Anybody else burnt out on motorbikes?

I will NEVER tire of riding my motor bikes and this is why.

When scooters and motorcycles accelerate by me showing me they are supreme I just smile and wave.
When other bicyclists particularly roadies zoom by me with their 2 thousand dollar lightweight and their spandex clothing I just smile and wave.
When SUV's creep behind and I wave them on when they wave back in appreciation as they pass me I just smile and wave.
But when my ride is finished,I don't smile and wave.
I just smile and say "You know what? Life rules,man. Life rules."
My life is not the same without my bikes.
Really. It's not.
I will NEVER tire of riding my motor bikes and this is why.

When scooters and motorcycles accelerate by me showing me they are supreme I just smile and wave.
When other bicyclists particularly roadies zoom by me with their 2 thousand dollar lightweight and their spandex clothing I just smile and wave.
When SUV's creep behind and I wave them on when they wave back in appreciation as they pass me I just smile and wave.
But when my ride is finished,I don't smile and wave.
I just smile and say "You know what? Life rules,man. Life rules."
My life is not the same without my bikes.
Really. It's not.
Very well put. Thanks LF. Brightened my day.:bike2:
Congradulations , you have just given me a peek at whats in my future . I have already shared those same thoughts about when the thrills of the assembally and the first ride , starts to subside . And what I have left is another dust collecter in my garage . I had the same experience with a antique Harley I restored and rode for 28 years . I still think about it even though it was sold 5 years ago . After you pass 55 yrs. , is the thrill factor reduced to a fraction of what it used to be in the early days ? Maybe I just need a government bailout to help me through my midlife crisis .
I usually sell something before it becomes a dust collector, makes funds available for the next item of interest.

I have sold four bikes, but I always end up building another.
when I built this beast I had selling it in mind after I rode it for awhile . However I thought a Model A Ford would be kind of fun to own and tinker with .
Keep the bike for when you need a break from the model A.

In fact, keep the bike for when you need a break from like magic.
Hi All
Just received my first engine... They could use a lesson in packing! I guess the bent motor mounts are the worst. Wah Wah Wah, I have to get my tools out! Hey; you'ld cry too if you were a carpenter trying this for the first time. Hail to all wrenchers!!
This is a good thread. I did get burned out. I was out riding my 70cc happy times when it was 103 degrees outside, the heat from the pavement was worse than the air. After about 15 miles, my most dependable bike just turned off and I had to pedal about 1 mile back to the park where my car and trailer were. Bike has sat quietly in the garage since then. I got an above ground pool and the kids and I lived in it until the heat wave broke. I ride my Titan from time to time but broke one of the clutch springs last weekend. Now that I don't have a working bike, I want one.
It also seems the older my kids get, the busier I get and have less time for me stuff. When they go visit their mom for a saturday all I want to do is sleep.
When I remember my wife she said lazy bones let's go riding. 3:am or 4 in the afternoon.
Cancer took her but I still have the gift of riding and helping some wonderfull people.
You can't hug your wife, or cherish your friends too much!!! Back to love, I'm building a new bike. (c)
Tramp, you are one of the best folks among some great folks. I am terribly sorry to hear about your wife.

Can't wait to see pics of the new build.

I Just fond platform bike to start my answer to the HT kit, although competing with the Chingurl just seems wrong. (LOL, bet thats gonna confuse folks)