I got my old school '79 Motobecane moped running tonight, but can't get it to idle. Feels much like the MB with it's issues, but with reduced turning radius, increased weight, and full helmet required.... hmmm... soooooo, I can't cut in and out of rush-hour-cars on the main road, and I can't wear the styrofoam bicycle helmet with great ventilation.
Everything sucks. Suv gas prices, motorbikes, buses, mopeds, walking.. What's left?
Hold up, where was that last news snippet of personal jet-packs?
Seriously, I keep dreaming of motorbikes. If I ever get an insurance check from the guy in the pickup that plowed into the bus with my bike on the front rack, and whatever is left that my wife will let me have, I'd get a honda 50cc 4 stroke and MAKE it fit in a rear mount....because I keep daydreaming of the that...freedom... that love that kicked my butt because I wasn't good enough......