I'm retiring

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Well maybe now that its been posted they dont want to seem too hard on the guy? Ever think of that? You rethink your reply. Funny how you Texans love to tell people what to do! (not) After the Texan in the White House Iam getting real tiered of Texans telling us what to do.

? Wow......kind of racist there oldtimer. (I never told him what to do. I even said please after the request.)

But you apparantly know everything about me.........so I have nothing to add.

Enjoy your solution to the Texan in the whitehouse.
Oppps sorry I jest didnt know you Texans where another race? But now that you point out the fact it all begins to make sense. Oh why didnt I see this before its all sooo clear now?! The wars the lies the TEXASSASSINS! No wonder your gov keeps talking about leaving the union!! I get it now!! WOW!
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