New Member
Well, it's about 80% complete. I need to install the throttle and muffler brace and then it's time for a test run. I'm new to building these marvel of cheap Chinese labor and have a few questions for you guys. I notice when I test fired it tonight that it seemed like the clutch was engaging at almost an idle. I'm not sure if that's due to the clutch being new or a result of poor workmanship? Secondly, the engine (4 cycle) really doesn't want to idle. If I flip the choke to half way, it idles better. THat cold be a result of the clutch attempting to engage too early or a mixture issues. I know that symptom usually indicates that the mixture is probably too lean, but I'm not sure if there's provisions on the carb to richen the mixture. On one of my photos, there's what appears to be a brass mixture screw near the front of the carb. I guess I'll have to play with it and see what it does. Also, it's doing the gearbox vent hole weep, and that I'll fix this weekend as well. I also had to cut and weld the muffler pipe so that it wold clear the frame and pedals. Finally, I place inner tube between the engine mounts and the rear chain idler. I thought I read somewhere on here that doing that is a bad idea.
I can see how these kits require upgrades and tweaking till they're dependable, but I must admit that I can't wait till I can ride it tomorrow!!