Advice for retailers.


New Member
When somebody sends you a quote request, answer them.

There are alot of dealers on the web right now, i have sent out a few emails asking for quotes on 2 kits.

I will buy 2 kits and seems like they could ship together to save me some frieght.

50cc 2 cycle engines with build kits does not seem like a hard order to fill.

So for I have had one retailer return msg me asking for more information and offering a complete built bike. A resonable price but I just want two basic starter kits.
Just a guess but they're probably making money on the shipping and don't want to deal for only 2 kit's. I've noticed the same thing happens on eBay a lot. They offer a low price for something and then mark the shipping up way higher then the actual cost.

Another thing to consider is there's probably not a lot of profit in these kits.
I am still buying two kits, and that retailer that tries to build a repoir with clients will be the one that get this ole country boys cash.

As much about customer relations as it is about the cheapest price. there or so many dealers around that the 5 I sent msg to should respond promptly I would assume.
Dan. I agree with you about business people returning you request for information. Asking for discount on shipping may be tough. Two boxes of the same size always cost twice as much as one. Kits come to the retailer in a box, go out in same, never having been opened for the most part. UPS charges by the size of box and weight. My GF and I buy and sell a lot of stuff on line. Only when we can put two or more loose articles in the same box can we save shipping for a seller. Even at Walmart, buy two and have them shipped, twice the shipping if shipping is being charged. Even if the shipping is "free", you paid for it. On e-bay you find the same article sold with and without shipping charges, cheaper/more charges, or more expensive/free shipping.
There also are venders advertising here that aren't retailers, but selling the product of their shop. I ran in to one yesterday. You can't buy the bike from him, you send him the bike or parts and he makes the modifications. It's OK. In these financial times, more and more people are making their living in a home shop and delivering fantastic work.
Goodluck with you search.
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perhaps i did not word the request well enough, this is what i sent out.

I am looking for two kits, 50cc or so. I will be making a pair of cruisers for the wife and I.
What would your out the door with the mail man price be shipped to (zipcode).

Not to spacific so seem like they could work with that. oh well.

I am not going to name names as I not wanting to stir chit up.

I will post my final dession when I buy the kits, kudos will go where they are deserved.
Im just wondering when everybody is going to figure out the middlemen that sell these engines are not interested in customer service/support. they are not the old mom and pop store around the corner... and I very seriously doubt they care much about "youre ole country boy cash", realistically there isn't enough of it involved in this transaction to raise an eyebrow. you are buying cheap Chinese engines, not awarding government contracts to Boeing. you can't barter with them... you usually can't even get get a refund or a return when something you ordered is broken or defective.

buy the engine at the advertised price or don't buy it at all because I really wouldn't hold my breath waiting for one of these guys to bend over backwards to make you a deal. if you want to save a couple of bucks.... wait for one of the vendors to offer a promo or sale.
Im just wondering when everybody is going to figure out the middlemen that sell these engines are not interested in customer service/support. they are not the old mom and pop store around the corner... and I very seriously doubt they care much about "youre ole country boy cash", realistically there isn't enough of it involved in this transaction to raise an eyebrow. you are buying cheap Chinese engines, not awarding government contracts to Boeing. you can't barter with them... you usually can't even get get a refund or a return when something you ordered is broken or defective.

buy the engine at the advertised price or don't buy it at all because I really wouldn't hold my breath waiting for one of these guys to bend over backwards to make you a deal. if you want to save a couple of bucks.... wait for one of the vendors to offer a promo or sale.

Everything in life is negotiable. It does no harm to ask.
I don't think giving a quote for two kits is bending over backwords.
I don't think an active contact is bending over backwords.
and It is my wallet so yeah I am going to be happy or i will not spend the cash.

I am not some 15 year old with momma's credit card, I own my on busness and do expect some service with a deal. Doesn't matter if it is $5 or $15k customer service is required.
the same retailer/vendors I am talking about have little ads on each side of the screen here.

I asked for a quote on 2 kits, ebay and amazon both have vendors that combine frieght orders. this is common practice.

When I buy auto and equipment parts shipping is combined

point, i am venting and offered up some advice to vendors. customer service goes a long way.

small fry maybe, but every small sale together makes for a sucessful busness.
the same retailer/vendors I am talking about have little ads on each side of the screen here.

I asked for a quote on 2 kits, ebay and amazon both have vendors that combine frieght orders. this is common practice.

When I buy auto and equipment parts shipping is combined

point, i am venting and offered up some advice to vendors. customer service goes a long way.

small fry maybe, but every small sale together makes for a sucessful busness.

You are right, and I agree with you. I buy lots of stuff online, I know all about combined shipping.

I'm just trying to tell you most of these vendors just don't care. The shipping is probably a profit center while gas is cheap so you are most likely not going to get a deal.

If you want a deal wait for a promo. If You are patient you can usually get them for around 119-139 shipped.
You are right, and I agree with you. I buy lots of stuff online, I know all about combined shipping.

I'm just trying to tell you most of these vendors just don't care. The shipping is probably a profit center while gas is cheap so you are most likely not going to get a deal.

If you want a deal wait for a promo. If You are patient you can usually get them for around 119-139 shipped.

Gas is cheap?
When it comes to shipping.. It does help with cost to combine shipping.. But not as much as you would think.. You may save 3 or 4 dollars to combine 2 engines kits into one box. That is about it. Also. The shipper now has a 50 pound box to carry instead of a 25 pounder. Some shippers may be reluctant to combine engine kits for that reason. To combine parts and lesser weights is more applicable since you are dealing with lesser weights and this is where you can save on shipping by combining parts into one shipment. But for Engines and engine kits.. Not so much. And it is a strain to carry 50lb boxes to boot. I hope this helps to understand why some shippers are reluctant to combine with heavy shipments.
When it comes to shipping.. It does help with cost to combine shipping.. But not as much as you would think.. You may save 3 or 4 dollars to combine 2 engines kits into one box. That is about it. Also. The shipper now has a 50 pound box to carry instead of a 25 pounder. Some shippers may be reluctant to combine engine kits for that reason. To combine parts and lesser weights is more applicable since you are dealing with lesser weights and this is where you can save on shipping by combining parts into one shipment. But for Engines and engine kits.. Not so much. And it is a strain to carry 50lb boxes to boot. I hope this helps to understand why some shippers are reluctant to combine with heavy shipments.

thanks for the explaination... it does help.
A 50 pound box is prolly subsequent to getting damaged during shipping a lot more easily than a 25 pound one. Then every one is upset.
It's no secret that most vendors make a profit on shipping costs. It's their decision how much to charge the customer. What bothers me is when I order something and absolutely know the shipping charges are way over cost. Here is a good example. I have a bicycle parts, accessories and repair business for almost 30 years. Last year i ordered a complete Worksman INB bicycle from my one distrubuter located in Texas. It was being shipped to Pa. The FEDEX shipping only cost me $36.00. I probably got that shipped to me at the exact cost to the vendor. Then I ordered a motor kit here on the east coast to be shipped to Pa. FEDEX shipping was $35.00 for a much smaller and lighter box. Not much to really do about it except to accept it and realize that particular vendor is making some extra profit on the shipping. Now the thing that does bother me is when you order 3 parts and each one has a specific shipping charge. Then the package arrives by USPS in a flat rate box in which everything that can be stuffed into it has one rate. To me, that is an example of overly excessive shipping charges. But, if I want the parts, I pay the price and no use complaining about it. Remember the word free is only a word. The meaning of free is pay me now, or pay me later. Nothing in life is free. So whatever the cost, I intend to keep building motor bikes and totally enjoying this great hobby.
It's no secret that most vendors make a profit on shipping costs. It's their decision how much to charge the customer. What bothers me is when I order something and absolutely know the shipping charges are way over cost. Here is a good example. I have a bicycle parts, accessories and repair business for almost 30 years. Last year i ordered a complete Worksman INB bicycle from my one distrubuter located in Texas. It was being shipped to Pa. The FEDEX shipping only cost me $36.00. I probably got that shipped to me at the exact cost to the vendor. Then I ordered a motor kit here on the east coast to be shipped to Pa. FEDEX shipping was $35.00 for a much smaller and lighter box. Not much to really do about it except to accept it and realize that particular vendor is making some extra profit on the shipping. Now the thing that does bother me is when you order 3 parts and each one has a specific shipping charge. Then the package arrives by USPS in a flat rate box in which everything that can be stuffed into it has one rate. To me, that is an example of overly excessive shipping charges. But, if I want the parts, I pay the price and no use complaining about it. Remember the word free is only a word. The meaning of free is pay me now, or pay me later. Nothing in life is free. So whatever the cost, I intend to keep building motor bikes and totally enjoying this great hobby.

But A nice deluxe Worksman bicycle easily weighs 25 pounds.