I'm retiring

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New Member
Dec 9, 2010
Melbourne, AUS
Just thought I'd announce my retirement of any input I make on this forum, other than chatting in threads such as these.

I have been requested that I no longer give advice as my own personal experiences have been deemed erroneous, misguided, and down right wrong; I'm amazed I'm still alive at this point.

I have personally extended this request to not participate in discussions also as any questions I may have which are based on an initial theory whether correct or incorrect, I don't want to post it to learn in such a way to ensure it does not give another user any possible incorrect ideas of a situation to prevent any possible problems.

Therefore, I will be a bystander and observe and learn what I can from reading and observing.

I've always wanted to retire early, didn't think I would have retired from anything this early; the joys of life. :)



New Member
May 5, 2010
Therefore, I will be a bystander and observe and learn what I can from reading and observing.
We never stop learning and this forum is a great place
to get educated in motoredbikes of many genre, the
more you read and study the more qualified you will
be to answer questions in the future as, perhaps?
others have done for you in the past. Forums are
the source of both good and bad information, it is
up to the member/reader to separate the good from
the bad which, sometimes isn't easy to do at times
due to so many opinions on so many subjects
that can easily be be mistaken by the reader as fact.

All the best :)



New Member
Dec 9, 2010
Melbourne, AUS
Hi KiM,

It's true that there can be good and bad information and we need to decide for ourselves, or if another has a definite answer to let us know, which is the good and which is the bad.

So yes, I will be learning on the side line now.

But the issue at hand is simply that we all have opinions, in most sense, they are correct because at the end of the day, we all have different experiences and have different solutions to various problems. Some symptoms can be caused by different problems, and just because I name one possibility (keyword, possibility as I never say it definitely is unlike others who end up getting it wrong still) which wasn't the right one, doesn't mean my experience and information was invalid because that very possibility could be a problem someone else was having.
Now, because someone else has had the answer, they receive the praise and I receive the slap in the face for giving a wrong suggestion which I didn't even say was the definite, only a possibility from what I have experienced.

That is the issue at hand; whether I am correct or not, I have simply been deemed by the higher authorities that my experiences are absolute trash without regards to the fact I may have been correct or that information may not have applied to that circumstance, but possibly help another.
I don't even get a 'not the right solution, but great information for other users', I get a 'you're an idiot'.

Which is why I was requested to no longer give any advice; which I'm fine with - It's for the greater good right?

But based on their reasons of whatever I say is incorrect and "downright wrong", this is why I will also not post questions to avoid having the problem where a user may read a theory I have to a problem and ask the question about it, because if they think that theory is plausible and decide to try it because that's how we learn, and it not resolving the problem, not only do I get a slap in the face for expressing my opinion of a possibility, but a kick in the bum because the user may have possibly taken my 'bad' information as plausible fact which is considered "detrimental" by the higher up; it's my fault they consider my theory and question to better understand something as a plausible fact and to find out for themselves.

If this gives you a better idea of what's going on, a user posted a problem, no specifics mentioned. I made the assumption of the circumstance and provided an answer based on my experience; my assumption has a ground basis from what little he did post. I then make note that I could be wrong as the problem could be something else. But to determine if mine was it or not, to try this method first.

I made it very clear that my solution is dependent on a specific condition which the user had not mentioned so I asked about it also.

What I receive from it is my post removed and a slap in the face and warned to no longer provide help to people.

Tie that into what I said earlier:

I asked a question to determine the situation - Sorry but you're getting and giving the wrong ideas - Which is why I won't ask questions any longer.

I provide a solution given that the situation meets a certain criteria - Sorry but your information was completely wrong, no use at all for anyone - Which is why I have been requested to stop giving advice

Yet the irony is that I asked questions to better understand the situation, the other users in all their wisdom said that my experience is a load of crock and said that the problem is exactly whatever it is that they say it is.
There is no way to know of the exact problem as the user did not post any specific details and you can argue it sounds like this is the problem, I can argue the same also.
But of course, they're correct, not me.

Anyways, again... /rant

Yeah... I'm just steaming a bit...

But KiM, you are right, and I can still learn a lot just by reading which is what I've been doing.

Oh well, just have to wait for the 'all clear' sign to give advice again which I don't know how it will be determined given that I am not allowed to do anything to show my level of understanding on these motors.

Oh the irony and joys of life. :)
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New Member
Aug 13, 2010
Saint Augustine, FL
Not knowing both sides of this issue I can't really address any of it. Sometimes people in charge of a forum, mods and admins, get kind of full of themselves. This may or may not be the case. I don't know. If it is your SOL. Just do as you say you are going to do. Read and make no comments. Just don't leave the forum. Good luck to you!



New Member
Dec 9, 2010
Melbourne, AUS
I'm going to have to ask you to refrain from offering advice on repairs and troubleshooting. I've monitored your posts for a while now and I consistantly see erroneous information and some of it is just downright wrong.
We strive to offer assistance to new comers and to reduce the frustrations with a motorized bicycle build. Your often misguided advice is not consistant with that goal.
You might have noticed that several of your answers have been deleted. This is because we, the staff of motorbicycling.com have determned that your advice was detrimental to the person asking the question.
Until such time as you have acquired a little more experience with building and troubleshooting I respectively ask that you not offer advice on this forum.
There's more in what he was directly referring to for one example, but I'll leave it at it is; as they say, "Don't shoot the messenger" - Even if he is part of it all.

As I mentioned earlier, I asked a question to clarify the situation, provided a possible answer as no information had been given at that time and cautioned only to follow that advice if his problem checks in with what I'm assuming it is, explained to him also.
I made no reference that I was correct, until the person who PM'd me who seems to have a clear idea without the OP saying what the exact issue at hand was; unless the person was PM'd by the OP which is a very odd scenario but possible.

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New Member
Dec 9, 2010
Melbourne, AUS
I can easily whip out the thread which this all started in, and who knows what other thread's they've considered me detrimental, but mainly in the tavern just to vent a bit; it's what its for right? :p


New Member
May 5, 2010
What I receive from it is my post removed and a slap in the face and warned to no longer provide help to people.

I hear you there, i had 4-5 of my posts deleted on the weekend by one of the 'mods' i wasn't even offering advice but asking a question, to top it off, i wasn't even given the common courtesy of being told why they were deleted until the 3rd time when i received a long winded pm telling me how inexperienced i was at ICE bikes how he came to this conclusion is beyond me considering i rarely offer advice on this forum i'm here to promote e-bikes, i have though, been around racing MX bikes since i was 3 (41 now) working rebuilding and modfiying them, so the 'Mod' in question had no grounds for whatsoever, i was finally told in no uncertain terms to shut up or your gone...to this day i still haven't been told what forum rule my post broke...likely because it didn't break any, justmade the seller and sponsor of this forum uncomfortable... A shining light on the whole incident was my correspondence with the owner of this forum Paul (nice bloke FYI) I explained to him some issues with the moderating here, hopefully he takes it on board .. I would suggest contacting him directly and voicing your concerns, he was extremely helpful once i had explained my side of the 'story' and said he would be looking into how things are being run when some personal issues have been resolved and he has more personal time to look in here.

It's meant to be a public forum, you should be allowed to speak freely as long as you follow the forum rules you agreed to before signing up... unfortunately bitsnpieces this is just another example to show this isn't the case...You sound like you have been doing things right, informing people your posts are your observations and opinions and shouldn't be taken as fact, this is always important, i often use the abbreviations IMO i.e In My Opnion so readers can distinguish when i am offering personal experience advice rather than factual information. Perhaps this is something you could put into play in the future buddy, make it clear so there's no misgivings as to where your coming from.

Sometimes people in charge of a forum, mods and admins, get kind of full of themselves.
Unfortunately this is sometimes the case, we also must remember that the admins are only human and can't always get things right, no matter what decisions they make not everyone is going to be pleased all the time it's just how things go. I have been an admin/moderator on 3 forums alot larger than this one over the last 10 years its a tireless thankless unpaid job, for the most part the staff here do a satisfactory job IMO.


p.s SOL= Sh*t Out Luck i believe?


New Member
Dec 9, 2010
Melbourne, AUS
I generally don't use abbreviations, only once in a while where I feel a bit lazy I would use them, other than LOL, since I use that too often to type all the time... LOL
Guess I should type IMO more often than just "I believe" or "I think" or "my opinion", etc; IMO stands out much more...

I can understand being a moderator is a very tough job as there is a lot to moderate, but some courtesy would be nice. But that being said, under all the workload, I guess they can sometimes forget.

In my reply to the mod who PM'd me, I expressed my dissatisfaction but still did state at the end that I can still respect them for the fact that they do obviously know more than I do, they were simply just very rude about it...

Anyways, thanks KiM, and I think you're right on the SOL bit... Looking back at Fulltimer's post, it makes sense. I'll probably check Google later to give me a definitive too. :p
Oh, and I am thinking about e-bikes a bit more now, given the rumors of possible price hikes in fuel... Just need to save up some money first... >_>
I'll get back to you when I have money... LOL


Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
I could easily delete this thread but that would serve no useful purpose. One respondent said he'd delay opinion until he heard both sides. So here's mine:

The intent, indeed the focus of this forum is to promote the hobby/sport of motorized bicycles. This forum was established to offer the builder a place to get and recieve help and advice with the project of installing a motor on a bike...hopefully ending in a successful build; one that can be riden and enjoyed without the frustrations of the many things that can go wrong. We strive to see to it that when questions are asked that the right answers are given. Everyone is guilty of misdiagnosing a problem on occasion. We've all read a question and offered advice only to find that the problem was not what we interpreted it to be. No problem...it happens.

Nevertheless when a member continously posts answers to questions that can obviously cause the questioner more work, and in some cases, expensive damage to his engine/bike/parts the staff (moderators) are required to step in and right those wrongs.

As stated above, the reason this forum exists is to promote the hobby. By promote I mean to give the builder, especially the first time builder and those with limited mechanical skills guidance toward the goal of building a dependable, trouble free and fun project. When erroneous advice is offered that in our opinion will not help but could possibly complicate the situation, we delete that advice. This isn't the first time this has happened nor will it be the last. With five moderators and the owner watching the activity on this forum every post is seen and evaluated for content. Eliminating spam is our biggest challenge but there are the arguments that occasionally crop up as well as political and religious debates...then there are those times when we must do away with bad advice. As I said, this isn't the first time but the OP of this thread is just more vocal about his situation.

Nobody likes criticism. Some take it better than others, some will not tolerate it at all. That is a fact I have no control over. When criticism is warranted it will be given. If the tone of my private message to the OP seemed harsh...so be it. I will not make apologies for my style.
I will tell the gentleman in question that he is more than welcome to ask questions here, comment on answers given and offer his advice when he knows it to be sound. My belief is that at some point he will become a valued member and contributor. Experience is a great teacher.



New Member
Dec 9, 2010
Melbourne, AUS
Hi Tom,

I understand all that, but you miss my point; I don't believe it is fair to be accused to purposely giving detrimental advice when I wasn't.
I always try to avoid giving any advice like it is the definite answer, I always try to think of other possibilities because I try to get a grasp of the picture and understand better.

Here's the post thread this problem started with:

My throttle does not wokr and i dont understand why i have tried to take it apart but that didnt elp.

I built my bike last week and I tested it today and The carb worked but i didnt have any control of the speed at all I was wondering if any body could post a step by step picture assembly of a carburetor thanks. Or just explain how to do it. Any help is appreciated thanks.

Well the throttle turns but it doesnt change anything it seems as if the valve is open all the way
Of my experiences, bad spring, wrong assembly, the brass cylinder too big.

I asked if his throttle was pre-assembled or not because the OP does not specifically mention that. His initial post says it doesn't work, then he takes it apart. So my presumption was it was pre-assembled.
But that's not definite.
Yes, there's a chance didn't put it back together properly, or he had to assemble it initially and did it incorrectly. I made mentioned of this. But my assumption was the assembly was already done as my first kit did, and the idea he could fit it in to begin with, I was hoping it was so.
But I asked to clarify that because I did not have the parts or instructions in front of me so I didn't want to post advice on assembling the thing until I did, because I don't remember everything little detail 100%.

I mentioned the possibility everything was fine but the spring was bad, didn't have the strength to push back. These are China quality products after all, and even if not so, you never know when you might just get a bad part accidentally.

My experience with my first engine kit was that the brass cylinder was too big. Everything was assembled correctly, but I had to forcefully force down the cylinder to get it down. A simple twist of the throttle wasn't enough force to do it, so I called the vendor and they said that I needed to sand it down to size. The glossing or whatever his excuse was said that it would have caused it to be too big sometimes and just needed a bit of tender care.
I did and everything worked fine.
So based on the assumption that it was pre-assembled, this could have been the problem.

You have to remember, one symptom could be caused by a number of different factors, not just one.

I mentioned the cylinder being too big as a possibility. I then asked the OP, he can check to see if this was the problem simply inserting the cylinder and see how it feels. If it wasn't, then it could be the other two, most likely incorrect assembly.
He may have inserted it forcefully the first time, but thought it was fine like that.
Maybe it wasn't just the throttle that came pre-assembled, maybe the whole carburetor was connected to it already.
I've had two experiences with that, again, first kit 100% assembled, 2nd kit, I had to take the throttle cable out of the carb, assemble it, put it back into the carb.

He's taking it apart to figure out what it is either way, better to try something which only takes a minute, than to sit there for 10 minutes figuring out the assembly procedure while waiting for a detailed description on how to assemble it.
And if it was that simple sanding required, done. 1 minute to find out, however long it takes to resolve.

I merely posted possibilities, an experience, and questions to get more details of the situation.

I don't see how I was being detrimental to the OP, unless he was too lazy to read my posts and only read 'sand it down' and would go and do that.

Even if it wasn't the solution for that time, the fact is, it was still a problem that occurred, and could occur to anyone, even on a rare basis.

I didn't even get the courtesy of a pat on the shoulder for trying to help and that the information could be useful to someone next time, and that I was simply trying to learn.

No, somehow, all anyone apparently read was that I said "Sand Those Parts Down, You Must!" which is nowhere close unless you did not read my posts to begin with.

Maybe I should use more abbreviations like IMO as KiM suggests as that's 'easier' to read, or maybe me posting questions and experiences is detrimental to everyone. If so, I'm sorry.

I'm happy for you to bring up any other advice I may have tried to give that are detrimental to users and their kits.

Besides, what's wrong with being vocal about it? It's just I personally found it contradictory to what you say:
2door said:
Everyone is guilty of misdiagnosing a problem on occasion. We've all read a question and offered advice only to find that the problem was not what we interpreted it to be. No problem...it happens.
Oh, so it's okay if you guys get it wrong, but if I get it wrong, I was being cynical and wanted that poor biker to fail and possibly be injured; does this really make sense to you? Does it?

From what I see, I've followed what this forum is about, open discussion, expressing views in discussions, providing advice.
And I'm sure you can see that if there is something I'm not 100% sure of, I will state it, I will not make my experience the definitive solution. Even if my solution was the correct answer, I will still mention that I could be wrong.
Oh right, it seems you didn't read my entire post and only saw my destructive behavior to sand away at his carburetor. And mind you, this isn't the first time various people did not read my entire post.

And honestly, I really only posted this thread up because I enjoy a discussion, writing (as you can see through my big posts...), but for this sake, I just had nothing else to do for the day; your PM just bugged me.
I really couldn't care much if you guys consider me some menace, it's not the first time I've been "misdiagnosed" and it's not a big deal to me. Even if I'm not there to try and help, there's others. End of the day, I can still learn by reading posts and such, I'm all happy for that.

Just not happy that as moderators and/or administrators, people I looked up to and respected because you guys have helped me before and I've also seen you guys help others, that you could turn around, give me a slap in the face just because I'm a new member, and get away with it.
That to me is like the police abusing their authorities and is not something I personally like, abusing one's authority.
Of course, that's just opinion, just how I feel; wait, IMO, it feels like that's what happened to me.

Forgot my IMO, my bad. Hope that makes it stand out a little more amongst my post.

P.S. Yes I'm being a little more cynical about this because I'm bored... We all need a bit of drama to excite out lives right? Like I said, we are in the tavern after all; what do you think happens in a tavern/pub/bar? :p


New Member
May 5, 2010
Wow starting to sound like THAT OTHER SITE around here?
Certainly is, and we know what members have been doing in droves over there....leaving. Keep up this heavy handed moderating and the same will happen here... Keep up the good work Tom :-S

It's not a moderators job pick and choose what advice too keep, member's will quickly jump on incorrect answers. Moderators job is to ensure people stay within the rules of the forum, offering ones opion while not always correct doesn't break forum rules.

Thankfully for me anywayz, this forum is one i don't spend a great deal of time on anymore, Endless Sphere is a dedicated e-bike forum, i spend most of my online forum time there so in the grand scheme of things it matters little how motorbicycling is run, from the time i been here though how it has been run has deteriorated IMO.



New Member
Oct 9, 2010
I agree and have stayed out of this but as I have been here I have had a few posts removed and really no reason as to why so I am with you on this bits and kim I have been posting less and if that is there goal then I think lots of people will quit posting here to I been here long time and after lots of reading and learning then I started posting


New Member
Aug 7, 2010
I agree and have stayed out of this but as I have been here I have had a few posts removed and really no reason as to why so I am with you on this bits and kim I have been posting less and if that is there goal then I think lots of people will quit posting here to I been here long time and after lots of reading and learning then I started posting
I can not understand that. Here is something that might help.

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