Tooth in his ear talking to someone on the phone about how slow the take out is taking. And this Moron is the reason our medical insurance rates are so high...
These people drive me insane and this is, at least to a certain extent, what many Americans are like. Obviously I state an extreme situation. But, you get the idea.
My point is, this is not political as much as idiological. We need to get people to stop being so freakin selfish and wasteful, and get them to realize there is more to life than gaining more stuff for yourself. Once that happens, people will realize we need other solutions. Until then, electric vehicles will remain merely weekend toys without any true impact on our society.